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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Page 2 People On Jobs gp§;; .{ JMBdBK ‘ | * Jm : ij| .wL 5.; : •• wIL .yjN®: Jr m n f * J« -; > JK. .JLmJb,!. Jl a |MHJ - JH**—:: Jill |HB jBB Sw Staff Sgi. and Mrs. Norvell W. “The military services offer a young person unlimited opportun ity in every way” is what Norvell Curtis says after 17 years in the Air Force. One also tours the world, oc casionally with his family. Last July, Mrs. Juanita Curtis. 4th teacher at Gray School, with Norvell, Jr,, met their ser geant in Europe and made their private 7-week tour. Sgt. Curtis’ assignment with USAF in Europe was 18 months, but the family stayed 2 months— on their own, of course. They 56rove their Jown car,- through France, Germany, Belgium, Lux embourg. Australia, Switzerland and Italy. .. They saw many African Ne groes in Europe, practically all of them scholars or technicians. They found the French and Dutch Extremely sympathetic to the American Negro problem. Well Folks: I'm looking for a job! This is the first time that I've looked for work in over 25 years. I've been, operating Reddy's Corner, and that has always been a full time job. Now I'm looking for something additional to do. You are the people that can help me gel ihat job, especially those of you who live in Arizona's legis lative district number (9) nine. I’m asking for the job of rep resenting you from that district in our next state legislature. District number 9 is a big one extending roughly from Central Ave. to 20th Sireei and from Van Buren io the river bottom. After having made my living in the district for over 25 years I feel that I have a good under standing of the needs and desires of the people in this area. I should like to have your ideas of what you think are some of ihe more important legislative problems today. Come in! Lei's talk it over! I'm in the store every morning. So come on down any time after 6 a.m. I'd like to have your views. > As always. (SUN photo) Curtis and Norvel W. Curtis, Jr. Europeans generally believe Little Rock to be typical of race relations here. Naturally, they do wonder about the democracy we preach. The Curtises experienced the thing which other countries of fer Negroes—the lack of aware ness that they were Negroes. However, here and there, the white serviceman who is segre gationist is able to influence a European businessman through pressure of trade. Very little juvenile delinquency exists in the continent, they said, mainly because of strong family life, strong church influence, and a less material set of values. Eu ropeans love the beauty of na ture and enjoy it as a family unit. Sgt. Curtis, who attends air force classes constantly, is of ficially called a Flight Mainten ance Technician, but in Europe was a non-commissioned officer in charge of Wing quality control. He inspected US equipment. At Luke AFB for 7 years and 8 months he was a trouble shoot er and checked planes transfer ring and received. May 1, the sergeant reports to March AF Base, Riverside, Cali fornia to look over jets, which are his specialty. He got where he is by showing an interest and taking advantage of his opportunities—which are there for anyone. Cay Aiier Day Week After Week Year After Year jSbii&fi/ttS SELL FOR LESS LOCATIONS • PHOENIX—7th Ave. & Osborn • MESA—Robson & Pepper Lane • PHOENIX—32nd St., Ind. Sch. Rd. • CHANDLER—IS South Plaza • SCOTTSDALE—ScottsdaIe Rd. • GLENDALE—E. Glendale Ave. • CASA GRANDE THE ARIZONA SUN (JIM WOODS photo) PHOENIX CHAPTER OF LINKS. INC. Froni row (1 to r) Mmes. H. B. Daniels, Erceline Hardy, Robert Banks, Wellington Swindall. Standing (1 to r) Mmes. Joseph Island, Lowell C. Wormley. Curtis Greenfield, Clarence Jackson. Fred Williams, Joseph Flipper, David Wormley, Charles Wheeler, Robert Fhillips, J. S. Jones, Geraldine Solomon, Aubrey Aldridge and McFraddie Martin. Local NAACP Has Active Record The Maricopa Branch NAACP has been busy through the years pressing for the rights of Negroes and other minorities through le gal channels. It led the fight which brought a permissive school desegrega tion bill in 1951. Not satisfied with this statute because of its limitations (as were later seen) it challenged its con stitutionality. This was during the able branch leadership of Dr. Robert B. Phillips. Joining with Council for Civic Unity, it attacked high school segregation in the Phoenix area. Judge Fred Struckmeyer’s his toric decision resulted. With these same 2 organizations leading the fight, Wilson School District in tegrated after a decision by Judge Charles Bernstein. Through the county office teaming up with Attorney Wil liam P. Mahoney, Jr., the organi zations opened several schools,, for instance, Buckeye and Gila Bend. Finally, with the cooperation of Joseph Mahoney of Pinal County, all schools except Eloy were integrated. This organization was also a sponsor of the little Fair Ejn ployment bill which applied to DEEP FREEZE, 10 cubic foot. Has warranty. Take S9B. 805 S. Central. state, county and municipal em ployer classes. Attorneys Herbert Finn and Hayzel B. Daniels, representing Council for Civic Unity and NAACP respectively, have for years worked as a team. PAULA & MAC S Tavern and Pool Hall 1615 - 17 E. Broadway Mac & Paula, Prop. For All Your Printing Needs Call Gcculate PuhHhc Co. 1909 E. McDowell AL 4-3524 ARIZONA .. LAND WITH A FUTURE! “In just a few short years, Arizona has grown from a quiet, easy-going State to one of the most exciting regions in all of America. The future will require the united efforts of all citizens of the Grand Canyon State plus a workable, practical PLAN FOR PROGRESS admini stered by the people of vision coupled with good common sense. Such a plan will project Arizona to startling heights in the years ahead.” czCee LEE ACKERMAN Co., Jnc 7000 EAST CAMELBACK ROAD • SUITE 18 SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA PHOENIX • SCOTTSDALE • YUMA • TUCSON April 29. 1960 FOR A BETTER DEAL SEE MERVIN COLTER At CAR CITY ' 1500 E. Camelback CR 7-7456