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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1956 Social and Club A^ai'ii Call your news into the office before Wednesday, 5 p.m. Phone ALpine 3-36P2 AKA'S BALL TO SPARK MARCH ENTERTAINMENTS Delta Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority hav eannounced a Reina-de-la- Noche Ball in honor of the dele gates of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sor ority Far Western Regional Con ference. The Ball will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Saturday, March 24. CELEBRIS IN ATTENDANCE AT SURPRISE PARTY Mrs .Sam Williams gave a sur prise birthday party for her hus band at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Granville L. Mcßroom, 915 S. 7th. Ave. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Mc- Broom served a delicious buffet supper. Among the guests in the LADY EBONEE Szautu de.nte.% "A satisfied customer is the HEAD of Our Business” 1205 West Buckeye ALpine 2-2642 Operators: Johnnie M. Ward Maple L. Pratt STEWING ABOUT MONEY PROBLEMS? During the past 3 years we have PH \ fil P IM \ f averaged more than 100,000 instalment loans a year, for every conceivable purpose, mw RESOURCES *997 MILLION 38 CONVENIENT OFFICES MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION gaily decorated rumpus room were celebrated baseball heroes now in spring training here and in Mesa. The New York Giants represented by Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mays, Bill White, Hank Thompson, Ruben Gomez. From the Chicago Cubs were Sam Jones, Monty Irvin, Gene Baker and Solly Drake. Also present were Kelly of the Balti more* Orioles, Harry Redes of New York, Wallace of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Miami, Florida. o Jolly Twenty Club Mr. and Mrs. Walter Venerable sweethearts of the Jolly Twenty Club, entertained their fellow members with a dinner following a meeting at their home, 2104 E. Corona. The next meeting will be at the home of Napoleon Gardner at 4418 S. 19th St. Andrew Nelson, reporter o Valley Visitors Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Brown of Chicago, Illinois, have been visit ing the Valley of the Sun for the past five weeks. Because of their enjoyment of Phoenix, they shall remain several more weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James C .Bruce g 342 W. yi&sh ington. Mr. Brown is connected with the Continental Casket Co. of Chicago. ARIZONA SUN PUNCTUALITY I leave the dinner dishes And f.ho kitchen is a mess. The master has his coat on, But I’ve just begun to dress. T hear him race the motor, Though mv polish isn’t dry; And nf course. I tear a nvlon As the precious minutes fly. Once in the car, I fumble At the pin curls in my hair. My comb is in another bag; My earrings aren’t a pair, wp’ru breathless as we enter Precisely on the hour. (Our hostess has no Unstick on, Our host is in the shower !D —Joan Truitt o CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED; POSITIONS OPEN The Board of U. S. Civil Serv ice Examiners at the Veterans Administration Hospital, 7th St. and, Indian School Road, Phoe nix, has announced that appli cations for positions of Medical Technician (General) GS-3, at $3175 per year and GS-5, $3670 per year, are now being accep ted. These applications are be ing accepted to establish a list of qualified applicants to fill vacancies in these positions as they- occur. Further information may be secured from the Board of Civil Service Examiners at the Veterns Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona. Applications will be ac cepted until further notice. o Some people sit and think. Others just sit. ffcfe Cawem Quum pjjiiißth-.,, . i nil 1 ill i :>&■: i* ■w' " w. £ i€ *«&£•>! g£p/v - x ■:•: vklxV.-. Jiiir+.i Thr setting sun offered just the right illumination lot rapturing this * fisherman in silhouette. * I Silhouettes—lnteresting Outdoors or In Silhouettes are pictures that are fun to take once in a while— whether you do them indoors or out. They aren t anything one would substitute for the usual snapshots of favorite people, but they are a nice change of pace the variety that adds spice to our pictures The principle is a simple one indeed. It’s merely a matter of placing the subject squarely be tween the light and the camera Obviously, this isn’t going to work outdoors on a bright sunny day It would simply g’ve you a back-lighted picture So. for out door silhouettes, it is a matter ot getting up early or doing youi picture taking late m the lay The sun should be low in either the east or west to produce the desired effect. Indoors, a white sheet, a dark ened room, your subject posed in profile, and a short time exposure Capsule Quotes A convention of Republican Women heard these words Tues day by President Eisenhower: "If a political party does not have its foundation in deter mination to advance a cause that is right, then it is not a political party, it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” The Bi-Racial Southern Reg ional Council in a letter to state chamber of commerce presidents in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and Virginia, wrote: “Reasonable men and women in the South are disturbed by the extremist views which now dom inate the public life of our reg ion. Yet these people of good will are all but voiceless and power less in the emotional climate which prevails. Unless this trend is reversed, the South faces the prospect of grave economic and cultural damage.” "The eyes of the world are upon the United States,” warned Bishop Hamlett, at the Winter Council of Christian Methodist PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY 715 W. Jackson Phones - AL 3-3300 and AL 4-0791 2x4- 8' @ 30c • 2x4-12' @ 48c 2x4-10' @ 40c • 2x4-14' @ 56c 2x4-16' @ 64c No. 3 Sheeting slls M No. 4 Sheeting $95 M No. 5 Sheeting S7O M Some Management for 25 Years E. G. HAMRICK, Owner —these are what you'll need for "Operation Silhouette ” If you re shooting indoors in the daytime, stretch the sheet over a window so that the sunlight shining through will*provide a luminous white background Note that this will put the light behind the sub lect and in front of your camera contrary to the usual rule of having the light tall on the sub leot from behind you as you snap the picture With voui background all set up and vour subject in profile against it, next darken the rest of the room and prepare to make a short time exposure As with almost all picture taking, here’s a case ot ’no logs allowed" for camera movement would really be fatal to the final results This means, of course, that you’ll have to place your camera on a tripod or some other firm support to hold it steady during exposure. —John Van Guilder Episcopal Church. adding “and its actions of unfairness toward Negro citizens and others who have recently taken up citizen ship in America. We do well to treat everybody in a fair and impartial way, for we’ll need all elements of our citizenship in event we have to be forced into a world conflict. My observations in my recent world tour leads me to believe that the people of the world look upon the Negro visitors ‘at some distance’ when we advocate the fairness of the United States attitude toward Negroes.” 18,00 delegates to the Ameri can Association of School Ad ministration heard a committee on resolutions, in urging fair play and good will in controver sial school desegregation issues: “It is the conviction of the as sociation that all problems of integration of our schools are capable of solution at the state and local levels by citizens of intelligence, understanding and reasonableness working together in the interest of national unity for the common good of all. In* this process, majorities and mi-- norities have both responsibility and opportunity.” PAGE THREE