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ARIZONA SUN VOL. XV—No. 32 Urban Renewal Director Phoenix Project Speaks By W. A. Robinson. Speaking to a group of in tersted Negroes at lunch on Mon day Mr. Arthur R. Merkle, Urban Renewal Director, described in some detail the procedures of his Commission in the purchase of homes and the relocating of dis placed residents in the south west area between Harrison St. and Durango and from 7th Ave. to 15th Ave. the group was call ed together because of their con cern that the residents of this area not be leA astray by the many rumors being circulated /in the area evidently intended to frighten some of the resi dents into hasty sales of their property to people who plans to take advantage of the dread of some of the residents of hav ing their homes taken from them and of then not having anywhere to go. Mr. Merkel, who Is a civil serv ice employee of the City of Phoe nix subject to the city manager and the council, came in Sep tember to the directorship of the Phoenix projects from a con nection of year and a half with a similar project in Sacramento, Calif. He went to Sacramento in 1956 after being connected with an urban renewal project in Kansas City, Missouri, since 1946. In Phoenix he took the place formerly held on a tem porary basis by Acting Director Priebee who is now with the Federal Government. The new director has for more Funeral Rites Held For Mrs. Nola Hamilton Funeral services for Mrs. Nola Hamilton, age 78, were held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Lucy Phil lips CME Church. The Rev. L. J. officiated. Palm Chap ter No. 3 order of Eastern Stars were in charge of the Graveside services in Greenwood Memorial Park. Order of Golden Circle Assembly No. 1 held services Wednesday afternoon in the Chapel In The Valley, Ragsdale Mortuary. Mrs. Hamilton was born in Homer, Texas and came to Phoe nix in 1918. She resided at 1435 E. Washington St. She was one of the first members of the Lucy Phillips CME Church. There she was a member of the senior choir, a Sunday school teacher, the retired pianist of the church and church worker. Mrs. Hamil ton was very active in ohurch work until her recent illness of three weeks. She was a member of Heroines of Jericho Taber nacle Olive Court No. 11, Knights and Daughters of Tabor, Presi dent of the Missionary Circle at the Lucy Phillips church.- Sur vivors include: Mrs. Vivian Vaughn of Los Angeles, foster daughter; sister, Mrs. Jennie Lucus; 3 nieces, Mrs. Nola Wil liams, Mrs. Helen Amelim of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Lula Childs of Albany, Texas; nephew, Ro bert Dunbar of Los Angeles. than a decade been connected with urban renewal projects and is throughly familiar with the policies and procedures laid down by the Federal Govern ment for projects in which it participates financially. There is no room in these policies, when they are properly followed, for taking unfair advantage of a single property owner. Mr. Merkel explained to the groun that all owners of pro perty would have their property appraised by professional ap praisers employed by the Urban Renewal Commission. It will be the appraiser's job to see that the value of the property (house and lot and all improvements) is set as nearly as possible at a figure that evpresses its value at the time of the sale and is equally fair to both the owner and the Federal Government. These appraisers are not subject to being influenced by any real estate speculators who might wish to profit from the fears of the owners. If the value ar rived at by the appraisers does not seem fair to the property owner, he can take the Govern ment into court and force con demnation proceedings and have the appraised value reviewed by the court. If the property owner accepts the appraised valuation of his property he will have plenty of time with the help and advice of the Commission to find pro per relocat ! on in standard hous ing as near to his work as can be arranged and within the city limits if he desires. In fact it is a responsibility of the Com mission to relocate displaced He will also be ad • PLAN SOUTHWIDE VOTER-DRIVE MEMPHIS, Tenn. —The South ern Christian Leadership Con- t ference, meeting in Memphis for the second quarterly executixe session last week, 'sent a tele gram to President Eisenhower requesting that two Negro men be appointed to the recently established Cicil Rights Com mission. During the same ses-# sion plan for “A crusade for Citizenship” to double the num ber of Negro registered voters in 11 deep southern states, were announced. The telegram was signed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., president of the ,or ganization. The one-day meeting was held at the Mt. Olive CME Cathedral on Linden Ave. In the telegram to .President Eisenhower, the Southern Chris tian Leadership Conference com posed of some of the South’s most outstanding ministers, law yers and other professional Ne groes from 40. communities in nine states, explained to the president that “time is passing and the effectiveness of the Civil Rights commission is be ing diminished proportion to the time allowed to pass before the appointment of the commission. It is urgent that this commis sion be appointed immediately.” PHOENIX, ARIZ.—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1957 vised by the Commission regard ing how he can arrange his finances so as to be able, if he desires, to move back into the rehabilitated area at terms that he can handle. However if the property owner in the area lcws himself to be panicked into selling out and out with out dealing with the Commis sion, the Commission will not have any responsibility to re locate him or to advise him about returning to the area in standard housing that he can afford. The fact that a building whether a residence, church, or business building, meets the standard of the city code, will not guarantee that it will not be tom down since the area may be entirely replanned including the layout of the streets, so no one can be sure that his home, church, or business will not be taken by the city in the process of renewing the entire acreage. It is possible that some of the area now residential should be converted into industrial or busi ness property and the same is true the other way around. Tl%re are naturally so many questions in the minds of people in the area who have, in many instances at great sacrifice, se cured and developed heme sites, that Mr. Merkel agreed with the group that it would be a good idea if his office at an early date distributed to those concerned a list of questions and answers covering the most per tinent questions that might be bothering the property owners in the area. He also suggested that any persons desiring an swers to questions could call his office directly and give their question to the person who an swers the phone. If anyone had a question, whether or nor he is a property owner, call AL 3-7313 (Continued on page 8> Rites Held For Long Time Phoenician Mrs. Mattie Lindsey Funeral services for Mrs. Mat tie Lindsey, 84, were held Thurs day at First Institutional bap tist Church. The Rev. A. G. Ken dricks officiated. Burial was in Greenwood Memorial Park. Mrs. Lindsay was bom in Sar dis, Miss, and came to Phoenix in 1918. She resided at 1321 E. Jefferson St. She was one of the early members of the Ist Bap tist Church, where she served as a member of the usher staff, senior choir and a Sunday school teacher and worker. She gave up active church work 8 years ago because of her health. Survivors include: grandson, Harvey Lindsey; sister, Mrs. Joe Spain, of Batsville Miss.: 5 great grandchildren, Harvey Jr., Clau dia 8., Donna, Harrison Lee Lindsey, and Delbert Hodge, grand-niece, Mrs. Curtis Murray all of Phoenix. Ragsdale Mort uary made the arrangements. Inter-Racial Marriages Discussed In Magazine Carver Found Most Popular Alabaman MONTGOMERY, Ala.—Scient ist George Washington Carver is the most popular 'Negro in Alabama history, according to the Negro high school students of that state. In second place, they ranked singer Nat “King” Cole. Hank Aaron of the world champion Milwaukee Braves came third, topping the Tus kegee sage, Booker T. Washing ton who was fourth. Another baseball star, Willie Mays was rated fifth while ex-heavyweight champion Joe Louis was sixth. Dr. Carver, though born in Missouri, spent most of his life at Tuskegee Institute; Cole was bom in Montgomery; Aaron in Mobflla; Dr. Washington like Carver was bom elsewhere, but spent most of his life at Tus kegee; Mays was bom in Fair field, Alabama. ✓ These were the results of a poll of some 185 high schools in Alabama that was taken by Prof. W. H. Coston, principal of the demonstration high school of - State College. This study was conducted in connection with the convention of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, held in Montgomery Nov. 14-16. That four out of the top six personalities were present-day athletes and entertainers caus ed Prof. Coston to state the main conclusions of his investigation. He said that the poll reveals that Negro high school students of Alabama are not familiar with many notable figures in Alabama history and often ::ate entertainers and athletes over inventors, educators, farm own ers, business men and politicians. This shows, he continued, that we need more than a once-a year Negro History Week cele bration in ordpr to give our stu (Continued on page 8> . “WHAT FAUBUS DID FOR NEGROES’ CHICAGO, 111.— I The Governor of Arkansas, Orval E. Faubus, may be one of the best “friends” the Negro ever had. Carl T. Rowan, award-winn ing newspaperman author, tells why in his article, “What Fau bus Did For The Negro” in the current issue of EBONY Maga zine. Rowan points out that while Faubus attempeted to appease segregationists the results have helped the Negro with action by the federal government and world moral opinion. Seeing the youngsters heroically facing mob violence has giVen the Negro a deeper sense of pride and deter mination, and has also put seg regationists on the defensive. “Thus”, author Rowan says, “one might say that Orval Phu bus has shocked the nation into a realization that in this period of racial change, ‘trouble’ may mean progress whereas peaceful do-nothingness means stagna tion and decay”. A GOOD newspaper and the Bible in every house, a good schoolhouse in every district, and a church in every neigh borhood, all appreciated as they deserve, are the chief support of virtue, morality, civil liberty, and religion. — —Benjamin Franklin 10 CENTS PER COPY Writing in the Npvember issue of Pageant Magazine, Louis E. Lomax that most Americans, Negro and white, ob ject to inter-racial marriages and “are not passive in their opposition.” He asserts that when some 1137 inter-racial couples took their marriage vows last year, they “knowingly moved into a world that is neither black nor white, leaving themselves open to endless hostility, flagrant in sults and wholesale ostracism.” The writer gives the following statistics on inter-racial mar riages in the United States last year, but does not explain how he obtained his figures, for it is well known that in the major ity, if not all, of the northern states race or nationality is not recorded on marriage licenses. Os the 1,569,000 American couples wed last year, he says, 1137 were inter-racial; 90 per cent of the latter were between Negro men and white womn and 5 percent involved white men and Negro women; the remain der were between non-white (Orientals, etc.) and whites. Mr. Lomax records his per sonal conversations held with a number of the inter-racial couples who cited their prob lems and dilemmas: finding de cent living quarters, making and holding friends, getting and keeping jobs, and alienating their families. The problems of their children were also recount ed. (Continued on pagev 8) Phoenician’s Kin Dies lit San Diego Lewis E. Ragsdale, former owner and operator of the Home Undertaking Company in Mus kogee, Oklahoma and the Rags dale Funeral Home in Bristol and Rordersville, Oklahoma, died Tuesday in San Diego, Calif. Bom 55 years ago In Muskogee, Mr. Ragsdale was one of five sons in the Ragsdale family to become morticians in the state of Oklahoma. He operated there until recent years when he mov ed to San Diego to assist a ne phew at the Anderson, Ragsdale Mortuary. A . Mr. Ragsdale was a graduate' of Tuskegee Institute, TUskegee Alabama, and Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Chicago. He was a member of the Na tional Negro Directors Associa tion, and was a Mason. Survivors include his wife, Marian; three daughters, Wan da, Malinda, and Louie Donne; one brother, Hartwell W. Rags dale Sr., and one sister, Celestine Sanders, both or Ardmore, Okla homa; three nephews, Lincoln J. Ragsdale, Phoenix, Hartwell W. Ragsdale Jr., San Diego, and Theodore Ragsdale Jr., Mus kogee. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at Bethel AME Church, San Diego, where the deceased served as a steward.