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PAGE SIX Kj Naigbbors “Income tax state and county taxes sales taxes: Atta boy, Tiger—now Go Get Him!* 9 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PROTEST CUT IN EDUCATION —Bloodied, a young student is carried away to an ambulance, after more than 3,000 stu dents, in the Malayan state of Penang, staged a protest against the Govt, decision to weed out over-aged students from middle and high schools. Students clashed with the police in a mixed battle of stones, sticks, canes, batons ancf tear gas. Several students were injured. I I Support a Hometown Enterprise! I I READ THE I ■ H 111 b|b, 1 JSBfc BE| I To Have Knowledge You Must Read I I KNOWLEDGE IS PLEASURE I . ; • • I |?®l JUST PICK UP YOUR PHONE SUBSCRIBE NOW! RvMail I I WkimL foil RT, 9-5G02 The Arizona Sun J iSW I UUm AflJa • BBwB Gentlemen: I wish to enter my name on your subscrip- ||k|i|| *v tion list 1 year $3.00-=r6 month $1.75 vl £rl Name Direct 11 to Too Say - “Please enter my name on your Address I mailing list, for one year, and man City state I . Make all Checks payable to the me the bill, or use the coupon ARIZONA SUN PUHUSHING COMPANY INC. -«g CW JS2J*S!J!^ R ie ____, 1927 S. Central Avenue. Phoenix. Arizona CONVENIENCE IT’S JUST AS EASY AS THAT! j <r i^MB “MIRACLE OF ROSES”, DEC. 15 Once again, the West’s most western town reaches far back into the early history of the Americas for its fifth annual presentation of the world-famed “Miracle ©f Roses”, with all of its color and pageantry of the Spanish Conquistadore era. This year Scottsdale will por tray the classic Our Lady of Guadalupe story against a des ert background with candle pro cession, Mexican and Indian cer emonial dancing and statuary dedication, climaxed with the stage performance of the "Mir acle” in the Scottsdale High School auditorium. ARIZONA SUN RACISTS IN LITTLE ROCK ... (Continued from page 3) that if the Justice Department is unable or unwilling to punish the mobsters then there is vir tually no hope* of enforcing in tegration in Little Rock.” (N. Y. Times, October 13) "Although no civic leader would go on re cord as saying that the reduc tion (4n the number of federal troops) was premature, some felt that no troops should be with drawn until the leaders of the adult white mobs who rioted in front of the school on Sept. 23 were convicted.” (N. Y. Times, Oct. 15). On Oct. 20 N. Y. Times car ried a story from Washington that was the tip-off that the government had abandoned the intention of pcrosecution, Re porting the thinking of the Jus tice Department, the story told how extremely difficult it was to prepare conspiracy cases against the Little Rock racists and how unlikely it would be to get an Arkansas grand jury to indict. That the abondonment was motivated politically, not legally, can be seen from the fact that the indictments need not be for conspiracy but could be of in dividuals under another federal statute. Moreover, Faubus and the mob leaders could be im mediately tried for contempt of the two federal inductions against interference with inte gration ait Central High School. There is ample evidence. Pho tographs of identifiable mob sters kicking and slugging Ne groes appeared in almost every newspaper in the world; the victims themselves can identify some of their assailants. Final ly there Vere police and FBI officers in the crowd, were they THE DRED SCOTT STORY ... (Continued from page 3) speech in behalf of his candi dacy;” (2) “a President-elect used his influence to change the vote of the Supreme Court Jus tices;” and (3) "the President, in his inaugural address bland ly adjured the nation to accept in good part an anticipated Su preme Court decision, being ful ly aware of how each Justice had voted.” Naming names and giving de tailed historical facts, whicji did not come to light until well into the twentieh century when the papers of President Buchanan were published, Mr. Roddell asks: “And where else have the echoes of a Supreme Court decision re verberated down the decades and come out a century later precisely in the reverse? And the author adds his com ment: "The Negro question, with its overtones of states’ rights against national power, is still very much with us, though on a slightly more civilized level If for no other reason than its immediacy as a political para dox, that old case which was cooked up in the name of an illiterate 'Negro slave deserves centennial recollection.” blind? Small wonder that Faubus, and the racists are again imbu ed with self-cofidence. They feel immune to prosecution. The rest of the white community senses this and many jump onto the winning bandwagon, while the disapproves lapse into silence. When every white supremacist who slugged or kicked a Negro in front of Central High can openly parade as a hero, is it unexpected that impressionable white children beat up Negro students inside the school? THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1957 RACISTS MURDER 2 NEGRO BOYS Roger Hamilton, 17-year-old Negro youth of Burkville, Ala bama, was taken from his home and lynched by a group of white men who carried him off in a truck. One of the lynch party then returned and told the boy’s mother where she could find the bullet-tom body. According to Pittsburgh Courier the boy was lynched because he didn’t heed warnings to stay away from a Negro girl "who is the object of the affections of a white man.” In Pontotoc, Mississippi, a lynching is feared in the case of 16-year old Jesse H. Brad ford abducted by three white men and not heard from for 12 days. OUR EDUCATIONAL INHERITANCE (Continued from Dage 2) issue will cost the poor person whose property is assessed at $2,000—.80, at $3,500 —$1.40, and at $7,000 —$2.80. Is this too great a price to pay for your children to have adequate space, neces sary equipment, apparatus, and furniture as well as improved grounds to help them in their preparation for a better life? The schools of oour district as a whole are over crowded and understaffed with teachers. Some have 30 to 40 students in a room. This number of stu dents on one teacher is frown ed upon by all people who know anything about education. The well-living man will throw his chest out and talk about the good old days in the x little red school house; but he wants the latest model car for himself, the most modem fur nishing for his home and the latest electronic devises in his factory. By all means go to the polls on December 11, and- vote for the bond issue.