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PAGE FOUR ■holyTbibLel rest Institutional Baptist Church 1439 East Jefferson A. G. Kendricks, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Pflgrim Rest Baptist 1417 East Madison Rev. H. Y. Stevenson, Pastor 9:46 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship • New Salem Baptist Church 1706 East Lincoln Rev. Leo Nickois, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 ajn. Morning worship Antioch Baptist Church 41 North Uth Street Ftev. R. N. Holt, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday schopl 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Fellowship Baptist Church 2536 East Pueblo Street Rev. J. L. Stella, Pastor I Church with a Program Minister with a Message Wesley Methodist Church 1802 East Washington Rev. Charles F. Harlins, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning worship locy Phillips Memorial Church Corner 14th at East Adams Rev. L. Harper, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning worship GALILEE BAPTIST CHURCH Mobile, Arizona Rev. E. J. Sykes, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday School 11:00 am. Mofning Worship ShHoh Baptist 9th Avenue and Buckeye Rev. N L. suff, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday, school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship FULL COSPfUjPEN DOOR V. W Boone Sr, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship / UNION INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH 2849 East Chipman Rev. C. B. Allbritton, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School U:00 a.m. Morning Worship bethelTmTchurch 4th Place and Pima, Mesa Rev. Mrs. Helen Thomas, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 am. Morning Worship. AMBASSADOfiTfor CHRIST Mary Bethune School 1510 S. 15th Ave. 10:00 a.m. Christian Church Services * 11:00 am. Bible School PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS It Pays to Look Your Best I HAGLER’S I BARBER SHOP 345 East Jefferson CHURCH NEWS ANTIOCH BAPTIST “Fellowshinp of the Church” was the topic of the .Sunday School lesson, last Sunday. Su perintendent flemon Smith was at his post after having been absent several Sundays with a fractured foot he suffered while on his job. Morning worship began w;th Deacons O. H. Bryant and Mrs. Jodie Woods leading devotions, followed by the Scripture read ing and prayers for sick and shut-ins by Rev. Arthub Wil liams. One candidate joined by Chris tian faith following the sermon by the Rev. W. E. Youngblood. „ His subject was “What Can We Do Without Him?” Music was furnished by the Youth’s and Women’s Choruses. Speaking again in the even ing services, Rev. Youngblood preached from the third chap ter of Revelation, eight verse, using “The Open Door” as his subject. —Q. E. White, reporter. PILGRIM REST BAPTIST Rev. Fred Strain of Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, delivered a morning message, last Sunday. One candidate united with the church. Last Saturday, pastor Steven son visited with the sick and afflicted in Memorial Hospital. The Union Baptist Choir join ed the Junior Choir for services in the afternoon. Rev. H. Y. Stevenson delivered an installation sermon, last Sunday, at New Home Baptist Church. The Senior Choir fur nished music. Next Sunday, the Deacon Board will sponsor a program at the church for the Poor Saint’sf fund. A special music group the Catalinas, Tucson, will be featured. —Florine Johnson, reporter. Ist INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST Sunday, the pulpit be oc cupied by Rev. Curtis Green field in the morning, and Rev. J. McCoy in the evening. The guest speakers will be nerving in the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. G. Kendrick who is in Hot Springs, Arkansas attend - - ing the Mid-Winter Board of the National Bapfcj&t<Convention. Inc. of Whic& dent. In the afternoon at 2 p.m. thepe will be a fellowship din ner, followed by a pew rally at 3:30 with Rev. W. M. Hardison and church, Mt. Calvary Baptist of Mesa, and St. Paul Baptist and Rev. B. J. Stanton partici pating. / Last Sunday, 8 persons were addled to the church, including two small girls as candidates for baptism, following Pastor Ken drick’s sermon on “The Lost Blessing”. *Rev. Kendrick’s even ing subject was “Forget The Past.” —James L. Davis, reporter. Pays those sure to come W funeral expenses t \ Under today’s conditions it is . • only wise and safe to set aside a small amount and have m absolute security and conven- tjKkf Jjf ience at time needed. M 11 JCliO BILL DICKEY, • * Secretary-Treasurer ARIZONA SUN OBITUARIES EASTLAKE MORTUARY Wm. L. Junior Graveside services for William L. Junior, two month old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Junior, 1720 East Broadway, were con ducted yesterday morning by Rev. George Brooks in Green wood Memorial Park. The baby died suddenly in its parents home, on Monday. Its paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Hollen, an<J maternal grandmother, Mrs. He len Pontiac, all of Phoenix. Nona' Elias , • Funeral services for Mrs. Nona Elias, 58, who died Sunday in a local hospital, were held yester day at Antioch Baptist Church with the Rev. Theodore Baker ~ officiating. Burial followed in Greenwood Memorial Park. Mrs. Elias of 2551 East Weir came here from Wetunka, Okla homa 11 years ago. She was born in Jefferson, Texas. Survivors include: her hus band, Joseph; three daughters, Inez Gipson of Fry, Mona Stacy and Johnnie Mae Mickens, both ' of Phoenix; six sisters and four brothers all out of state. Pete Milner Final rites for Pete Milner 40, 1621 South 16th Dr. were held yesterday morning at St. John Baptist Church with the Rev. L. J. Dunbar, conducting. Inter ment was in Greenwood Memo rial Park. Mr. a 12 year resident, died in a local hospital lasP Thursday. Born in McNeil, Argansas, he was a World War n Vet., hav ing seryed in the Air Reserve. He is '’survived by 'his wife, Rosie Bell and daughter, Rose Mary, both of Phoenix; father, Luther Milner, McNeil; a sister, Mrs. Lillie Funstall; three other sisters and two brothers all out of-state. \knnie Lee Jones Arrangements are pending for Annie Lee Jones, 4841 South 20th Place. Robert Roberts Services were held Monday for Robert Roberts, 84, in Web ber’s Chapel with Evangelists Bryant McDonald and Celia Abrams officiating. Burial was in Glendale Memorial Park. n 1 ' MV; Roberts'i:Who 'died lastjfr u wee# had: bee# a resident 1 her 7**35 years!’He lived at" 1446 Jefferson. He had no immediate family. FOR sale 2 BEDROOM HOME S. 28 St. EASY TERMS AL 3-3300 or 4-0791 Evenings and Sundays— CR 4-5290 Small Down Payment Small Monthly Payment WISHBONES - JAWBONES - BACKBONES The body is made up largerly of bones—about 200 of them, classified according to shape. Your church is also made up of bones, classified according to use. There are three kinds. First, wishbones. Y6u know this kind. They wish for greater things in the church. They wish for larger attendances. They wish for more souls to be saved. Wishbones? They’re languid. They’re listless. The only things they deny them selves are work and effort to make their wishes come true. Rocking-chair Christians! Draw ing-room Christians! Then there are the jawbones. Nothing slow or listless about this kind. They work up and down at great speed. They cri ticize. They gossip. They pick flaws. They tell how it should be done. In their wake follows dissension, discouragement and disease. Verily, it taketh a Sam son to handle this class and turn...them to good use! But %7ie third class is the one NOT JUST A FEW By Grace E. Uhler For God sT) loved tlhe world, not just a few— The wise and great, the noble and the true, Or those of favored class or race or hue. God loved the world. Do you? God loved the sinful world, not just the good. Ah! none were good till they had understood His love for them, and felt the power that could Make all of life anew. / God love the world. He saw that we miglht be Made like Himsdif. He stooped to set us tree, And did not spare the cost of Calvary: '* * ■ God loved man so. Do we? HE SAYS “GOD FIGHTS FOR HIM” ; * ' ’ .... fplt 1 \ > v Jm 11j I ggglgp f » Jill HOLSEY L. NORMAN “Ambassador in. Bonds” The OKEMAH BRANCH of N.A.A.C.P. Will Observe FOUNDERS DAY THURSDAY-FEBRUARY 6 7:45 P.M. PERCY JULIAN SCHOOL 4 Blocks South of Broadway on 22nd Street The Ambassador Will Speak He says “I would rather walk with God—Despised few,, or walk alone with Jesus, than fellowship with Elders who have a voice and no convictions.” THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1958 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou „ disquieted within me? Hope thou in God...—(Psalm 42, 11.) It comes to all of us that, having achieved our wordly desires, we still know a vague ans gnawing despair of joy unfulfilled. And it will give us no peace until, humbly seek ing, we have made our peace with the Lord. we like to think of—they are the backbones. There is work tc be done; the backbones do it# There are meetings to attend; the backbones are there. Oh, backbones! If we were poets we would write of thee! If we were singers, we would chant thy praises! If we were artists, we’d paint thy lovely likeness! But, merely being ordinary humans, we can only love thee! —Christian Digest.