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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT ; : ; ■L'< Jan. 23, 1958 Well Polks— Ain’t you glad you live in Ari zona. Look at the weather back in the ol' country. SNOW in Texas! BLIZZARDS in Kansas! FREEZIN’ in Florida! 32 PER ISH in midwest! Still complaining about our cold mornings in Phoenix? Why folks, they, are just wonderful! Just a little nippy, but just a "little nip” will cure that and that’s where we at Reddy’s Cor ner come in. If it’s just a little nip, or case of your favorite beverage, we’ve got it and we have made it unsually convenient for you to pick up your needs. Parki on our large convenient parking lot and walk in, or drive up to either one of our service windows. We have two of them now, you know. Drive in on either March of Dimes Marks 20 Years of Service "-fi&k W6-PRESDENT ROOSEVELT ORGANIZES 1950-1954-TENS OF MILLIONS MARCH OF DIMES RESEARCH IMT lOW-TENS OF MARCH OF DIMES ID FIGHT P0L10... > SPENT FOR PATIENT AIDAS EPIDEMICS PAYS Os F - • THOUSANDS FOR WHOM J?TRAj”SoFIsSIoISIf 5 WM'SAIK IMCCMC A SUCCESS* PERSONNEL TO CARE FOR INCREAS- MILLIONS 6ET PROTECTION AFTER e/jCV/i/Af /< tJ/)T '\W^lN® NUMBER OP VICTIMS...STEPS SStLi H LARGEST REID TEST PROVES ' THRU YEARS 3KX? OUVTER3-lOOftOOPWUJNTipS UP RESEARCH ATTACKS ON P0L10..., , " EFFECTIVEHeSS OF VACCINE. CHOUGH/ ■‘“HR mm m? H I B • wr„T B Lf 2 n StMage r °™* To'To^coMove,n --■ We h Cement Block~s39g(? ne " Prac tically ft \ D ° St T° Move / n to 7 c V** c v h7; r f ' ' ** 00 ■ I T Trr. Ito 'A*. „ r‘° —„ I er «■« <. „ r ■■■ RESIDENTS OF K.C. HAVING .., (Continued from page 1) during the summer. A relocation office and staff is planned for the district. Applications for jobs will be taken in the near future. A total of 657 families are af fectde by this new development and 103 business places. The agency director said if things run smoothly razing of buildings should begin this sum mer. Once residents there have been paid for their holdings, sale of the land will be made to private developers. side of our building—some one of us will meet you with a smile, “Reddy” to serve you, whether it be for a penny box of matches or the highest prices item in the store. COME and GET it! —Annie Mae, Doris, Earline and “REDDY”. PHTBnUI7C OUR ADVERTTZERS TITT II um I Ca k ~ ARIZONA SUN L.A. NAACP STEPS UP BUDWEISER BEER BOYCOTT from page 1) capacities in the Los Angeled area.” NO JOBS, NO ‘BUD’ . William G. Porter reportedly had “full authority” to repre sent the company at a meet ing last Wednesday afternoon at which the boycott, launched for the purpose of obtaining jobs for Negroes in the $30,000,- 000 installation of the brewery in Van Nuys, was discussed. Tile position of the protest movement was and is that the boycott will be continued until Negroes are hired. Despite the authority report edly vested in Porter, Dawkins stated that the Anheuser-Busch representative was “unable to commit the company to hire Negroes as truck drivers, bot tlers, packers, shipping clerks / or .secretaries:” PASSING BUCK Accusing tha company of “passing the buck,” Dawkins said further that “Porter was unable to commit the company to sit in a three-way conference as recommended by NAACP pro test leaders, with representa tives of the unions involved, the NAACP and the company. He was unable to commit the com pany to .sit down in a confer ence table discussion with the California Brewers Association, the unions and the NAACP, and he was unable to give a direct answer to the question of why Anheuser-Busch could not put into practice in the Van Nuys plant their stated national poli cy of non-discrimination in hir ing.” Dawkins also said that the NAACP is mobilizing its total local membership of 14,000 to step up the protest activities Daily block by block canvass ing will be conducted by teams of housewives and others to see that every Budweiser sign is removed from windows and shelves of markets and drug stores as well as taverns and package retail liquor stores, he said. Frank H. Barnes, president of the NAACP Southern area, said that other southland branches are actively extending the pro test movement. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 195 ft CLASSIFIED , ADVERTISING RATES A Cents per Word, Per Insertion: Minimum, 50 Cents WANTED beauty operators for a new and strictly modern shop for particulars, call Idas* BR. 6-9142. Booths, $6 a week- FOR SALE—Muskrat Cape, size 40, only $l5O. Very good buy. AL. 4-4644. Illlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt Southern BAR 1998 S. CENTRAL Home-Cooked Meals COLD BEER Open 24 Hours Daily IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII MOVING IS OUR BUSINESS' . We move trunks, household furnishings or anything lUI E. Jefferson AL »-4«?4 DRUG SUNDRIES LIQUOR - BEER • WINE TELEVISION Soles and Service HUNTING and FISHING Licenses SHOT GUN SHELLS . TP* 5 Best Place To Bay • Is At The SOUTHERN DRUG 624 S. 7th Ave. AL. 4*2694 and AL. 3-0903 NOTARY PUBLIC JACK MAY, Mgr. PATRONIZE OR ADVERTISERS