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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, MAY 9. 1957 Robinson Prefers Fall Bout Public To View Jet Fighters In Action LUKE AFB, Ariz.—Nearly ev ery Arizona community is sched uled to get a look at a formation of eight jet fighter planes on Armed Forces Day, May 18. Col. Roger B. Ludeman, state Armed Forces Day project of ficer, said planes will begin their state-wide swing at about 10 a.m. He said planes from Williams Air Force Base, Luke, and the Arizona Air National Guard will cooperate in giving Arizonans a view of their modem fighting forae." Military installations through out the state are planning open houses during which they will show modem weapons and equipment. Take-Home Prices * Vi QT. l6 OZ. CANS ... 6 FOR $1.59 Standard Mercantile Co. Wholesaler*, Phoenix, Arizona 12 02. CANS ... 6 FOR $1.25 QT. .. 51c » ONCE A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN! BE SMART! BE THRIFTY! SUBSCRIBE TO THE , V * For a Limited Time Only ByMaii subscribe now[ $025 mm Vamml MU'W The Arizona Sun ~ K V* H Gentlemen: I wish to enter my name on your subscrip j/fj | ofl I £ Ttu tion list 1 year $2.25—6 month $1.75 * Dirtct nI to Too Name Take Advantage Os —Wi ■■ This Bargain And coupon for your Make all Cheeks payable to the 6 NMiunimirc r*s= ARIZONA SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. SAVE $2.95 PER YEAR! CONVENIENCE _ 1927 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix. Arizona | I Midleweight Champ Sugar Ray Robinson, who doesn’t like to fight on hot nights, rejected, this week, a proposal to defend his title against Welterweight King Carmen Basilio in July. Jim Norris, president of the International Boxing Club, 'told Robinson he would like to pro mote the fight at Yankee Sta dium in early J uly. “It. could be real hot then,” said Robinson, who regained the middleweight crown from Gene Fullner May 1. “I have a mental block about fighting on hot nights ever since the Joey Maxim fight. If we make the fight, it will have to be in September.” ' Robinson collapsed from heat prostration in the 14th round of his light heavyweight title fight with Maxim at Yankee Stadium, June 25, 1952. He had been far ahead when he collapsed from the 104-degree heat. ARIZONA SUN »■ \ x IIP l», ' & *«|hbbh| NEW CHAMP—Sugar Ray Robinson who fought and won a decision in a five-round knockout, last week in a return heavyweight championship bout with Gene Fullmer, is shown wrapping his precious hands as he always does before a fight. “Sugar” reserves this chore for himself. MOTORIST WHO SHOT ANOTHER DRIVER FOUND Police found the angry motor ist who left the scene after shooting another driver follow ing an argument over the right of-way. A week ago Friday evening, Frank Kennedy of 912-B South Ninth Avenue, was shot in the groin at 7th and Apache. Police reported the driver of a sedan accused Kennedy of running through a stop sign with his pick up truck. Kennedy was rushed to the Veterans Hospital where he is recovering. Last week Thomas A. Brooks, SKY HARBOR STILL RANKED TENTH NATIONALLY For the second straight year, Sky Harbor Municipal Airport is ranked tenth nationally in volume or air traffic with 252,- 000 planes taking off and land ing at the airport in 1956, ac cording to figures released by the Civil Aeronautics Adminis tration. Sky Harbor was ranked 27, 1109 E. Hess admitted, ac cording to police he fired the shot wounded Kennedy. After being questioned by deputy county Attorney Vernon Croaff, he was released. PAGE SEVEN tenth nationally among the more than. 175 tower controlled airports in 1955. For 1956 Chi cago’s M.dway Airport was in first place in air traffic with 372.177 plane operations: Its clo.ost rival was Miami, Fla. with 336.228. Following in order were Los Angeles International, New York’s La Guardia, Denver, Atlanta and Charleston. In the volume of air traffic, Sky Harbor was ranked ahead of such lead ing airports as Detroit, St. Louis, Seattle, San Antonio, Dallas and Minneapolis. PBTPOIH7E OUR ADVERTIZERS* I FI I II U II I L L