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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, JULY 27,1957 Riverside NAACP Files Job Bias Complaint With Government Contract Committee RIVERSIDE, California A second organizational complaint within the last two weeks has been filed by the NAACP with the President’s Committee on Miscegenation Law Challenged BALTIMORE A Baltimore judge has taken under advise ment a test of an old Maryland law making it a crime for a white woman to bear the child of a Negro. The state’s miscegenation law, which dates back to 1715 or pos sibly further, was challenged for the first time recently. At torney John J. O’Connor Jr. pleaded for dismissal of an in dictment charging a 20-year-old white girl with illegally bearing a Negro baby. O’Conor said the ancient statute is no longer applicable because “it was conceived in the hatred and hostility of a slave era.” PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTIZERS MOVING 18 OUR BUSINESS . . . We move trunks, household furnishings or anything 1121 E Jefferson AL. 8-4674 > IfyiM&HCuU P't&tt&ntl? jj HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A MORTGAGE LOAN? We make loans on ALL types of real estate. NO CHARGE FOR PRELIMINARY APPRAISAL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call ALpine 2-6565 • Or Visit Our Offices Phoenix Mortgage Company BANK OF DOUGLAS BUILDING / 213 North First Avenue Phoenix, Arizona j! SEE-- Real Estate Broker and ASSOCIATE SALESMEN i * ; LWe Jlaue < IU& 1 BEST BUYS * I REAL ESTATE J * Be Sure to See Us Before You Buy! 2017 EAST BROADWAY PHONE BR. 6-2343 or BR. 6-0429 Government Contracts charging employment discrimination at a California industrial concern do* ing business with the Defense Department. The local NAACP Branch pe titioned committee chairman Richard Nixon, Vice President, requesting him to launch an in vestigation of the Rohr Aircraft Corporation’s “personnel policies as regards compliance with the non-discriminatory clause in their government contract.” William H Davis, local NAACP president, stated in his letter to Nixon that “we have evidence that a large number of Negroes have made application for em ployment with this corporation, many of whom have extensive experience in their field. Though this corporation is advertising for help, both skilled and un skilled, Negroes have been con sistently refused employment, even those with a number of years of experience.” The NAACP complaint point ed out that “of a total plant employee force of nearly 3,000 persons, drawn heavily from Riverside and vicinity, only three employees are Negroes.” Last week Field Secretary Les ter Bailey filed .a complaint in volving a Weed, California, lum ber company. The International Paper Company, Bailey charged, has denied Negroes employment in several categories from truck driver to secretarial work. ARIZONA SUN p&L W Jpjjffi W HI Kvijjf ; m Bes m ■HI k Mj ■ S B M W ' jjjjp HE H '■ *ml i ii\ m b » WammmA f - wks ft M JTJfI Xu j m hTT 'J >&*&* < *t7j**'* i fn| I B /f >- -.. * mm x u 1 J tnm \\ wt §xs - y|fl B VV . wb■ m ■ GOOD NEIGHBORS: Valley National Bank president Carl A. Bimson shows Victor Wal lace (right), president of the Canadian Social Club of Arizona, lobby display in bank’s Phoe nix home office calling attention to Monday, July Ist observance of Canada’s “National Day”—her 90th anniversary as a self-govern ing nation. Throughout the state an estimated 6,000 Canadians who have become Arizona residents in recent years will celebrate the anniversary. Wallace holds proclamation is Proclamation Canada’s National Day WHEREAS, on July 1, 1957, Canada’s friends throughout the world will observe the 90th an niversary of the founding of Canada as a self-governing na tion, and WHEREAS, the economic, mili tary and social ties linking Canada and the United States offer to other nations an in spiring example of international cooperation, as demonstrated by the fact that each is the other’s best customer and between them is the longest undefended bor der in the world and together they share the highest standards of living in the world, and WHEREAS, Arizona and Can ada enjoy a particularly close relationship, our exports to Car nada being the greatest in vol ume of any state in the Rocky Mountain area, and our ex change of tourists being notably large, and WHEREAS, Canada and Ari zona are both frontiers with a future, the people of both being friendly, informal and' indus trious, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ernest W. McFarland, Governor of the State of Arizona, in recognition of the close bonds of friend ship and commerce existing be tween Canada and the United States, and especially between Canada and the State of Ari zona,. do hereby designate and proclaim Monday, July 1, 1957 as CANADA’S NATIONAL DAY and urge that the citizens of Arizona extend loyal tribute to Canada and its citizens on this memorable anniversary In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caus sed the great seal of the State of Arizona to be affixed at Phoe nix, the capital, this twelfth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and fifty seven. I it Pays to Look Your Best I I HAGLER’S 1 BARBER SHOP 345 East Jefferson Save! Save! Ladies’ silk and cotton dresses DRESS SLACKS —like new . 25* 75* SfieoicU oh BcUUUuf. Suitl! Lone wearing Work Pants Spar “ n [^, F s a J“ le 35c 25c And Up And Up Children’s Clothing Outstanding buys’ clothing includes such items as... SLACKS » SHIRTS and COATS Babies’ Clothing Like New 10c and Up Attractive gills’ clothing includes such items as... DRESSES * BLOUSES * SKIRTS * SLACKS MEN WOMEN BOYS GIRLS Strong durable Levis . . . Practical women’s thousands to choose from BLUE JEANS and LEVIS 25c dUp 1 I 35c dUp Long wearing faded Economical, durable boys’ and BLUE DENIMS . . . girls’ blue jeans, and Levis 35c dUp 35c dUp ARIZONA’S LARGEST USED CLOTHING STORE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! | B AM’S I IIIIIIM 21st St. & Henshaw HOURS 10 A. M. to BP. M, - OPEN SUNDAYS Save on Clothes at BAM’S sued this week by Gov. Ernest W. McFarland in which the chief executive notes that “Ari zona and Canada enjoy a particularly close relationship, our exports being the largest of any Rocky Mountain state and our exchange of tourists being notably large.” July Ist ob servance of National Day is coordinated by Valley Bank at request of Canadian Consulate, and expense of newspaper advertisements, displays and radio announcements is under written by bank as a tribute to “our friendly neighbors to the North.” PAGE THREE