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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1958 STROLLING r \x By EFFIE O’KELLEY Music Arranger Curtis Gray, music arranger and booking agent has been missed in the Phoenix area. He is at present, in Sacramento, work ing as chief arranger, for a Latin American band. They are playing during the week, most 1 y for theatre stage shows, and play for dances on the week ends. They made a tour of Colorado, Nebraska, and New Mexico, be fore going to Sacramento. Their next engagement calls for tours of Kansas City, Chicago, and De troit, after which they will re turn to Sacramento. Curtis wrote that during the entire tour, he only encountered discrimination in Yuma, Arizona.. That’s one strike againts our homestate, when a talented young man runs into difficulty finding a place to eat in Arizona. We pray that the day will soon come when intelli gent proprietors will serve all, regardless of race, color, or creed. Vacation Time It is vacation time for the A. H. Shaws Jr and their daughter and son Becky and Gus. The Shaws plan to leave Sunday, July 6, for Pasadena, California, where they will visit Mr. Shaw’s mother, Mrs. A. H. Shaw Sr. Gus is at pre sent at Boy Scout Camp, and will return to Phoenix Saturday Becky and Gus are considered among the best Junior ice skaters, and plan to take ice skating lessons in Pasadena, at the Pasadena Winter Garden for a month. Party Time Miss Gloria Evans who is visit ing her Aunt, Mrs. Keys, enter tained a group of the younger set with a party at her Aunt’s home, 1341 E. Jefferson St. Guests included Ca;fc*ie Gray, Claudia Lindsay, Dona Lindsay, Paul Willis, and Claudia Willis. The tots enjoyed dancing, out door games and T. V. Sad News Mr. and Mrs. Leon Willis were shocked by the news of the death of their brother-in-law, Mr. Reno Trimble, of San Francisco, Calif ornia. Mr. Trimb.e is survived -nr TAIN JOHN SMITH 'EP UTTLE ABOUT POISON ' WHEN HE WAS RESCUEP BY OCAHONTAS.. % BUT EUROPE -IRST HEARP OF PO/SON IVY IN TSO9 WHEN HE WROTE , ‘ijrns TKAK A million peone WILL "CATCH" poison ivy /N \ TH/S COUNTRY. CC,O°/o ARC J URUSH/OL, THE OILY SAP/N IVY PLANTANP LEAVES /S THE /x’VTaSSS' /RR/TA TING SUBSTANCE. .. /S / J; j INFECTION IS BY P/RECT CONTACT LcSt WITH PLANT, FROM SMOKE OF KNOW THE 3 BURNING PLANT, RUBBER FROM LEAVES, J§: FUR OF ANIMALS, TOOLS, CLOTHES. AVOII7 IT. J I 1 ill AT F/RST S/GN OF IRRITATION WASH MW I |£|PlP( WITH OIL-CUTTING LAUNPRY SOAP OR V Wt If PETERGENT, THEN APPLY PREPARATION | THAT CONTAINS ZIRCONIUM SUCH AS Jf WRHUL/CREAM OR RHUL/SPRAY TO neutralize the irritant. -W j ALONG by his wife, Mrs. Ella Mae Trim ble, sister of Leola Willis. The body will be sent to Dallas for Burial. Our deepest sympathy to the Willises and family. For Gertrude My Goddaughter Having no son or daughter wnose small face Might t>ea.r my face’s likeness past tne grave, i sees. uirough you for that momentous grace Os memory. And, too, I seek to save For you in song the things that I uesire To leave you down the years, the unrigs r know Should swirr oeiore you like a goiaen lire Wnen you are suddenly four teen or so. I eave you, then, the beauty of the worm; its wrnuy hills; its nights of murmur mg ram; Wise Dows; long laughter; * and the autumneuned Brown leaves; tne stars; and always in your pain Tne hanas and eyes of love; swnt roaas tnat sweep Around blue mountains; sun sets; little towns; home; the joy oi sleep; The glory of your crosses and your crowns; And so I give them, not at some brief whim, But with my heart, and hope that you may see I gave them to you with the love of Him Who made them and Who gave them all to me. James E. Warren, Jr. Going East Mr. W. A. Robinson leaves this weekend for New York where he will visit his son William Jr. and family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirkpat rick also embark on a vacation to the East to visit their son and his family in Chicago. ARIZONA SUN NOTES By Leroy Holmes Mrs. Jane T. Palmer, 1329 W. Grant left Sunday morning to attend a convocation in Ohio. Miss Margaret Arnold, daugh ter of Mrs. Mary Arnold, of 743 W. Watkins Rd. celebrated her 11th birthday at an outing at South Mountain Park. Ice sream was served The Rev. J. D. Daniels is in Memorial Hospital where he was rushed Saturday night when he became suddenly ill. He is feel ing much better, following an appendectomy Monday morning. Mrs. Lillian Jackson, 1509 W. Hadley is uo and doing fine, fol lowing an illness. Miss Irma Jean Ward, 1443 East Jefferson who underwent surgery, last Friday, is home now and recuperating satisfactorily. “PRAY FOR ME* “Prav for me!” the pastor whis pered As he climbed the altar stair; “I shall preach a better sermon If your thoughts are raised in prayer!” “Pray for me!” the sinner plead ed, “Lest in weakness I shoud fall There is hope that God will help me When He hears you earnest call!” “Pray for me! ” The cry is uttered Like a hand that reaches out, Pleading for the strength so needed In the war with fear and doubt "Pray for me!” O brother, sister, Yours the honor thus to serve, Bringing stores of grace to others With a faith that does not swerve. “Pray for me!” Oh, heed the summons; Other’s burdens you may bear, And the God of all compassion Will reward you for your pray er. —Hazel Hartwell Simon There’s a million and one details to getting a real estate deal through escrow and the title all insured safe and sound. Just tejl the real estate broker to leave it up to Arizona Title. They know how to rope and hogtie every detail and ; get the buyer’s brand on the land in record time. ESCROWS - TITLE INSURANCE - TRUSTS HEAD OFFICE • 124 N. Ist Ave., PHOENIX I Arizona Title ' Guarantee &ThistCompany MU CHURCH NEWS'. pllgrim rest baptist The Lord’s Supper will be ob served this Sunday evening. Last Sunday the Missionary Department had charge of mor ning services. In the afternoon, the Antioch Baptist Choir ap peared here on the Zion Rest District Association program. Rev. L. J. Dunbar delivered the message Nvw saiavTi isiidva IVI9OW3W .mmiL The National “Who’s Who’ committee met in Omaha, Neb raska during the 53rd. Annual Session of the National Sunday School and B. T. U. Congress on June 20th. and made some sweep ing changes in its organization. It re-named itself a more appro priate name, "The Jemagin Me morial Committee,” and enlarg ed its scope from mere biogra phies of leaders as originally plan ned to include the following sections: 1. A Youth Section, 2. An Institu tional Sectional, and 3. A Lay section. The Committee re-affirmed its determination to publish a vol ume of historic significance that will be worthy of the memory of the late President of the Nation al Sunday School and B. T. U. Congress. Dr. Wiliam Henry Jemagin, who labored so long and gave so much to the Baptist cause. _• Earn all you can; save all you can; give all you can. This, I think, was John Wesley’s saying. It embodies much of his shrewd sense and consecration. Some take firstly and secondly, but thirdly is too much to them; giv ing foes again t the grain. Spurgeon PAGE FIVE First Institutional Baptist Churcl 1439 East Jefferson A. G. Kendricks, 'Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Pilgrim Rest Baptist 1417 East Madison Rev. H. Y. Stevenson, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning worship New Salem Baptist Church 1706 East Lincoln Rev. Leo Nickols, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Antioch Baptist Church 41 North Uth Street Rev. F. H. Prentice, Pastor 9:80 am. Sunday school (1:00 a.m. Morning worship Wesley Methodist Church 1802 East Washington Rev. Charles F. Karlins, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning worship Lacy Phillips Memorial Church Comer 14th at East Adams Rev. L. J.'Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning worship GALILEE BAPTIST CHURCH Mobile, Arizona Rev. E. J. Sykes, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday School 11:00 am. Morning Worship Shiloh Baptist 9th Avenue and Buckeye Rev. N. L. Huff, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning worship BETHEL TmT CHURCH 4th Place and Pima, Mesa Rev. Mrs. Helen Thomas, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 am. Morning Worship. CHRISTMNGHURCH • Mary Bethune School 1510 S. 15th Ave. 10:00 a.m. Christian Church Services 11:00 am. Bible School CHURCH OF CHRIST 2707 East Broadway Walter Tapp, Minister 10:00 am. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Tuesday night Bible Class Friday night ladies Bible Class It Pays to Look Your Best HAGLER’S BARBER SHOP 345 East Jefferson in A beauty ILS/\ o SALON 4047 So. 16th St. Phoenix Newest and Finest Beauty Shop. Everything new and modern. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Operators Mrs. Ethel Reid, Mrs. Ida Steward, and Mrs. Ida Craig. PHONE BR. 6-9142