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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1957 1 SOCIAL and CLUB AFFAIRS Call your news into the office before Wednesday, 1 p.m. Phone ALpine 3-3682 HAIR SHOW VERY SUCCESSFUL Alpha Gamma Rho Chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority presented its second annual hair show, last Sunday featuring of Hair”. The theme ®was well displayed throughout the show with colors ranging from jet black to golden blondes and three tones. The show carri ed a total of 26 models which was a lot of good work done by the group of beauticians. The president, Maple Lee Pratt, gave a brief rundown on the organization and its pur pose and activities. Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority has been or ganized 13 years, and last April freld its 12th national conven tion in San Francisco which was extended to Los Angeles, end ing in San Diego and Mexico, she said. Each chapter sends. SIOO yearly to Bethune Cook man College for educational purposes, Mrs. Pratt said, add ing that this is in addition to local charity given each year. Attending the national con vention this year from Phoenix « Even Bach Towels Feel Soft-Look New With A Fabric Softener Rinse m iwp| am ;■ . jam nHBe. V* MImHHR:! :J£ No more boardy, harsh beach and bath towels when you rinse them in this magic fabric soft ener! This fabric softener makes all your washables look new and feel soft. Flat work is so wrin kle-free that much of it needs only a pat and a fold from line to linen closet, and all ironing is easier and quicker because of fewer deep creases and wrinkles. Fabric softeners must not be confused with water softeners, detergents or soaps. A fabric softener, used in the final rinse, I penetrates the fibers, beauty treats the garment so that it feels new and soft to the touch. Textile manufacturers have WHEN YOU WANT GOOD BREAD ALWAYS ASK FOR AUNT HATTIE'S were Mesdames Pratt, Christine Jackson Tapp, Marcylene Mur ray and Etta Lyles. * The convention will be held in Europe in 1959 as it was in 1943 for more up to date hair culture. The Phoenix chapter promises a bigger and better show as the years go by. Nfext year’s show will be held in May. uso 330 N. Third Avenue “Home Away From Home” Calendar of Events June 27 to 30 Thursday Movie: “Fuller Brush Girl”, B’nai B’rith. Friday—7:3o pm. at Thunder bird Lanes, Ist. Presbyterian Church. Saturday— 8:30-12 pm. “Top 40' Dance” featuring KPHO’s Ray Curtis, Demolay. Sunday—l:3o pm. Swimming, St. Theresa. used fabric softeners for over 30 years. That’s why new clothes feel so soft. But repeated wash ings remove this softness, es pecially wheh hard water or harsn washing agents are used. Now you can restore that new softness to all washables with a miracle product called NuSoft, a mere bottle capful (1 oz.) of which in the last clear rinse in tub or washer does the trick. Thrifty too, because it’s con centrated. In a non-slip bottle with a measuring cap top, a pint is enough for 16 average wash loads—a few pennies a load to keep all your washables feeling new and soft. ARIZONA SUN MEMORY LANE Would you like strolling down Memory Lane with us while we relive the social and other events of five years ago, when: Miss Louise Hunter, 17 year old daughter of Mrs. Lessie Ro binson, 611 South 7th Avenue, was chosen as “brainy beauty” queen of her graduating clasS at Dunbar Trade School in * Chi cago, Illinois. Wedding vows were read by Rev. J. W. Bonds and his 17 year old bride, Miss Bobbie Jean New ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newton, 102 W. Buckeye Road. Miss Eva Nedd, student at Arizona State College announces engagement to Leon Nealy who is serving overseas. Mrs. W. J. Brown and little grandson arrived in the city from Brady,v Texas to visit her two daughters and son J#an, Rose and Leroy of 4807 South 21st. Street. Mrs. Lillie B. Adams 2830 Pue blo and six year old grand daughter, Shirley visit relatives in Chicago, Louisiana and Texas. OKEMAH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jacobs and their children of Oakland, California, are visiting in the home of his mother, Mrs. Essie Richie, 3455 South 36th Street. They are here for ten days. About 9 p.m. Sunday night, Maurice Richards went to his store located at South 40th St. and Transmission Road where he surprised two juveniles, about 14 and 16, who had broken in. . When the boys discovered some one was around they made for the exit. One of the boys was caught in the store, while the other got away but was later ■ found and taken into custody. They used their shoulders to ram she rear door open, it was re ported. Cigarettes and four dol lars were missed by the proprie tor. Wiflow Grove Church Vaca tion Bible School will close with a picnic on Saturday. Regard less of the extreme heat, this year’s school was one o fthe best held since it began six years ago. Rev. Jessie Wheeler preached the morning sermon last Sun day at Willow Grove. His text “He Has Put A New Song In My „ Mouth”. Those who have heard this newcomer considers him one of the most inspiring minis ters in the Valley. A musical program has been set for Sunday afternoon July 7 at three o’clock at Willow Grove with twelve choirs parti cipating. —N. C. Mitchell, reporter. MESA NEWS By Jtennel Wise Miss Jean Marshall, niece of Miss Veora Johnson, 457 North Lewis Street will be married to Mr. Hosea A. Franklin, Satur day, June 29 at 8 pm. The wedd ing will be held at the First Baptist Church, 245 North Mc- Donald. A reception will im mediately follow the ceremony at Fellowship Hall. A kitchen shower was held Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. S. T. Miller, for the bride-to-be. Birthday Party Miss Mary Livingston will en tertain friends at a swimming party, on her 17th birthday, Sat urday at 3 pm. at Encabedo Swimming Pool. Mrs. Jones Hosts Voguettes A recent meeting of the Vo guettes was held at the I\ome of Mrs. Blanch Jones, 1414 East. Madison Street where reports .on the “Hobo” party Were heard. Reports were given by Secretary Doris Heywood and JoAnn Grimes committee chairman, the latter was under strain of her daughter having to undergo an eye operation the following day. The operation was successful. Plans got underway for an outing at South Mountain Hide out in July. The hostess« served a full course southern fried chicken dinner. * ✓ The next regular meeting will be held Saturday at the home Pretty as a picture in precooked pie shell. Pineapple Mint Fluff Pie has all the requisites of a perfect dinner dessert or a snack later in the evening with coffee. • A generous quantity of golden crushed pineapple with marsh mallows folded in, delicately flavored with mint, combine to make this a pie with a really intriguing difference. The pastry can be a pie mix method. For a special occasion, garnish with an extra puff of whipped cream, a ring of pineapple and fresh mint leaves. PINEAPPLE MINT FLUFF PIE 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple 2 teaspoons chopped fresh mint (or a few drops mint ex tract) \ 1 envelope unflavored gelatin */i cup cold water . Zi cup sugar Dash of salt * 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 marshmallows %• cup whipping cream 1 baked 9-inch pie shell Drain the syrup from pine apple. To the syrup add mint leaves, if used. Simmer one KIAMY’S CENTRAL AT MONROE H H ” CINDERELLA with each JL X m JL/JLii shoe purchased MONTH END SPECIALS IK'S SHOES WOMEN’S SHOES Re*, to 16.95 .Values to 14.95—N0W $799 $599 SAVE y 2 to y 3 ON NATIONAL BRANDS 1 I THIS COUPON WORTH i| on the purchase of any pair | ! of shoes in our store ' I Thursday - Friday - Saturday I : ™ ONE TO A CUSTOMER “ j KIAMY’S Cancellation Shoe Store CENTRAL AT MONROE MODERN ETIQUETTE Q. If a woman is being mar ried for the second time, would ;. it be proper for her married daughter to announce the mar riage? A. Np. The marriage should be announced in the name of the woman and her husband. Q. Is it proper for a guest to express a choice of food when the host or hostess requests it? A. Certainly. When requested, it is much more proper to state a preference than to say, “It doesn’t matter,” .or “Anything at all.” of Mrs. Sybil Perkins, 817 South 3rd. Avenue. —Mae McCarthy, reporter. minute. Soften gelatin in cold water. Strain hot pineapple syrup. Stir in sugar, salt, soft ened gelatin, pineapple, lemon juice, and mint extract if fresh mint is not used. Cool until slightly thickened. Fold’ in marshmallows cut into small pieces. Refrigerate until thick, but not yet firm. Whip cream stiff and fold in. Pile into baked pie - shell. Refrigerate several hours, until firm. Garnish with an extra puff of whipped cream, if desired, pineapple and fresh mint leaves. Serves 6 to 8. PAGE FIVE