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Arizona sun. [volume], June 05, 1958, Arizona Highway Department 47th Fiscal Year, Page PAGE 30, Image 32
About Arizona sun. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1942-196?
Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 30 (Tii i i i ' nz7~i i j i t'i Arizona, admitted to the union feb /< Vo 1912, isttUktoufyVa/entine state. y/7 (p) ! Oregon also-become a sdat& on Valentine's Pay, 1859 - L_(^ a «,zoma catim* n WONDERFUL FUDGE i -LlouscHouo I y 3 sq. choeola»« 1 cup .v.porated milk j | | | (S|T(ffOIW CaMOW stlte) I IVi cup* W]H 1 »sp. vanilla . i 1 Va »*p. *alt V« cup butter ' |I? x.'- | asiftisSe. j lij Melt chocolate in heavy aluminum saucepan, tightly covered, on I he* tecHn hot "water"*** controlled unit at 200*F. for 6 minute*. Add sugar, salt and thi#n driad. ’ j cream of tartar and mix thoroughly with chocolate. Slowly stir in j —■■ !milk. Cover and cook 5 minutes longer. Beat in butter and vanilla. , ‘ ' Stora in covered container on cabinet shelf. DO NOf REFRIGER- l -- ATE. Serve over ice cream, cake eclair, etc. j CLIP and FILE 1 R _ av FLY K(T£S SAFELY . $ Wjtpfck/j / Keep kites stray from electric U/ires. dhjf. — 2 Fse dry cotton string - - not mefat 3 A/ever use metat on kites ifSe- jtyyri? 4 Never climb powerpoles. n. m< " teprwerl . ElOy WE: ' | j liAafe once renamed & j i -: r-iddP-z CofftM Ctrl/* W&s Near Florenc V " I,ion . il monu , mant ! ■ —.r Reminiscent of an anr.ant settlement i m dl named aft&r the, \ I f Syrian word Eioi (• I . „ rg?fc f r"/ meaning "My Sod V—Jl * ' - —■■■ ' ARTICLES OF AGREE MENT OF THE J. L. THOMAS MINING CO. We, the members of the J. L. Thomas Mining Company agree to pay the expense of the re newal of the Corporation. We also agree to purchase ten acres off desert land owned by J. L.< Thomas heated in Sec. 6 T2VV Range 2 West in Maricopa County, Arizona, known as Rain bow Valley. This land is to be purchased for the purpose of storing mining machinery and such other needs as the mining company may have from time to time. When expansion becomes nec essary, we further agree to pur chase adjoining land from the J. L. Thomas properties for the convenience of common labor used in the mines. It is further agreed upon be tween us that a stationary worker be employed to oversee the machinery and other pos sessions of the mining company. Also to seek a builder for a storage and machinery working department. Tata-Homo friccs 1/2 QT. - 16 OZ. CANS ... 6 FOR $1.59 12 02. CANS ... 6 FOR $1.25 QT. . . 51c BE A.SCHLITZER! BE REFRESHED! The record book of the J. L. Thomas Mining Company shows] date of funds of renewal of the] J. L. Thomas Mining Company, a Corporation of Arizona, also the names of members of the Corporation which are as fol lows : John Ivory Myers, 517 No. Cen ter Street, Mesa, Arizona. Dr. N. D. Hightower, 902 E. Jef ferson Street, Phoenix. Ari zona. A. L. Shaw, 1325 East Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona Mack Curry, 1216 So. 10th Ave nue, Phoenix. Arizona Alice C. Roberts, 1101 West Pima Street, Phoenix, Arizona Izora Hill, 1414 S. 11th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. Miss Cordelia Montgomery, 1431 East Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. George Meador, 1425 S. 11th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. The above members financed the renewal of the corporation on May 5, 1958. ARIZONA SUN (Signed) J. L. Thomas J. L. Thomas, President of J. L. Thomas Mining Company. (SEAL) Subscribed to before me this 20th day of May, 1953, by J. L. Thomas My commission expires: 4-13-59 Kate McCarty, Notary STO P! 1 Don’t Trade It! - - Fix It! PAINT TOUR UR Only $49 50 i EXPERT BODY WORK SEAT COVERS FLOOR MATS POLISHING STOP IN FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY ASK ABOUT THE BUDGET PLAN WILLIAMSON BODY and PAINT SHOP 1929 So. Central Avenue TELEPHONE ALPINE 4 0307 let nbe mm SUN SHINE IN YOUR HOME If your neighborhood is not serviced by an Arizona Sun news boy, just step around the corner to the nearest newsstand. Here is a list of stands for your convenience: Rosner Pharmacy 901 East Jefferson Street Norman’s Pharmacy 1402 East Washington Street Reddy’s Corner 1602 East Jefferson Street Lee Jew Market 1503 East Washington Jim’s Food Market 1110 East Washington Southern Drug Store 624 South 7th Avenue Broadway Pharmacy 1608 East Broadway Nelson’s Grocery 2803 East Broadway Southside Market 9th Avenue and Buckeye Rd. Mt. View Grocery 2106 East Broadway iililllllllllllllllllllllllllll | Valley Record Shop | | FEATURING | 1 The Top “40" In jj RHYTHM and BLUES ROCK and ROLL §The Best Selections of| ;| JAZZ L.Ps | r BIG PRICE REDUCTION ON RECORDS 1152 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 3 H 12th Shreet and Washington HI _ LISTEN TO THE CHUCK LANE SHOW g } HI RADIO KON I l4OO ll-12 NIGHTLY g June 5, 1958