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Newspaper Page Text
August 4, 1960 These Firms Invite Your Business BICYCLES if Schwinn "Built" Bicycles Sales and Service Power Lawn Mowers BELL SAW & CYCLE 1633 W. Van Buren AL 2-0001 BOTTLED WATERS CRYSTAL BOTTLED WATERS Arizona's Finest Bottled Water Home Delivery AM 6-4491 BUILDERS * A & K DEVELOPMENT CO. 4553 North 7th Avenue CR 9-6283 Specialists in Building and Remodeling Come and See Us DEPARTMENT STORES M^cVuclc^ 106 E. Washington AL 8-5911 DRIVE-INS ★ FROSTOP DRIVE-IN East Broadway at 23rd St. 5 Large Hamburgers SI.OO Tak-Hom-Sak Stop for a Snack Anytime PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS WALLACE AIR CONDITONING SERVICE Sheet Metal Works CR 7-6827 4704 North 7th Avenue SARWARK MOTOR SALES • 1610 EAST VAN BUREN • DISPOSAL SALE Next year's prices, this year! These are without a doubt the Lowest Prices for Used Cars Anywhere. SK Alt Joe Gregory, 1440 S. 13th Ave., Lot Foreman (left) and Louis Johnson, 1425 E. Monroe, Roving Mechanic, has been with Sarwark 13 years. Must sacrifice every late model car we have had in stock over 30 days. Price no object. We trade for anything: Ist mortgages, real estate, dia monds, anything of value. As low as 10% down, 36 months to pay at 6% interest to qualified buyers. '6O Ford Starliner '6O Thunderbird $3995 Hardtop coupe, like new. Save a Hardtop. Radio, heater, power thousand dollars on this beautiful steering, power brakes, power seats, car. Full power, auto, trans. electric window lifts and equipped with ice cold factory refrigeration. . r i a-inrtr We are seling this at this unbeliev -60 Corvair Sed. $1895 ably low price this week only. 'SB Chev Impala $1695 '6O Chevrolet Impala Excellent cond. local car. Full power. Brand new hardtop coupe, radio, heater, power steering. Driven di ,Cn rv■ j o o * i >nc rectly from showroom here. This is 58 Olds 88 $1075 not a use d car. 4 Door, fully equipped. Very low mileage, local car. ' SB Cadi „ ac $3,95 /co Bl.tooc Eldorado Biarritz Convertible, fully 58 Plymouth $785 equipped including ice cold refrig- V-8 Club sedan, equipped with eration. powerflite transmission. '57 Ford $895 '57 Oldsmobile $995 Deluxe Ranchero pickup. Fully Holiday coupe. equipped including ice cold refrig. 1610 East Van Buren 316 North 16th Street AL 8-6071 FURNITURE STORES . Highway Whse. Outlet Black Canyon Highway at Buckeye Rd. Phoenix U if A Furniture Buy for Every Budget 1414 East Van Buren if Save with Traders GARAGES if TOMIE'S GARAGE Service Built General Auto Repairs All Work Guaranteed AL 3-0978 1210 East Mohave Win $5.00 WEEKLY Ask for Entry Blank at any advertiser having star beside his name. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY PHOTOGRAPHERS * JIM WOODS "Photographs Made in Your Home at Your Convenience " 1718 West Sonora AL 3-3881 Weddings • Children • Families Anyone Can Win Contest Winner MRS. PEARLE RAE, 3996 South Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Califor nia, is the winner, this month of the Anyone Can Win Contest. The mis take she found was in the July 14th issue in the article, “Good Home Cooking For Louie’s Birthday.” The word sixtieth was spelled sixieth. Mrs. Rae will receive a $2.00 check from the SUN. THE ARIZONA SUN PLUMBING ★ CASEY'S PLUMBING 3420 South Central Ave. BR 6-4013 30-Gal. 10-yr. W.H. - 46.50 20-Gal. 10-yr. W.H. - 44.50 And Other Specials if MANUEL CHERRY AND SON Plumbing & Repairing No Job Too Sihall Lie. & Bonded Phone AL 4-1909 SERVICE STATIONS if AL 3-9535 Pick Up & Delivery LONG'S SIGNAL SERVICE Motor Tune Up Lubrication Car Wash Polishing Waxing 1545 E. Washington Claude Long if POWELL BROS. & REEDER Phillips 66 Station East Broadway at 23rd BR 6 0551 Good Used Tires $1.50 up All Sizes TELEVISION SERVICE ★ ATOM RADIO - TELEVISION Guaranteed Service 1613 East Broadway BR 6-0858 Television • Radios All Models All Makes if TV LEO'S Fix Now Pay Later On Approved Credit AL 4-3141 1149 E. McDowell Rd. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS FROM McNARY By MRS. J. JACKSON P. O. Box 165, McNary Services for Mr. Andrew William son, 65, who died at his home, were held 10:00 a.m. at Bethel A.M.E. Church. Netz Mortuary of Springer ville was in charge with Rev. D. W. Lynn officiating. Burial was held in the Blooming Grove’s Cemetery. The house of Mr. John Harris was razed by fire. His wife and two chil dren were burned to death. Funeral services for the three were held July 25, Netz Mortuary in charge; Rev. W. M. Bell officiated at the burial held in the Blooming Grove’s Ceme tery. Rev. J. E. Daniels who underwent surgery in Phoenix is very much improved. A dance was held Saturday night, July 23rd, at the Pinetop Club and was very well attended. The mother of Mrs. David Russell is visiting in her home for a few days. The Blooming Grove Baptist Church will have a baby contest the fourth Sunday in August. All partici pants are asked to do their best. Mr. Lenon Larry is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crockett have guests in their home. Mr. Mack is not well. He has just returned from Phoenix after seeing a dentist. Mr. Connie Burnham is out of town on business. Mrs. Mattie M. Adams is being vis ited by her mother of Texas. Mother Garner visited the Church of God in Christ for two days. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Glynn are visiting their grand mother in Las Vegas, Nevada. Elzie Lee Lott has just returned from Phoenix after a two-week visit with Mrs. Estella Washington, 6th Ave. Fishing is good in the White Moun tain area. Come on up and launch a big catch. MORGAN'S GROCERY Groceries Beer Wine Notions Magazines 1830 SOUTH PARK TUCSON Distributor of THE ARIZONA SUN * t : -h %. (McConnell Photo) MARRIED SUNDAY, July 17, are John Earl Shaw and Marie Walton shown cutting their wedding cake at the reception held at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, 1804 E. Buchanan. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Walton, 1506 E. Atlanta. From Yuma BY TED HOLLIN Box 387, Yuma PARTY LOYALTY The outcome of the recently closed Republican National Convention in dicated a very definite turn away from the traditionally conservative policy of the Republicans toward a more liberal policy. The Democrats, in their Convention, were accused of adopting-a platform leaning heavily toward Socialism in several aspects. The Negro vote, as well as that of non-Negroes influenced by a desire to aid the Negro, will be an important vote in this election—no doubt, on occasion becoming the pivotal vote. This highly significant character of the Negro vote imposes upon the Ne gro the responsibility of casting his ballot in an intelligent and enlightened manner. The Negro has rarely shown himself as the firm party politician who votes a straight ticket through party loyalty regardless of the issues and candidates presented by the party. This condition alone has contributed to the fact that the Negro vote is much sought after. Because there has been a minimum of consistency in concrete assistance to the Negro in attaining first class citizenship over the years, the Negro has not been able to afford the luxury of blind party loyalty but rather has had to use his vote to the best possible advantage as the situation presented itself. This action has been interpreted in some quarters to indicate a lack of resport sibility on the part of the Negro as to loyalty to his nation and as to the good of the whole. In other words, it has been branded as selfish action. This suggestion however, can only en ter the minds of those who fail to regard the Negro as an integral part of the nation and his rights as de serving the consideration accorded those of other peoples. Many of the politicians who persist in maintaining this attitude toward the Negro are in for a rude awakening at the polls by the increasing number of voters who do place a high regard on human rights. In order that the Negro can vote understandingly in this year’s elections he should understand the terms Socialism, conservatism and lib eralism which we will discuss next. FROM MESA By MATTIE LIVINGSTON 438 N. Pasadena Mesa, Ariz. It’s interesting to note how differ ent people spend their vacations in the summer. Some work, some go away for a while, and others spend the entire three months at something daring or adventureous. For instance Miss Veora Johnson had an exciting trip to Hawaii, where there are many wonders to be found, while Cora Jones and Dorothy Mayfield enrolled in classes in summer school. Dorothy is at East Jr. High taking reading, and Cora is at ASU taking several classes. Among those who chose to work are Millie Thomas, Robert Charles, Fred King, Mary Livingston, and Charles Hemphill. Still there are others who are vacationing for a while or the entire summer. These include: Charlene and Paula Harrell, Wanda Greene, Charlene McClelland, Mary Davenport, Jeannette Stephens, Rose Grubbs, and Mardria Charles. A Saturday night teenage party given by Liz Brown found almost all the kids there. Besides dancing there were refreshments and the latest re cords fun for all who attend ed. Among the partybugs were Jean nette Brinston, Erma King, James McClelland, Barbara and Joyce Jones, Charles Grubbs, Eugene Dightman, Millie Thomas, Bertha Mandley, Law rence Tottress, Ervell Jack, Wanda Livingston, Elwood Humdy, Ruben Wise and many others. So far everyone has cooperated in giving me the news. Sometimes I am not available to get it, so I would very much appreciate it being turned in to me. Thanks ever so much for all who have helped this column. o Lending System U MINH, Vietnam —So precious are the CARE agricultural tool packages given to this village, the people set up a lending system: a man can bor row only one tool at a time, must return it to the village warehouse be fore he can borrow another. CARE donors in the U.S. contributed the cost of the implements, which are helping 1,500 North Vietnamese ref ugees start a new community on the edge of the jungle, about 115 miles southwest of Saigon. Refrigerator Sale! Crosley 11 cubic cross top freezer, shelves in door S6O. Frigidaire 9 cu. Kelvinator 10 cu. S6O. Westinghouse, Gen eral Electric, others S4O. All Refrigerators Have At Least 30 Days Warranty TERMS $6 MONTHLY 805 South Central till 9 p.m. Page 7