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PAGE SIX ~ i Hholy!bible| Church Igpfgg! News |ilg§| Pentecost Church of Jesus Christ 1802 East Buchanan Bishop T. Davis, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday school 11:30 a.m. Morning worship Lewis Chapel CJHI.E. 2806 East Mobile Rev. Louise Barnett, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship First Institutional Baptist Church A. G. Kendricks, Pastor 143 East Jefferson 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Pilgrim Rest Baptist 1417 .East Madison Rev. H. Y. Stevenson, Pastot 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship New Salem Baptist Church 1706 East Lincoln Rev. Leo Nickols, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school, 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Shiloh Baptist » 9th Avenue and Buckeye Rev. N. L. Huff, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school ~ 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Antioch Baptist Church 41 North 11th Street Rev. R. N. Holt, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship / St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 1509 West Sherman Rer. B. J. Stanton, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Fellowship Baptist Church 2536 East Pueblo Street Rev. Wm. C. Crawford, Pastor Church with, a Program Minister with a Message Memorial Community Baptist Third Ave. at Apache Rev. Theodore A. Williams, Pastor 1:00 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship • ' Bethlehem Baptist Church 14th Street and Adams Dr. Joshua R. Miner, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship o Wesley Methodist Church 1802 East Washington Rev. Wm. H.' Stevens, Jr., Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Lucy Phillips Memorial Church Corner 14th at East Adams Rev. L. J. Harper, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship < Southminster Presbytdtian Church 19th and East Broadway Rev. George B. Brooks, Minister 10:00 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship SHILOH MINISTER ijfc, ;yff REV. N. L. HUFF Will speak Sunday, May 20 at at 11 a. gi. on “Personal Work” John 1:40-42 8 P.M. Jubilaire Quartet will sing. Shiloh Baptist Rev. Huff is currently con ducting a revival for Rev. J. Leary of the Mathew Baptist Church Tn Stanfield, Arizona. Four persons joined Shiloh last Sunday following the ser mon “The Comforting Mother” by guest speaker, Rev. J. H. Payton. A Mother’s Day pro gram was presented at the evening service. Pilgrim Rest Baptist The young people of Pilgrim Rest will be in charge of both morning and evening services this Sunday. Following evening services, the youth group will present a program. Rev. H.Y. Stevenson’s Mother’s Day message was “A Great Mother In The Background”, 2 Tim. 1:5. At 3 P. M. the Pastor’s Aid program had the Rev. J. R. Fullwood of Kansas City, Mo. as guest speaker. v Florine Johnson, reporter Firs* - Institutional Baptist Pastor A. G. Kendrick deliver ed his Mother’s Day sermon “God Comforts As A Mother” to a large attendance, last Sun day. In the evening, Rev. Kendrick spoke on “A Mother’s Request Granted”. The little folk of the Sunday School rendered a Mother’s Day program under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mattie Johnson. Webber's EASTLAKE MORTUARY 1641 East Jefferson Street "Our Service Lends Aid and Comfort to John Webber, Proprietor Edmund Shivers, Manager Mrs. Rose E. Webber, Embalmer Jlill Phone ALpine 4-8734 ' ARIZONA SUN Wesley Methodist On Sunday, May 20, the Woman's Society of Christian Service of Wesley Methodist Church will give a barbecue Sunday afternoon, at the Lar kin Shelton home on East Base line Road and 11th Street. The dinner will be served in the orange grove from 12 noon to 6 p. m. Last Sunday, recognition of mothers in the congregation preceded Pastor Wm. Stevens sermon cn “Great Women of the Bible”. Mrs. Daisy Bass with five children present was pinned with a corsage by her son, Syl vester. Mrs. Bass, is the mother of ten children, three of whom will graduate from valley schools —Phoenix Union, Phoe nix College and Arizona State College at Tempe. Miss Geraldine McDonald, the morning soloist, offered* “Tell Mother I’ll Be There.” Antiocti Baotist Pastor R. N. Holt spoke to a full house, last Sunday morning. His special Mother’s Day mes sage was “Behold Thy Mother”, John 19-27. The Senior Choir and Men’s Chorus combined, featured a special number, — “Mother Bowed and Prayed For Me”. By special request, Master Clyde Morgan sang God’s Amaz ing Grace. An ice cream social in the afternoon honored mothers, and at the evening services a special Mother’s Day program was pre sented. —Q. E. White, reporter Tanner Chapel AME i Tanner is observing Women’s Day, Sunday, May 20. Dr. Ma rion LeCount will be guest speaker at the 11 o’clock serv ices, speaking on “Child Guid ance”. Mrs. LeCount is head coun selor at the University of Ca lifornia at Berkeley and receiv ed her doctorate from Colum bia University. She served three and one-half years in the Navy. Mrs. LeCount was dean of women at Arizona State College at Flagstaff before coming to Phoenix. Her lecture will be of great interest to all, said Rev. C. K. Hayes, pastor at Tanner, who invites all to hear her message. MB OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCED Job opportunities announced this week by the City of Phoe nix include the following: En gineering aide, meat sanitatian, semi-skilled laborer, electrical inspector, planning analyst I, recreation leader m, right-of way agent I, and labor fore man I. June 1 has been set as the deadline for filing application. REVIVAL MEETING SCHEDULED AT SHILOH --jjLiiJlllliluufiour v : REV. C. D. KNIGHT A revival meeting scheduled for Monday, May 21 through Sunday June 3 will be conduct ed at Shiloh * Baptist Church, 9th Avenue at Buckeye, by Rev. C. D. Knight, noted evangelist, according to the pastor, Rev. N. L. Huff. Rev. Knight of Dallas, Texas, is pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church there. He is a graduate of Guadalupe Seminary of Se guin, Texas. Rev. Huff invites the public to these services. WISE ADVICE °TO CHRISTIAN WORKERS “If I am concerned about do ing the will of God, He is infi nitely more concerned that I should know His will.” z “Don’t talk about minor mem bers in your church. God’s chil dren are all of major impor tance.” “Don’t talk about the tragedy of the cross. Talk about the tra gedy of sin that caused the cross.” “The teacher's task is to cry, as did John the Baptist, ‘Behold the Lamb of God,’ and not to attract attention to himself to gather a clique around himself.” “Too many Christians are seeking an easy life. They want the gospel train to be stream lined and air-conditioned, and furnished with parlor chairs.” “This age that does not want the blood of Calvary is an age of murderers above all other ages.”—Christian Index (Color ed Methodist Episcopal Church). GOD’S UNCHANGING WORD For feelings come and feelings go, And feelings are deceiving. My warrant is the Word of God, Naught else is worth believing. Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token, There is One greater than my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. r I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word Till soul and body sever. For though all things shall pass away, His Word shall stand forever. —Martin Luther. RAGSDALE MORTUARY Ch v ,t In the Valle, , 1100 E. Jefferson Ph. AL 2-3471 THURSDAY. MAY 17, 1956 CONGREGATION AYN YAACOV GETS FIRST LEADER Congregation AYN YAACOV -333 E. Portland, has acquired the services of Rabi Elozor Weiss as its first spiritual leader. The Congregation is in the process of putting the finishing touches . to its newly built house of wor ship, so that by this fall modem and adequate facilities will be available for a weekly Chadder, a Sunday school, adult educa tional classes, as well as a small sanctuary for daily worship and a larger auditorium with a seat ing capacity of 500. A brother hood is being organized to func tion along with the sisterhood and congregational board to make Ayn Yaacov a synagogue and center for the Phoenix Jewish Community. Rabbi Weiss extends an invi tation to anyone who might be desirous of a Rabbi’s service to make an appointment by call-, ing AL 2-7297 or AM 6-0364. - St. Paul Baptist Members heard inspiring words from their pastor, Rev. B. J. Stanton, on last Sunday. “What Aileth Thee” was his subiect. Gen. 21:17-18 and Gen. 16:11. The church was filled with the holy spirit as the sen ior choir sang “I’m On The Battlefield”, “If I Could Hear Mv Mother Pray Again”, and “God’s Amazing Grace”. In the evening, the Sunday School and BYPU sponsored a round-table discussion on “Child Evangelism and Mother’s Re soonsibility. SS superintendent Fred Rivers was moderator. Music was rendered by the male chorus. —Alma Rivers, reporting. ELK’S ORATORICAL CONTEST SUNDAY William H. Patterson Lodge will hold its Oratorical Contest, next Sunday, at Booker T. Washington School Auditorium at 3 p. m. A. C. Aldridge, chairman of Elks educational committee said, the contestants Sunday, will include stdudents from Phoenix Union High School, South Mountain High School, West High School, St. Mary’s High School and a Tucson High School.