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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1957 BANDLEADER TO CAPTAIN WILLIE MAYS ALL-SATRS Los Angeles Louis Jordan, “Mr. Personality" of Show busi ness has been invited to be hon orary captain of the Willie Mays major League all-stars when they play a two game series Nov. 8 and 10 at Wrigley Field. They will oppose the Bob Lemon all -stars. Jordan and his Tympany Five are currently appearing in the Lounge at Hotel Sands, Las Ve gas. An avid baseball fan, Jor dan was a star outfielder when he atended Arkansas Baptist College. When he turned to music, baseball lost a potential big leaguer. One of the mae stro's all time favorite players is Willie Mays. The fleet San Francisco Giants outfielder has a galaxy of big league talent on his barnstorming troupe. Included are Hank Aaron, Braves, Frank Robinson, George Growe, Cincy, Don New com be, Jim Gilliam, Dodgers, Elston Howard, Yan kees, Sam Jones, Cardinals, Gene Baker, Pirates, A1 Smith, Cleve land Indians. The team will tour Cuba, Panama and other Central American countries be fore playing in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento. FALL PROGRAM SCHEDULED AT COUNTY PARKS A busy schedule of activities will be offered during the fall and winter months at all County park areas; it was announced today by the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Depart ment. Highlighting the fail program which opens October 1 will be a park and school football league for boys, a volleyball league for girls, arts and crafts classes for both adults and chil dren, movies and an active so cial program. | Clarence Allan, Supervisor of Sports and Athletics, announc- ed that the park and school' football league for boys will open play on October 1, along OPEN Under Nesw Management CONNIE'S 1803 EAST JEFFERSON Serving Mexican and American Foods OPEN 5 A.M. to 2 A.M. Fridays and Saturdays OPEN ,24 HOURS • David and Connie Daniels Proprietors Greyhound Racing EVERY NIGHT Except Mondays PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING poCT TIME 8 Dill Ten-Race Program rv*R limb w pan _ ## , _ . ... ...... Sorry No Minor* Top Off the Evening with a Vint to the .... Luxurious Kennel Club, now Open to the Public. Admission J7. SUN DEVILS ON THE MARCH-1957 Results and games remaining. Results:— 28, Wichita Univ. there 0. Games Remaining. Sept. 28—Idaho Univ. at Tempe. Oct. s—San5 —San Jose St. at San Jose. Oct. 12—Hardin-Simmons at Tempe. Oct. 26—San Diego St. at San Diego. Nov. 2—New Mexico A&M at Tempe. Nov. 9—Texas Western at El Paso. Nov. 16—Montana State at Tempe. Nov. 23 —College of Pacific at Tempe. Nov. 30—Arizona Univ. at Tempe. Border Conference Game. How Sun Devil opponents Fared Last Week Arizona State won over Wi chita U., 28-0. Idaho U. lost to Oregon U. 8-9. Hardin - Simmons won over Tulsa U. 14-0. San Jose State lost to Stan ford, 6-46. New Mexico A&M lost to New Mex. U., 7-25. College Pacific won over San Diego. Montana State won over Fres no St., 27-14. Arizona Univ. tied Brigham Young, 14-14. (Sun Devil' Opponent In Ca pitols). with the girls’ volleyball league. Adult arts and crafts classes in leather craft, ceramics, and textile painting will be held at park and school areas: The arts and crafts schedule .Is as follows: s Monday— Julian School, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 2149 E. Chrver. Andalucia School, 6:40-9 p.m. 4702 W. Campbell Tuesday and Wednesday— Berney Park, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 20th & Lincoln Streets. Thursday and Friday— Green Valley Park, 6:30-9 p.m. 14th Street & Watkins Rd. Mrs. Marcella Watson and Mrs. Frances Engelbrecht are the arts and crafts specialists. Classes for children will be con ducted at the various park areas by the woman recreation leader in charge. 'Movies will continue to be held bi-monthly at park and school areas. ARIZONA SUN Eastlake Park Highlights By Shirley Smith. Here we are together again with happenings at Eastlake Park. Mrs. Mason reminds all who have not registered for copper enameling course to come out Wednesday nights at 7:30. This course is offered through the month of October and will be continued as long as desired. Xmas is only three months off and here is an opportunity to make gifts—jewelry, ash trays and belts for a nominal cost The art is fascinating as well as profitable. Girls! girls! girls! there are sports galore out here at East lake. Volleyball season is here and a great number of games scheduled throughout the sea son. Basketball follows. The pre-teen hour is coming along swell each Monday after noon. The hour is being ac cupied at present by beginners cha-cha-cha lessons. Beginning dancers include Cornelia Moore, Carol and Patricia Mason, Mar va Waldon and others. Every one is invited to participate providing they are 11, 12, or 13 years old. The Teenage Club met in the game room Thursday Sept. 26. This is a newly formed club whose officers are: Don Cham bers, president; Fred Jones, vice president and Violetta Brown, secretary. The clubs next meet ing is on October 10. No name has been selected for the club and the president invites, all teenagers to take part. This club will be in charge of all teenage dances given here at the park. Now let’s climb the fence to the teenage happenings. Mexine Johnson was hollering Dan Concholar all over the building. We can’t even hear a whisper of that name now Shirley Dennis, have you hooked Char les Hamilton? Margie is quiet, but pays a watching— When askpd why he played football so hard Bobby Coleman implied, “That’s the only way to get a girl In this crazy town” Jerry these girls are on to that front you are pushing around— Ear line Sims, please decide between Stanley and David. Well bye now, see you next week and keep this column in mind. There is more to follow in the near future. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS | BONDED |! |! BRAKES. | sl||9s Brakes ;! Any ar !; INSTALLED jj j> • Free Lifetime Adjust jj SIGNAL BRAKE GO. ii jj 829 E. Wash. AL. 2-3688 ;j DRUG SUNDRIES LIQUOR - BEER - WINE TELEVISION Sales and Service HUNTING and FISHING Licenses SHOT GUN SHELLS TV Best Place To Buy Is At The S JTHERN DRUG 624 S. 7th Are. AL. 4-2694 and AL. 3-0903 NOTARY PUBLIC JACK MAY, Mgr. ft ' j| jjlp : |ljlik raOllfli ||l|p Sir Freddy Grant, internationally famous Calypso Musician who hails directly from “BWI” scored Saturday night, Sept. 21st with his Caribbean Troubadours in his third Carnegie Hall Concert... Critics acclaimed the entire Program of Music, Songs, Dances and a spice of Dramatics ... Iris Grant his Per. Mgr. of 957 St. Nicholas Ave., here in NYC is being swamped for engagements since the Concert. (Global) SIR FRODDY GRANT REAL MAESTRO OF CALYPSO Sir Freddy Grant was born in British Guiana and launched his musical career at the age of 7 years. Suffice it to say that he plays all of the reed instruments well, and has enhanced his writing and arranging talents through formal study in his na tive land and at the Royal Aca demy of Music in London. Dur- v ing this period he served as a musical director for the BBC on overseas broadcast titled “London Jazz” the West Indies.” Through his natural heritage, Sir Freddy has made a penetrat ing study of the origin of Ca lypso music. Long before it rag en into popular acceptance he was engrossed with research ing the subject and devoted his time to writing and arranging original Calypso melodies for the handful of entertainers who 1.ll'll”. ' 1 —P ' . 1 JIT— J i liiirtSiiSbMi i 4 I /ftfiOU) CtiOMffi M.C. * 6iy*gTomtYßmHN I|f PHOENIX COLISEUM | 38th Avenue and Indian School Road Friday, Oct. 11 - 8:30 p.m. If ALL SEATS RESERVED £§■ Ticket Prices: $2.00 52.50 53.00 ||r Jl ' Get Your Tickets Now at G and S RECORD SHOP • 1152 East Washington PAGE SEVEN adopted the style. His Carnegie Hall Concert in April 1955 was warmly lticeived by the domestic press, and Freddy Grant was established as the leading ex ponent of the Calypso beat. Ironically, his composition “Ivan Bar” later attained public re cognition as “Jamaica Farewell” As well as having three Carnegie Hall Concerts to his credit, Sir Freddy Grant and his Caribbean Troubadours have recorded an Album of top Calypso tunes es pecially written and arranged by Sir Freddy, himself. Among the selections are “West Indies Rum”, “A Dog is Better Than You”, “Mosquito Bite Me”, “Glamour Girl”, and “A Calypso Jam Session”. ADI7HMA Qllhi SUBSCRIBE TO n iii lu ii ft lsrm iv