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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1957 NATL. BAR ASS'N. ENDS SESSION The Natiional Bar Association Annual convention held at the Hollenden Hotel, .Cleveland, Ohio bn August 29, 30 and 31, was, of the most interesting and significant meetings in the his tory of the Association. Two hundred or more lawyers from 21 states of the nation assembl ed to participate in the deliber ations of the association, its programs and the adoption of many significant resolutions dealing with important and vi tal issues of the day affecting 15 million negroes. The topics and speakers dis cussing them were as follows: Enforcement of the School Seg regation Decisions: Progress in the Federal District Courts by John R. Williams, Western Re serve University Law School; Constitutional Protection o f Civil Rights Organizations by Erwin R. Teple of the above law School; Implimentation of the solution denouncing discrima tory legislative proposals chang ing the Federal Habeas Corpus law by Herbert Reid, Howard University Law School; Analysis of Federal Criminal Rights Sec tions by Dorsey Lane, Howard University Law Sfihool; The proposed Bricker Amendment, tha UN Charter and the Draft Covenant on Human Rights by Dr. Rayford Logan, Howard University; Federal protection *of Federal Vojting Rights by Oliver Schroeder, Jr., Western Reserve University Law School; and Recent Developments and Trends in Criminal Responsi bility by Dr. Royal Grossman, Director of Psychiatric Clinics of Cleveland courts and by Nor man S. Minor, former Assistant County Prosecutor, Cleveland. ■ i Hire The Handi capped Week Members of the Mayor’s Com mittee for the Employment of the Physically Handicapped will meet Friday noon (Sept. 13 at the Hotel Westward Ho to map plans for the 13th annual community-wide observance of “Employ the Handicapped Week,” October 6-12. Jack W. Rath, Arizona State Employment Service official, will serve as( chairman for his 7th i consecutive year, Mayor Jack Williams announced to day. At Friday’s luncheon meet ing at the Concho Room, Maydr \ Under New CONNIE’S I 1303 East Jefferson f. I Serving Mexican and | \ American Foods & | OPEN SAMto 2AM $ § OPEN 24 HdURS \ \ Fridays and Saturdays a I DAVID and CONNIE DANIELSf immm j loTRENf 3 ROOM APARTMENT And BATH 725 EAST ADAMS MODERN ROOMS COOKING PRIVILEGES 1229 EAST WASHINGTON l Call AL 3-7833 or BR 6-0251 MISS ARIZONA PAGEANT SET The Miss Arizona pagent, sel ecting the state’s contestant in next year’s Miss America con test, again will be staged at the Arizona State Fair, November 2-11. The Plaza Stage judging of pretty and talented entrants from all parts of the state has become one of the State Fair’s most popular features, said George N. Goodman, execut tive secretary. County candidates ‘ for the Miss Arizona title will be cho sen in local contests during September and October. The Miss Arizona pageant again will be directed by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Arden. Mrs. Arden was the official chaperone of Miss Arizona, Lynn Freyse of Tucson, at this year’s Miss America contest. Lynn, who- at tracted as much favorable at tention to Arizona in Atlantic City, also w.ll take part in the next Mss Arizona pageant. To aid the county contests, the State Fair will provide a Miss Arizona unit complete with stage manager, master of cere monies, extra talent, coaching, music and*lights. The county contests, as well as the State Fair pageant, will have four divisions—a dress re view in formal gowns, inter views, talent, and a bathing ' suit review. The Miss Arizona pageant is more than a beauty contest. Most likely winner will be the girl combining talent, poise and personality, say the Ardens. Williams will present Rath with a proclamation emphasizing to local employers the value of employing physically handicap ped workers. Slogan for the 1957 observ ance is ‘‘Hire the Handicapped —Ther’re a Great Investment!” They got * mechanical brains now... to test your character, pick out who you oughta marry, and name the children. I’ll begin to git excited when they invent one that’ll bring home a pay check every week. You still have to ihake your own decisions about lots o’ things. You’re makin’ a smart one when you decide to biiy a home. Smarter still, when you escrow, with title insurance, at Aii- * zona Title. \ ESCROWS - TITLE FIS'dRANCE - TRUSTS / HEAD OFFICE- 124 N. Ist Ave., PHOENIX jg? ARIZONA SUN Cancer Society Opens Center Dr. Edward H. Bergman, President of the Arizona Divis ion of the American Cancer So ciety today announced a new service available to the people of Arizona. Under the sponsor ship of its Maricopa County Health Unit, the Society has opened an Information Center to provide the public with in formation concerning available services and facilities for actual or potential cancer patients, and to aid established profes sional services, and programs. The new Information Center is headquarters for the Service activities of the Society such as Cancer iDfessing.s Program, Loan Closet, Medication Closet, Speaker’s Bureau, Film Loan Li brary, Transportation, and the Clinical and Clerical aides ac tivities. Dr. Harry Rosenweig, Chair man of the Maricopa County Unit, stated that the Informa tion Center was made possible by the interest and suppart of the people. He further stated that in order to make such a service possible it was necesstry to move into larger quarters. This we were able to do, thanks to the gifts of office furniture and the financial support given by the people who were vitally interested in the fight against cancer. Mr. Rosenweig empha sized that the success of the Information Center would de pend upon the efforts of Vol unteer Workers, more of whom are needed. The Information Center, the Maricopa Caunty Unit, and the Arizona Division officers of the American Can cer Society are located in the Medical Arts Building, 543 East McDowell in Phoenix. Open House will be held at the new location Friday, Sep tember 13, fron> 2 P.M. until 8 P.M. All persons interested in the problem of cancer are in- Ia +. • '"* / .<■: ':•>*>:>; :*\v 11 - * Ip -■ < llift ' V>; > •• < s ; : * v ' g§BaS >' : <y' ■ v " :;> * -<>• * Dr. Marlin Lutiier King of Montgomery, Alabama and New York’s Maude Gadsen, Ist Vice President of the National Beauty Culturists’ League, express/‘sheer” delight just after completing plans for the Nation’s Youth Crusade for Better Recreation and the NYState’s Beauticians’ Breakfast in February. These two greats got together at the Convention of the NBCL last month in New. Orleans, La., (Global) / v vited to attend and especially those interested in joining vol unteer groups. The public is invited to visit the center or to phone ALpine 4-7191 for an swers to their questions about cancer of the activities of the American Cancer Society. WILLIAMSON BODY and PAINT SHOP 1929 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE gv irrrrTT Get Acquainted Special— COMPLETE $0095 PAINT JOB J7 Jui3wß*? metal work extra jOU Free Insurance Estimates - PHONE AL. 4-0307 Handle Your Laundry IP Dr » clean ' n s Expert Personnel Work Guaranteed £DIEEIB£’£ hand laundry URtlrrlEl d & dry Cleaning EAST BROADWAY Mill-1 linn -« AM 7mu OHM SUBSCRIBE TO niii£, vii n vu n \ < . \ PAGE THREE