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THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1958 Phoenicians Wed Mrs. Alzata Lawrence and Mr. Gold Walters, both of Phoenix, were united in marriage, imme diately following evening serv ices. last Sunday, at Antioch Church. The Rev. C. N. Hall per formed the ceremony. Attendants were Mrs. Jose phine Watson and Mr. Dorris Griffith. The bride wore a light blue lace gown and a corsage of white -carnations. Social Notes' . . . Mis. Agnes Wilson, entertain ed at Breakfast, recently in her home, 1725 West Mohave, hon oring Miss Mary Teal of Wel lington, Kansas. Miss Teal, the* houseguest of her sister, Mrs. Goldie Henry, 1530 East Monroe, -on departing for her home, last week said, “I just love this val ley”. Mrs. Drucilla Taylor from Grosebeck, Texas, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McDay, 1133 West Sherman, spent the holi days here with relatives. Four Added to Club The names of four new mem bers were added to the roster of the Loyal Buddies Club, Sun day night, in a meeting at the home of Buddy Flanders. They were Mrs. Freddie Shirley Brown, Mrs. Jean Barnes, and Mr, and Mrs. Leohard Walker. During the evening, president Ben Washington was presented a golf bag, a belated Christmas gift. Following the meeting, the host, entertained the group at Town Talk Restaurant. New officers will be installed at next meeting. *’ •» —Ben Washington, reporter. MODERN ETIQUETTE By Roberta Lee Q. When dining with friends, is it proper for one to continue to eat while someone alse is talking to one? A. It is perfectly proper to -continue eating while listening to someone else’s conversation —but be sure you give evidence of your attention. * * • Q. Is it correct to have one’s telephone number engraved on personal stationery? A. No; the telephone number is never used on personal sta tionery. , * * * Q. Is it proper for a woman to use her maiden name as a middle name after she is mar ried? A. Yes, this is the established custom. In other words, after Joyce Margaret Patterson mar ries William Henry Jones, she then becomes Joyce Patterson Jones. WHEN YOU WANT GOOD BREAD ALWAYS ASK FOR AUNT HATTIE'S Holiday Visitor Mr. Hooper Washington from Chicago, Illinois who spent the Yuletide visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Washington, left the valley, last week for Los Angeles, California where he plans to make his home. While here, Mr. Washington was extended several courtesies, including dinner at the home of the Ted Williams, and Mrs. Martha Johnson and entertain ed by the Levan Bells in Tucson. This was the first meeting of the brothers in twelve years. Phoenicians Return From Texas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fully love, 1423 South 12th Avenue were holiday guests of his sister, Mrs. Maggie Starks and daughter, Mrs. Hazel Smith and of Mrs. Fullylove’s son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney in Sherman. They also visited in Austin and Rre nan. , .. . On Christmas day, Mrs. Stark’s home was the setting for a fam ily reunion dinner. Other rela tives attending were Mr. and Mrs. Tull Thornton, Lubbuck, and daughter, Mrs. Bertha Myles of San Angelo; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Fullylove and son of Rose bud; Claude Fullylove and daughter, Amarillo; and John Fullylove, San Angelo, who was also celebrating his birthday. The Phoenicians returned to the valley reporting a wonder ful trip. • - i ’. Mrs. Taylor Recuperating Mrs; G. A. Taylor, 1243 West Watkins Road is recuperating at her home, following surgery in St. Luke’s Hospital. BEAUTY at HOME By Lynn Carter Q. What can I do to help conceal an ugly-looking pimple on my face? A. Make a paste out of powder and' foundation cream, pat this on the blemish, and then press some powder evenly over the spot. • * • Q. What after-shampoo rinse helps to keep light-colored hair light-looking? A. The juice of one lemon to a pint of water. • • • Q. Do you think that the use of water every day to help dress and arrange the hair is harmful to the hair? A. Some experts think along these lines. And it’s true that water may dry hair that already has a tendency to dryness, thin ness or falling. But water could never actually CAUSE these hair conditions if other causes were not also presertf. ARIZONA SUN MEMORY LANE Would you like strolling down Memory Lane with us while we relive the social and other events of five years ago, when: Pioneer couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ben James, 1218 E. Washington celebrate 50th Wedding Anniver sary at reception in Elk’s Audi torium with 125 guest attending. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis of Douglas, Arizona were honor guests at coctail party given by Mrs. C. C. Crosby. Holiday visitors who have re turned to their homes include Mr. and Mrs. William Seals and daughter, Yolande, of Trinidad; Mrs. Ethel Robinson, L. A.; Mrs. Wilbur Jones and son Oliver, Chicago; and Dr. Campbell Up thegrove, his wife, Minette, and mother -in - law, Mrs. Refolla Long, all of Houston, Tex.; Mrs. Dorothy Deary Anderson, and aipt Mrs. Reable Gardner, both of Detroit. Glert Love returned to Kees ler Air Force Base in Missis sippi and Charles Hope to his base New Mexico after holiday visits with families here. WITH THE NEW V * PATT-O-RAMA TAILORED CHARM This well mannered .shirtwaist dress in half sizes can be made two ways. Collarless with a but ton sleeve, or tailored collar and cap sleeves. Or combine as you wish. No. 8132 with PATT-O-RAMA is in sizes 12 Vi to 26V2- Size 14V 2 , 35 bust, no collar, button sleeve, 5 yards of 35-inch; cap eleeve and collar, 4% yards. For this pattern, send 25 cents in 'COINS, your name, address, size desired, and the PATTERN NUMBER to Popular Patterns, P. O. Box 1527, Chicago 90, HI. Basic FASHION, Fall & Win ter is an exciting easy to follow guide for , every woman who sews. Be sure to send for your copy today. 25 cents. i in A BEAUTY lUA J SALON 4047 So. 16th St. Phoenix Newest and Finest Beauty Shop. Everything new and modern. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Operators Mrs. Ethel Reid, Mrs. Ida Steward, and Mrs. Ida Craig. PHONE BR. 6-9142 Season's In For Horn V Yams! "Pretty—perfect” for a party . . . this fine way td use up left-over mashed potatoes and bits of ham which results in gourmet eating! . And,. w|th the Louisiana yam season at • its height, you’ll get peak enjoyment too, in these easy-to-make, and easy-to-serve yam rings. With the delicate flavor of maple blended syrup enhancing the yams, you can be sura of requests for second helpings. So better not depend upon having; "left overs." Better double the recipe, in fact! HAM AND MUSHROOMS IN YAM RINGS 1 egg, slightly beaten . 2 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 cups mashed cooked Louisiana yams */ 4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper }/ A cup Log Cabin Syrup l-i/j cups sliced fresh mash rooms 3 tablespoons butter S tablespoons flour 2 cups milk 1 cup diced cooked ham Combine egg, 2 tablespoons milk, and 2 tablespoons melted butter. Add to mashed yams. Mix well. Add salt, pepper, and PHOENIX TROJAN CARAVAN TO HOLD BANQUET , ' The 1958 Phoenix Trojan Car avan will be held Jan. 11 through 20 under the auspices of the University of Southern Califor nia, Dr. Charles E. Borah, Phoe nix physician and chairman of the Caravan, announced today. “During this time, a number of outstanding SC faculty mem bers will appear before school, club, and civic groups in the Phoenix and Tucson areas,” Dr. Borph said, “bringing to the communities nev/s of current educational advancements be ing made at SC.” A highlight of the Caravan period will be a banquet for alumni and friends of SC Thurs day evening, Jan. 16, in. the Tur quoise Room of the Hotel West ward Ho in Phoenix. Featured on the program will be pianist humorist John Crown of the SC School of Music. Reservations for this banquet should be made with Dr. Borah. ‘"The game of love is never called on account of dark ness.” AUTO REPAIR ON CREDIT OPEN all day and night Guaranteed large or small DA-’N-NIGHT GARAGE SYSTEM .1917 E. Van Buren • AL 2-2649 maple-blended syrup and mix until well blended. Shape yam, mixture into rings on greased ' baking sheet, using a pastry bag or spoon. Bake ill moderate ; oven (375 degrees fahrenheit) .20 minutes, or until delicately browned. Meanwhile, saute mushrooms in 3 tablespoons of butter until browned and tender. Add flour, mixing to a smooth paste. Add milk gradually, stirring con stantly. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture is thickened. Add ham and heat thoroughly. Serve creamed mix ture in center of each yam ring. Makes 6 servings. Okemah News By N. G. Mitchell. Mrs. Johnnie Reid is con valescing from a short illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Stanton in Phoenix. Mrs. James Boozier and fam ily returned from a Christmas vacation to Arkansas, Illinois and Indiana where they visited relatives and friends. Mr. James Davis and wife Dorcus returned from the West Coast where, they visited friends during the Yule tide. Rev. W. M. Hardison began his 28th year of pastoring at Willow Grove Baptist Church, last Sunday, with a large con gregation. It was noted that 1957 was one of best years of the church in attendance and also financially. Rev. Boyd of Alexandria, Louisiana, was a visitor. New officers for the Sunday School are Jessie Wheeler, su perintendent, and Mrs. Zelma Spells,: assistant; Miss Josephine Peoples,* secretary; and Miss Beatrice Kirk, treasurer. Mr. Paul Allen was appointed new member of the Deacon Board. • 0S 0 • 330 N. *Third Avenue “Home Away From Home” January 9 to 16 Thursday—Movie, Abbott and Costello in “Buck Privates Come Home” Friday—B p.m. Square Dance. Saturday—Pauper’s Shuffle .(Record Dance) Sunday—Special Event. Monday— Madball decorating party an,d spaghetti feed. Tuesday—Lessons Thursday—-Puzzle PAGE FIVE