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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 Pick Out Fresh Christmas Tree Why not be sure you get a fresh Christmas tree this year? By using the “needle test,” you can check the freshness of a tree yt>urself. Just give it a good shake, then see how many needles fall off. A fresh tree doesn’t lose many needles, explains Harvey Tate, ex tension horticulturist at the Uni versity of Arizona. 4T Feel the needles along the branches. If the tree is old and dry, these have a stiff, prickly feeling. Another guide is how the branches look. If they are open and drooping down from the trunk of the tree, you know the tree isn’t too fresh. If you buy a tree a few days before decorating it, store it in a cool, shaded place. Stand the tree in a bucket of water. And, if you store the tree outside, wet it good with the hose. This helps to it fresh for a day or two. vVhen ready to set the tree up, saw off about one inch of the butt. Then, whittle off several four-inch strips of bark lengthwise just above the new cut. This opens wood pores, so the tree can take water. According to the size of the tree, stand it in a one to two and a half gallon, watertight container. Then brace it well with brick bats, rocks or pieces of wood. Fin ish filling the bucket with sand, poking it well. Wet the sand thoroughly, and your tree will stay fresh for about five or six days without rewatering. Soak cut boughs overnight in a tub of water before using them for making wreaths and other decora tions. They’ll last longer. As many as 400,000 cases of pel lagra (diet deficiency) have been reported in one year in U. S. mostly from southern states. WHERE YOU SAVE ! < BOB'S MODERN FOOD MARKET we Givt | Free Parking Free Delivery DOUBIE STAMPS ROYAL STAMPS 1701 SOUTH 15TH AVE AT COCOPAH on Wednesday CHOICE MEAT DEPT. BACON ENDS 2 lbs. 25c SALTED PORK “77‘ ARMOUR STAR BOLOGNA a29_ c CUDAHY'S WICKLOW SLICED BACON 3 Lbs. 100I 00 Hfib 5 * BIG LIFT— It took the largest crane in Arizona to lift a 7,500 pound piece of elevator equipment to the top of the Val ley National Bank's Security Building in downtown Phoe nix. Traffic had to be re-routed as the equipment was hoisted over a parapet 135 feet from the street. It's all part of a new $125,000 auto-tronic elevator installation ordered by the bank for the convenience of its customers. CAMP FIRE PORK 8 BEANS STRONG HEART DOG FOODS Can | Q C CIRCLE K POTTED MEAT Can . C C MORRELL PURC LARD Lb. l j ARIZONA SUN 111 . ' i -ii . . i ■ ■ 1 . " *" CAMP FIRE CUT GREEN BEANS MOUNTAIN PASS Tomato Sauce Can . C BLUHILL OL E O HUNT'S CHILI BEANS NO. 300 CAN 2 Cans 25c 1 % . . ? . Arizona Package Liquor Dealers Seek Supreme Court to Stop Sales in Taverns A test suit by Arizona’s package liquor dealers, seek ing to stop bars from selling package liquors in store like quarters under the same roof as the bars, will be appealed to the state supreme court. The suit has been dismissed by Superior Judge War- ren L. McCarthy of Maricopa County Superior Court. An injunction was sought by the dealers, with three other parties, against the Blue Door, a Series 6 license holder. The package deal ers contended the bar was setting up what amounts to package sales operation. Judge McCarthy said a 1955 amendment to the liquor code de fining “on-sale retailer” gives them authority to sell goods for consumption off the premises, as well as on. The only limitation, he said, is that it be sold from the same estab lishment. The bars, package departments to stop the Blue Door from selling package goods over the bar, as has been the custom in the past, but from selling from a special pack age section, to which there was an outside entrance. Judge McCarthy said the prob lem is one for the legislature to solve, if the package dealers wish to seek that avenue. Charles Schu macher, president of the associa tion, said that decision has not yet been reached. He pointed out that jpackage dealers, with a Series 9 license, can sell for consumption only off their premises. The bas, package departments can sell for consumption on their premises, but the package liquor dealers do not have that right. In effect, the 1955 change in the law creates more than 500 new package liquor stores if Arizona’s bars follow the example of the few which have taken advantage of the altered statute, he contends. Q. What can I do to prevent freckles? A. Certainly, an attractive wo man loses none of her charm by reason of a light sprinkling of freckles. Nothing can be done to prevent these, except staying out of the sun, so it is best to be phil osophical about them. i __ , I wkm * Ik *2l HI COLORADO FARMER William L. Shaffer has been named Rural Consultant to Federal Civil De fense Administrator Val Peterson. Citrus Fights "Common Cold" Attacking the common cold with a citrus derivative is the ambitious project recently launched by two Chandler scientists. Details of the new preparation— called “Citrasorb” —are contained in the current issue of the Agricul tural News Digest distributed monthly by the Valley National Bank’s agricultural and livestock loan department. Use of hesperin to heal bruises in humans, and “Citrus Vitamin P” to combat viral infections in live stock are among some of the new uses of citrus products reported by the publication. —| PRODUCE DEPT. WHITE POTATOES 5 Lbs. 19c GREEN ONIONS c 3c Bun.. 1 GREENS TURNIP, MUSTARD and COLLARD Bun.. ICE COLD BEER & WINES PAGE FIVE