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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX NAM CALLS FOR EMPLOYMENT OF HANDICAPPED The National Association, of Manufacturers today called on business and industrial manage ment to provide additional job opportunities for the physically handicapped. In an open letter to NAM’s 21,000 members, Cola G. Parker, the association’s president, said that disabled persons “write their own ticket of accomplish ment” when properly placed in jobs for which they are fitted. “It is a record,” he said, “which more than justifies the confi dence management has placed in them. They ask no favors as they successfully perform their ’round the Clock! Reddy Kilowatt is your timely servant. Look at just a few of the tasks he does for you each day. 7 a.m. Reddy wakes you and cooks breakfast. » 9a. m. He washes and dries your clothes. 11 a. m. Reddy vacuums the house. Ip.m. He cooks lunch and, if somebody's coming, he bakes a cake. 3 p.m. Reddy runs the sewing machine. 5 p.m. Cooks dinner and washes the dishes. 6p. m. Reddy runs the lawn mower. 9 p.m. Entertains with radio,TV or hi-fi. 11 p.m. The family goes to bed... but Reddy stays up all night. He's busy keeping the house at a comfortable temperature, lighting the baby's night light and winding the clocks so you'll be on time for work in the morning. Best of all, Reddy's wages amount to only pennies a day! UniT- Reddy will even let the MU It. cat out. An electronic u eye at Kitty's own door will al- PubliC SetVMCB low her to go in and out at will. f your iocauy wnaok taxpaying uti*ity Vrmc^ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ARIZONA SUN fOR n Mni n I Nicely, Modern, Furnished Expert Child Care ROOM 602 West Watkins Rd. Pick Up and Delivery Air-Conditioned Mrs. Mary Lewis—AL. 3-7750 1229 E Washington Night and Day 3-7833 / AUNT HATTIE'S jobs side by side with the able bodied.” Mr. Parker said that the an nual observance of National Employ the Physically Handi capped Week, as proclaimed by President Eisenhower for Octo ber 7-13, should serve as a re minder to management to re examine plant and office oper ations in an effort to find ad ditional jobs for the handicapp ed. The NAM president said much progress has been made and that for the first half of 1956 place ments cf the handicapped are running more than 30 per cent ahead of the same period a year ago. ARIZONA SUN JAMES MINOTTO ADDED TO VALLEY BANK STAFF Appointment of James Minot to, Arizona diplomat, business man and rancher, as a special representative of the Valley Na tional Bank’s business develop ment department was announc ed today by H. Bimson, president of the statewide fi nancial institution. Minotto assumed his new du ties Oct. 1, Bimson said. German-bom, Minotto, a nat uralized citizen since 1921 and an Arizona resident since 1924, has a background spanning three continents and several diversified occupations. Known internationally as a See Idi for COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING QUICK ECONOMICAL SERVICE • Business Cards • Envelopes • Programs • Placards • Statements • Letterheads • Wedding Invitations Work Guaranteed ARIZONA SUN PUBLISHING CO. 1927 SOUTH CENTRAL AYE. AL 3-3682 CITY LISTS 14 JOB ENLISTMENT IN THE NAVY * OPPORTUNITIES GN THE INCREASE A recruitment bulletin listing fourteen job opportunities has been posted this week by the city of Phoenix. Listed are police statistical clerk, police patrol man, building inspector I, equip ment operator 111, school cross ing guard, airport line service man, sewage plant operator, engineering aide I, parking me ter repairman, bus operator, civil engineer 111, clerk steno grapher I, clerk stenographer 11, water meter repairman n, and police patrolman. Pile through October 11 for all except patrolman for which one may file through October 18, at the personnel department in City Hall. diplomat and U.S. government consultant, many of his busi ness interests have been nation al in scope while, here in Ariz ona. he has been a prominent figure in farming, ranching and investment circles for the past three decades. « Currently, he operates the 160- acre Mission Ranch at 1700 N. 51st Avenue, Phoenix, where he resides with his wife an two children. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ARIZONA SUN Comma QwM JflK *> j W x '. * I * It’s a summery picture, but that doesn’t mean a shot like this isn’t just right for your family Christmas card. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOOTING EARLY Though the calendar tells us Christmas is still months away, our suggestion to you today is to do your Christmas shooting early! That’s because summer is a snapshooting season that just naturally abounds in opportuni ties for excellent pictures. The places you visit on weekends or longer vacation trips, the pleas ures of outdoor living and leisure hours, the children at play—any and all of these may give you an outstanding shot that could easily 1 make a distinctive photographic greeting for you and the family to send out next Christmas. We think practically everyone would agree that the most indi vidual, the most personal Christ mas card is a photographic one. Wherever you go this summer, there’ll be plenty of picture in spiration at every turn. Vacation trips can take you to museums, historic churches and distinguish ed old houses. And from places such as these your camera can THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1956 — ■"■■■■ 1 ■■ 7 During the last few weeks, the Navy Recruiting Service has un dergone a great rush of enlist ments due to the increase of applications from high school graduates, sa'd Chief Petty Of ficer Martin J. Lawrence, of the Phoenix Navy Recruting Sta tion today. However, he added, the increase has in no way pre vented the Navy from continu ing its present policy of un limited enlistment. Any man between 17 and 31 who is physi cally and mentally qualified will be accepted into the Navy. Chief Petty Officer Lawrence went on to sav that the Navy is making a big drive for its soecialized programs in the Naval Aviation and Electronics branches of the Navy. Special attention is also being given to * those who can qualify under the High School Graduates Pro gram which insures the volun teer a Navy School training. If you lend a friend five dol lars and you never see him again, it’s worth it.—Judge. Drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading , it.—Spanish proverb. help you bring back a fine pic ture of an art treasure, a pictur esque steeple, a gracious old doorway or a huge Colonial brick fireplace. Remember, any of these can express your own personal message of “peace on earth, good will to men” attractively and in a most dramatic way. If it’s a landscape that catches your fancy, you can assure a qnemorable picture by studying it in your viewfinder and selecting a small section of it carefully. Concentrate on a big tree, or a curving hill, a stream winding through the valley, or an inlet in the shore line. If there’s just too much for one view, plan on divid ing the scene. Take several shots, concentrating on one main fea ture of the landscape in each pic ture. So we say—whatever the sub ject and whatever the scene keep your Christmas card in mind when you do your summer snapshooting. —John Van Guilder