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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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May 19, 1960 Teen Talk fWp By SHARON BROOKS | , fSsUF J What Have You Been Doing In School? There are many things you can participate and exceed in at school. There are sports, clubs, and yes, even your studies. Let’s talk about sports, and in this field let’s speak on track. This brings up the state meet that was held in -COOLERS 1 wZw/mm M Ww 5 f§pi The name tells the story! On sweltering-hot summer days and nights, a Sno-Breze air cooler floods your home with moun tain-cool air. And Sno-Breze coolers are 4 ways better give you more years of dependable cooling because they’re RUG GED! Visit us soon, or phone or write for free descriptive booklet. PALMER INDUSTRIES, INC. 2235 West McDowell Road Phone AL 8-3429 BMrtO'ftex A TIRES SmM ww TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! 6.70x15 7.10x15 7.50x14 8.00x14 $U 95 $1495 $1495 $20 41 Exchange with recappable tire FREE Tube with New Retread Tube Type Tire or $9.95 up Retreads George Rice Tire Supply 1702 W. Buckeye Rd. Tucson Saturday, May 14. In this event PU’s Ron Phillips walked away with Ist place in the 100 and 220 yd. dash. Charles Mayfield took a good 2nd in the 220. Freshman James Hall, did not place in the 440 yd. dash, although he made a good try. But he will be look ing forward to revenge this defeat next year. Charles Howard, of South, seemed a little disgusted over the 2nd he took in the broad jump (which was a very good place) and plans to see what he can do at the Luke Greenway Meet. It will be held Friday, 20, at North High. When one says he cannot conquer the field of studies he is wrong. If you don’t believe me, ask Handsel Minyard, who is number 18 in a grad uation class of 627. Even though school is interesting (to some) we still like to have our parties, dances, etc. Dance! this word brings to mind the dance that will be held on the 28th, at Eastlake Park Gym. It will be given by the Lampoon Club of Omega’s Phi Psi Fraternity. The affair is an end of school dance entitled, “It’s All Over.” The dance will be from 8:00 to 12:00. Everybody is welcome to attend. And since this is leap year girls, you can grab your special fellow. You don’t have to wait until he grabs you. Churches MI. CALVARY BAPTIST 1246 S. 11th Ave. Rev. C. N. Hall, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship TAYLOR MEMORIAL INTERRACIAL SPIRITUALIST Rev. Nellye Maye Taylor 1245 W. Watkins Street Spirit is the light of the world. Meetings Lyceum 10:30 a.m. (Sunday School) 2:30 p.m. Worship SOUTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN 1923 East Broadway Rev. George B. Brooks, Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship DEEPFREEZE, 10 cubic chest, $349, take S9B, has 90 days warran ty, pay $8 monthly. 805 South Central. 78 REFRIGERATORS all makes & sizes, 56 automatic washing ma chines, 32 wringer type washers, 45 stoves, all makes, all tested, approved and guaranteed. $34 and up. Appli ance Service Center, 805 S. Central till 7 p.m. KRlZ—Arizona's most lislened-lo station! MMM, lIM "* * F^e '' Hear them daily . . . 1230 on your dial . . . KRIZ THE ARIZONA SUN Student Meeting For Civil Rights HOUSTON—Some 200 NAACP I college and high school students gath ered here last weekend to lay plans for expanding summer and fall civil rights activities in the southwest. The two-day leadership and plan ning conference was sponsored by the g* NAACP Southwest regional office in g cooperation with the national youth IS and college division. A similar meeting 1 was held in Frogmore, S.C., three B weeks ago. Emphasis was on implementing the r Association’s newly announced wade in beach swimming campaign at tax supported facilities. Other areas of public accommodations denial dis- j! cussed included playgrounds and $ parks. Among colleges and universities represented were Huston - Tillotson, Bishop, Wiley, Texas Southern, Dil lard, Oklahoma City, Rice Institute, and the universities of Oklahoma and Texas. c j o C 81 Delinquency Forum Run By Okla. Group OKLAHOMA CITY lncreased voter registration, methods of combat ting discrimination, and juvenile de linquency were major topics of dis cussion here this weekend at the NAACP Freedom Workshop. Sponsored by the Association’s local youth chapter, the gathering was at tended by youth of both races from all over the state. Mrs. Clara Luper, advisor of the NAACP youth group said “We be lieve young people of Oklahoma have all the potential and raw materials needed to make democracy work in Oklahoma. “It is our responsibility, as the lead ing civil rights organization, to help mold sincere desires of young people into an appealing project. The Free dom Workshop is that project.” JOIN THE URBAN LEAGUE 14 CUBIC Refrigerator Freezer combination, 5 cubic freezer door at the bottom, 9 cubic Refrigerator door on top, cost $539, take sllß or $lO monthly. 805 South Central till 7 p.m. Tonsorialist Styles of Distinction BIGBEE & MANNS Barber Shop 609 East Jefferson M' ■ : \#4 v.y ■■■■ ::■ ■. ''' (JIM WOODS Photo) Proud mothers Mrs. Oreba Nunley (left) and Mrs. Delois Kizzie (right) pose with their children Althino and Vacie. The newlyweds were married at the Southminster Presbyterian Church, 1923 East Broadway, Sunday, May 15. Reception was at the home of Mrs. Richard Thompson. MAYTAG automatic wash ma chine, still has six months warranty. Cost $340, take sllO or $8 monthly. 805 South Central THE GREATEST SALE of Cotton Washable DRESSES Hundreds of Brand New Styles and Exciting Colors. Reg. Sizes: 5-17: 8-20: 1414-52 CHARGE IT * NO MONEY DOWN Franklin’s 20 E. WASHINGTON I We have the record you want. . . | 903 RECORD SHOP AL 2-0598 Mr. and Mrs. Winford Rucker, Props. BUCKEYE ROAD AT 9th AVENUE Tune in Sunday KPOK Winford's Show Spirituals Spotlight in Progressive Jazz 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. 6:00 to 6:30 P.M. AIR CONDITIONER, refrigera tion. Used 4 months, cost $279, take S9B or $6 monthly. 805 South Cen tral till 7 p.m. Page 5