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PAGE SIX flppiHJ .IP 1111 B pi, - %•„> r/ : i& . v^' i|||B|yp| >jm ran ' H - jB | JB H^HgjL.A |||iMMßHp •■ . <?> jtjmgstet* assa nßmr STW;. jPW wß| BK if S w \ ' mSk Abß <m*> \ VHbfl WiiWPi?^«: $| - ***&**##*» ; :«w ,v»k* \ B Wwk V : I B : <■2"• .* * ■ ■ ■■>'. *.' .'H /' *V' Wy*v*'*4 \ BHpn9BM':f*<:•• I B , 1 BM HHIL bH ; ' sr2sgw»\ • I B| I } B ■[ Ban Wm ■ lilßMi 1M 11 Wfek ’ ITS OFFICIAL!!—Actress Hilda Simms, who was official hostess at New York's Exposi tion of Progress# marking the economic growth of the Negro# presents columnist-television host Ed Sullivan with a citation for "furthering the cause of economic integration of all minorities." The citation was presented to Sullivan backstage at CBS Studio 50# where he was rehearsing for his famed Sunday night show. (Newspress Photo)._ pllllllifi ; Bp 1,1 < <v -* * \* ‘ \‘s '•„' '* * ~-***f l g.; * fjr i BPB BHBP Bk;. B| ; §slj| B y jrSL,.,. ||||f fffji fc:'^ f % Ip i B HBh \ TAGGING A TIGER France's Charles’ Humey (right) tags Balph "Tiger" Jones with jJ a long right to the jaw in the seventh round of their recent middleweight go at Madison A Square Garden. The Yonkers “spoiler" beat A out ci decision over the favored European B |p? r - champ. <Newspress Photo). .. ALL-PARTY NIGERIAN PARLIAMENT WELCOMES “FREEDOM PLAY” LAGOS, Nigeria. Federal Mi nister of Research and Informa tion Kolawole Balogun, and act ing Federal Minister of Social Services Aja Nwachuku were among 44 Members of the Fed eral House of Representatives present recently at the second parliamentary performance of “Freedom”. The play was introduced by F. S. McEwen, National Publicity Secretary of the National Coun cil for Nigeria and the Came roons, on behalf of the All-Party Committee of Invitation. Present in the audience were member of the Invtiation Committee Dr. Akinola Maja, a leader in the Action Group; a large group of Northern Members, among them Malam Bukar Dipcherima, Par liamentary Secretary; and the Minister of Transport. Promi nent personalities incleded S. O. Sonibare, Managing Director of the DAILY SERVICE which today announced the filming of “Freedom” in banner headlines; Lady Metcalfe, wife of the Speaker; and H. Kanu Offonry, editor of the WEST AFRICAN PILOT. SMITH MATTRESS Manufacturers Builders of High-Grade Mattresses and Box Springs 2044 E. Washington St. McEwen said, “This play is soul-stirring, thought-provoking and challenging. If we accept the truth shown here tonight our most glorious dreams of self government and what we hope to achieve with self-governmqnt will be realized. I personally am determined to be one of the men to bring this answer to our na tion.” A leading Indian commented, “This is the most remarkable thing I have seen in ten years in Nigeria.” When Peter Ho ward’s new “An Idea to Win World” was mentioned from s he stage one Member of the House of Representatives called out, “A copy for every Member sould go to the House tomorrow.” Another Member ad ded “We will take this to heart. There will be no quarreling in the House tomorrow.” Five Members of the Council of Ministers and more than a third pf the House of Represen tatives have seen “Freedom” in You CAN 4 ' f v I / / S Call BOB’S COOLER SERVICE AL 3-9747 1314 E. ADAMS ST. ARIZONA SUN NEW CIVIL RIGHTS BILL PROPOSED A three-point civil rights bill will soon be submitted to Con gress by the administration. This bill will recommend: 1. Creation of a civil rights commission with subpoena pow ers to review complaints of vio lations. 2. Establishment of a new ci vil rights division in the justice department headed by an assis tant attorney general. 3. Legislation to permit civil suits to be filed in federal courts against persons or organizations that deny 'or attempt to deny voting rights in any state. the Federal Capital. One Minis ter yesterday commented, “Every young man in Nigeria should see this play. There on ( the stage you see our policital parties, our problems and how to overcome them.” NEWS NUGGETS BOYCOTTERS DENIED BUS FRANCHISE Montgomery, Ala.; Negroes of Montgomery led by the Rev. M. L. King, Jr. met with the city commissioners to discuss a bus company “owned and operated by Montgomery Negroes” to “provide adequate transportation for our people”. Permission denied . INDIAN SHOto BEAUTY CONTEST Flagstaff, Arizona: The Sixth Annual All-Indian Show, staged by Northern Arizona Indians April 28 in Flagstaff, will feature a beauty contest. Dr. W. W. Tins ley, head of the history depart ment of Flagstaff College, heads the prize selection committee. SYMPATHY BOYCOTT PROPOSED Los Angeles, Calif.: Manuel E. Talley, action director ‘of the Na tional Consumers Mobilization, has suggested a “supporting boy cott” of the Los Angeles Transit Lines as a method of intensify ing the pressure on the National City Lines of Montgomery, Ala bama. The National City Lines of Montgomery own 59 percent of the stock in the Los Angeles Transit Lines. HIGH SPEED INTEGRATION San Antonio, Text: City coun cilmen passed ah ordinance re pealing all racial segregation in all municipally owned facilities. The ordinance was passed in less than five minutes. SLOW MOTION DESEGREGATION Washington, D. C.: The su preme court rejected an appeal from an order calling for the immediate end of racial segre gation in elementary schools of Hillsboro, Ohio. MISS LUCY TO WED Dallas, Texas: Miss Autherine Lucy will be married to the Rev. H. C. Foster of Tyler, Tex. April 22. Foster is a student at Butler College in Tyler, Texas. ENCANTO PARK CONCERT The program for the fifth con cert in the “Encanto Parade of Bands” series has been an nounced by Henry H. Ketterer, St. Mary’s High School Band master. The concert featuring the St. Mary’s High School Band, will be held 3 P. M. Sunday, April 8 at Encanto Park Bandshell, r A ; PATRONIZE OUR , ADVERTISERS AUNT HATTIE'S \ THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 195®. SOUTHERN COLLEGES SPORT NEWS TALLAHASSEE—Smooth strok ing Roosevelt Thomas of West- Palm Beach blasted his team mate Eddie Nolan of Miami 6-3, 6-2 to win the Florida A and M University open invitation inter collegiate tennis crown here last Saturday. Thomas teamed with Paul Buie of West Palm Beach to down the Bethune Cookman College dou bles team of Alfred Taylor and Sylvester 6-0, 6-3. Thomas, the Florida State sin gles crown, defeated Carl Kirksey of West Palm Beach 6-0, 6-3 in the semi finals. Kirksey is a ju nior at Fam-U. Nolan turned back Taylor 6-2, 6-3 in advancing to the finals..A Thomas and Buie downed Cut liff and Tate of Bethune 6-1, 6‘ 1, and Taylor and Humphrey turned back Ferrell and Walker of Fam-U for the right to meet each other in the finals. BOOKSTALL Whenever I hand my wife a book Or magazine to take a look At a clever line or paragraph That caught my eye or made me laugh, She skips the part I thought the best But keeps the thing and reads the rest. —James W. Power A CHAMPS WIN The Westside Bnvs Club was awarded a sportsmanship Award and three basketball champion ship trophies. The trophy win ners were Jackie Carrethers, Class B trophy; Lewrence Mat thews, Class A trophy; and Charles Stewart, Class B trophy. For A Limited Time YOUR WATCH Cleaned, Oiled and Adjusted $4.50 • Schlottman’s Jewelry 1609 East Broadway DRUG SUNDRIES LIQUOR - BEER • WINE TELEVISION Sales and Service HUNTING aild FISHING Licenses SHOT GUN SHELLS The Best Place To Buy Is At The Southern Drug 624 So. 7fh Ave. PHONE AL 4-2694 and AL 3-0903 NOTARY PUBLIC JACK MAY, Mgr.