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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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PAGE EIGHT September 27, 1956 Well Folks— Time is short! Only a few days left! In fact, Monday, 5 p.m. is the deadline. If you don't register, you can’t vote. The right to vote is one of our greatest privileges. We shouldn’t abuse that privilege. So, Go! Go, and vote! Os course, between now and election, and at all times, you can give us here at REDDY’S CORNER your vote. Your pa tronage is always a vote of con fidence in our store. Thanks, for your votes in the past and thanks in advance for you vote of confidence in the future. “REDDY” P.S, Annie Mae is vacationing over California way but Doris got back from ‘Deep in the Heart of Texas’ Just in time to take her place. Come .on around and let Doris give you her friendly “Hello”. i “Reddy” Zoos |ire not a product of modern man —a Chineese king, Wen, had a big one in 1234 8.C., which he opened to the public PARK SOUTH % * 18« i STREET AND £*ST ROESER ROAD | | Attention Veterans | if > w = ;| i-pl •f \7 A f we are sold out— Far from 1200 DOWN TO VETERANS I I | 1 hIS Is Your Answer! it! W* are starting; more PLUS CLIIS IN G COS TS, I j Many ft* «>wAsW~ "taw. Get Our ft. W !.»«-•. Z m ««* | CBBOSE tOM tHtK HOMESITE | I | I™ l* SOUth? " PAY A SMALL SUM DOWN NOW, then pay a small sum weekly while your home is feeing |; 1 Here Is Your Answer: V/hen You Buy a Home In Park South, Phoenix built. Do your own choosing of interior paints, tile, etc. jj 3 BEDROOMS -1 & DEATHS You Are Not Lieble For Your Neighbors Home In Any Wey. attention: 4 bedroom customer. 4 * Come out and see our new plans—3o FOOT COVERED PATlO—and more! » You ran nav for vour home as fast as your You can P y y i/ 2 Mj!e South of Broai | W3y m BLOCKS EAST 0F SOUTH 16th STREET ON ROESER ROAD I pocket-book allows, with no penalties involved pQ S |j| VEl y p||O E NIX’ BEST HOME BUY! PARK SOUTH- 18th Street and Roeser I We want to thank you tor asking such an important question and YOUf HOItIB Os TOlllOf fOW 1 hope it is now clear in your minds. 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES * rint* per Word, Per insertion Minimum, fin Ont« WILL TRADE New fuel oil water heater for good 2 wheel trailer. AL. 2-7141. Evenings —WI. 3-4837. FOR SALE ssO down today, move in tomorrow. 2 bedroom modern, block. Low monthly payments. Southland Realty. AL. 3-7646. Shelton-AL. 8-3184 Myer—AL. 2-5548. TOR SALE—Lovely 2 Bedroom home, fenced yard, good loca tion, near Osborn School, two bus lines. Owner, 517 E. Mitchell Drive. FOR RENT—Modern, furnished case on highway 60, 70 and 89. Montgomery courts, Agua • Fria, Arizona. For particulars, call AL. 4-0679. TOR RENT Room, kitchen privileges. Man, working girl, or couple. AL. 3-7750 evenings, PLUMBING and HEATING —See Manuel Cherry, The Plumber, 922 W. Grant Street, Phone AL 4-1909 SUBSCRIBE TO THE ARIZONA SUN ARIZONA SUN CUTTIN’ . CAPERS “The Fat Man” Frankly my friends I am dis turbed. This town is in a mess. Do you know that if your reli gious leaders are no better than some of our professional ones, the only way we will ever get to Heaven is to hit a rubber stump. f THOUGHT OF THE WEEK I yam what I yam that is all I yam, I yam no more. Many people are so interested in the joys of heaven that they can’t appreciate the beauties and blessings of Earth. We are so busy chasing financial or politi cal rainbows that we can’t see the beautiful sunlight, the sa tisfaction of a strong body, of friends, and the respect of neighbors. -m SUBSCRIBE TO THE ARIZONA SUN ELOY NEWS By. Roy L: Cooksey. ELOY GETS FIRST NEGRO NOTARY PUBLIC P. A. Jones came to Eloy nine years ago, took over principal ship of George Washington Carver School which has grown by leaps and bounds for eight consecutive years. He is a Chris tian gentleman and has taught Sunday School in the Methodist Church for nine years. He is a well prepared teacher, past pres ident of Phi Delta Psi honorary society, and is a Knights Tem plar Mason. He has met all the qualifications of a Notary Public and is able to hang his sign out. JOHNSON BECOMES DEPUTY REGISTRAR Rev. Cornelius W. Johnson, assistant pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, president of man of the redress committee of the Pinal Branch of NAACP is becoming one of Eloy’s rising politicians. He was recently sworn in as Deputy Registrar of Precinct 21. Rev. Johnson is urging everyone to register be fore the deadline. ATTY. DANIELS TO SPEAK Rev. W. P. Hughes, local pres ident of the Pinal Branch of the NAACP has announced that Atty. H. B. Daniels, area presi dent of the association will be chief speaker at the regular monthly meeting which will be held at Eloy, Sunday, Septem ber 30, 3 p.m. act the CME Church, corner of 2nd Street and Curiel. Everyone is invited. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1956 WISE ATTITUDE In an arti< le on various de velopments in the labor picture Newsweek says, “Hardly any body in labor objects to labor saving devices.” It then points to John L. Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers, as a man who “has long encouraged coal local 479 CIO and also chair digging machinery.” Mr. Lewis certainly showed wisdom in taking that attitude. For, without machinery to re place the old pick and shovel methods, it is hardly possible that the coal industry could have existed in the face of to day’s stiff competition for mar kets. That machinery has re sulted in much greater produc tion, with much less arduous la bor, in any given number of man-hours of work. The machinery, is also responsible for the very high wages and the many valu able and costly fringe benefits today’s coal miner enjoys. As machines sent his production soaring, it sent his wage rates soaring right along with it. And coal’s declining accident rate hR.s N»«»n in larere part another result of mechanization. Some people fear mechanical advances on the grounds that they will create unemployment. If that argument were carried to its logical conclusion, we’d still be doing everything by hand in the fashion of past centuries. In the long run, everyone bene fits —and benefits greatly— when mechanical muscles take the place of human and animal muscles.