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PAGE TWO .imp l ''Li ' ■' i H " »» "T m' SURPRISING BIRTHDAY PARTY is the occasion of this get-together. Dewyte j>avis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis, was surprised by neighbors and fc lends at a birthday party last week in his home at 115 West Apache. (JIM WOODS photo) FROM YUMA By TED HOLLIN -v bo* 387, Yuma . • In 'the- of life which ,em braces human behavior the, ap plication .of force accomplishes just sc & much: npver the full fruition of s the desired accomplishment. Yet, in many instances in order "Swma to Swann and Be Represented" ■ eusbc v. sum STATE REPRESENTATIVE I - TV »r sown I 0 * WEEK AT MOST BRAYER’S Payments Start Oct. 15th *¥a' U. 9P. M. "SINCE 1936" RADIO &TV SALES SERVICE n 745 GRAND AVENUE AL 4=5816 t mnt iiMiii iimia'iMu i m —- ————-—- KRIZ Arizona's Most Listened-To Station I . v I-. *l ' .. . - ' ' . . (,» KM TUbS MMI Miuml E>OW LiHCCiN *£» SCOT? Hear Them Daily .. . 1230 on Your Dial •« » KiUZ to negate the undesirable effects r of one force, it is necessary to in troduce an opposing force into the situation. Such is the case with jsegregation and. discrimination which results in the deprivation of rights and opportunities of a group of people simply because of ethnic reasons. The force being applied at this time through the me , dia of legislation and court orders is necessary but must be of tem porary duration. To replace the present circumstance of force there must be a permanent psy chology for freedom and equality of mankind. This psychology must, emanate from a philosophic ap proach and result in calm judge- 1 jment and equable temper. This is : inow the beginning of the adjust-; ment phase of integration. The onus; for advancement in the field of integration rests with the Negro and without his initiative in this; idirection there will be no proggess.i The question might arise as to, why. in a democratic nation such as ours, founded upon the basic freedom and equality of all men.j such a psychology for equality; has not come to the fore before now. It has been in existence since the founding of our nation-couched jin the document we know as the constitution. The constitution how ever, is predicated upon man’s in- .* . • ,—1 a n;-,: ..a, i S ' FROM MESA By Mattie Livingston 438 N. Pasadena, Mesa During the recent illness of Mrs, Myrtle Bobo many relatives and friends came here to visit her j Among them were five brothers.:! John, James. Charles, Ruban D. : and son, and Mr. and Mrs Dalej iHarrell and family; Mr. Ruben Harrell, her father; Mr. and Mrs.) i Charles Gardner and family;! nephew and niece Mrs. Dovie: Milas, a sister, and Mrs Ernest iJohnson and Mrs, Frank Milas, Jr., who are friends and school mates, Al! were guests of Mrs Lillie Hemphill, who is the sister of Mrs. Bobo Mrs. Bobo wishes to express her deep gratitude and appreciation to, all those who called and showered; her with cards, flowers and food : To her this is something that’ words can’t express something that would take much more to show her gratefulness. Funeral services for Mr. Annis James Thomas, 51, of Lexington,! Kentucky were held Saturday at 11:00 p.m. in the Garden Chapel; of the M. L. Qibbons Mortuary. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Henrietta Thomas and daughters Marietta Gibbs and Audrey Dee Hemphill. Many other relatives and friends sat in with the family The Downbeats, composed of! Joyce Jones, Mary and Mattie Livingston, Robert' CtfiPfes, Fred King. Charles Hemphill, Adam Boston, a substitute, with Barbara Jones accompanying, performed: at the Desert Rose Hotel, for a banquet given by the Union Rock Panthers Thursday night. Friday | night they sang at a fashion show , in the Masonic Temple. | SNOWDEN BARBER SHOP Choice Haircuts and Facials ; 2104 EAST BROADWAY - Open a a m. Jo 8 p.m, - p ——— —< WALLACE AIR CONDITIONING ! SERVICE Sheet Metal Works CR 7-6827 j 4704 North 7th Avenue 1 ;■ —-j ] OPEN i qtoMANOjr m 1 4341 E. THOMAS ROAD j TV HOME SERVICE CALLS 1 i Free TV Loaners are available I if estimated shop repair < is necessary 1 j I GR 4 - 7825 I WH 6 - 1550 11 THE ARIZONA SUN | Thursday, Sept. 8 4 lit# 10 The Millionaire 3 Day in Court C 1 Married Joaa 12 Young Dr. Maldne i:80 10 Verdict is .Yours 0 Gale Storm 6 NeW* if 12 From Them Route 1:45 5 "Do You Love Me” 2:00 10 brighter Day 3 belt Th* v tuck 12 Comedy Theatre ’•l* 10 Secret Storm t :80 10 Edge of N'"*- 12 Here’s Hollywood 8 Who Do You Trust i :00 3 Amer. bandstand 10 Topper 12 Mpvie Matin** 3:16 6 Pint Size Philosopher 4:80 10 Capt. Kangaroo 6 My Lull Margie . 4 :0S 8 It’s Wallace 4:16 10 Adventures of Freddie 4:30 3. Ariz. Arithmetic ' 12 Poco & 3 Stoog es 3 :©0 6 Warterfropt 3 Phx. Marquee 10 Curt-in Time 12 Weather-New# >:ls 12 Huntley - Brink ley Report fi 30 5 Rocky A His j Friends 12 Law of ; Plainsman 3 Rocky & Friends i 10 News - Sports i s 00 8 News 6 News, Wthr., Sp. 10 Olympics 12 Bisr Fights , 615 3 Sports 620 3 ‘Panorama n:B0 12 Producers Choice 1 3 Steve Canyon 6 Quick Draw McGraw 10 Rawhide 700 5 “I Woke Up Streaming" 12 Bichelm- f ather 3 Donna. Reed l :80 3 Real McCoys 10 Markham 12 The Wrangler ■4.00 8 J.eannie Carson 10 Adventure Theatre 12 Best of Groucho 3 Untouchables 12 Harbor Commute • 6 Man Called X 1 0 To Teg the Truth I 0.00 5 What Are The Odds ' ' It: 12 Mike. Hammer 10 Zane Grey Theatre * 1 I 0040 12 This Man Dawson , 8 Silents Please 6 Not Foi Hir* 10 Traekdown t •-S« 'fi News W*hy Bp. ’ .10 Johnny King© 1 8 Victory at B*a )2 We#th*r‘ 10 -06 12 Jack Paar 1 10:25 5 "S'm Francisco” 10 30 3 "The Lady In * Question" 10:45 10 Sports-Weather 1 10:56 10 Kool. Editorial ■ 11 ;O0 12 News' 11 10 Olympics , •> HO 8 News 11:05 12 “Rulers of the • Sea” ; ! u:3O 10 "House Across The Streht" : •/' 1 ■■ * : # • * A CAMPBEL GET-TOGETHER is evident as we see Clevis Campbell with two sisters. Probably discussing politics are (1 to r): Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bible, visit ing from .Berkley, California; Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Campbell, 5002, S. 21st Way; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd, 2343 West Washington St. Why Deny (continued from page 1) nouncements on the matter, as serious as it is. 2. A baseless argument by one who ignores the American Way, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 3. Everyone leaves “back home” for an obvious change in living patterns. 4. Adequate prbof that laws are needed to chart a social course for some people to follow. 4. Recently, practices of poly gamy were uncovered in this area. When authorities ordered it discontinued, despite the colony’s strong religious beliefs, it was done. There was no loud protest of court test. Certain In dian tribes, prone to participate in “pagan rites’ or weird orgies, have ceased likewise. Both of these groups recognized that the law of the state in which they resided superceded their religious practices. REFRIGERATOR SALE Crosley 11’ cubic cross top freezer shelves In door, S6O. Frigldalrfc 9 cu. Kelvinator 10 cu. S6O. W esting house General Electric, others S4O. All re frigerators have .at least 30 days warranty. Terms $5 monthly. &05 8. Central, till 8 p. m —— —1 Friday, Sept. » i trttr 3 Day in Court 6 1 Married Joan If Millionaire 12 Young Dr. Melons t tSf If Verdict If Your# 1 > Qale Storm 12 From These Root* 6 News 1:43 5 “Female Jungle' 2 00 3 Beat the Clock if brighter Day 12 Comedy Theatre r-. 16 10 Secret Storm 2:80 2 Who Do Yu*. Truet io Edge ol Nloli -12 Here’s Holly wood I :tt 8 Amer BaudaMlid 10 Topper 12 Movie Matin** 8:16 6 Pint Siz*d Philosopher 3:80 6 My Little Margie lt> Capt. Kangaroo 4 :00 i 6 it’s Wallace 4:16 10 Adventures , of Freddie 4:30 3 Ariz. Arithmetic 12 Poco - 3 Stooges 4:46 fO Early Movie j 6 :00 5 Brave Stallion 12 News-W ihi 6:16 12 Huntley-Brinkley ; 6:30 12 Cimorron City 6 Life of Riley 3 Rin Tin Tin 6:66 10 Almanac Newsreel b;00 6 8-Star News W er.t hei 8 News-Wthr. 10 News- Wthr.-Bp. 6 :le 3 Sports 6:20 8 Big Playback 6 :3U 0 Country Show 3 Disney Presents 12 Mystery HOUr 10 Hotel de Pares 7:00 10 Video Village 6 Manhunt 10 Olympics 7 :80 3 Man From Blackhawk 6 Adventure Tomorrow 12 Masquerade Party 10 December Bride I 5 .00 12 Moment of Fear . 6 West Point 10 Twilight Zene 877 Sunset Strip , t :ff 6 Flight 10 Person to Person 8:00 12 Lock Up .# ’ 6 Seven League Boots 10 “Overnite Haul” 4 The DeteptiVe* 8 'BB 8 Black Saddle 12 The Pioneer* 6 Phil Silver* 10:00 6 Art Brock New* 8 Uncommon ’ Vaior 12 Weather 10 Night Court 10:06 12 Jack Paar 10 4* 5 -La Strata" 10:80 10 Rews-Sp.-Wthr, 3 Movie TBA 10:68 10 Kool Editorial 11 :00 12 News 10 O’yTnDics 11 05. 12 “D°ngerou# Mis r . ■ v MGn 11:30 10 "Strenge Wo msn 12:0C 3 “Free Blonde 21” ’ v ' .‘* ** •'' " *' 7. Unfortunately, there are in Phoenix and other portions of Ari zona businessmen so dedicated to this theory of racial separation they set up separate establish ments to cater to various racial groups. South Africa’s apartheid system does, and Hitlers naziism did, operate in this manner. 8. Newspapers, for example, are often owned by out-of-staters, yet voice, editorially, the sentiment of powers-that-be. Whenever these powerful individuals have a change MOE'S FOOD PAIR 19th Ave, & Westward Bivd. PHOENIX Also In Avondale We Appreciate Your Business 1 /. , ■’ . ' :at w*»J- >; ' , ■ _ ~'■ iJH inn ■ I 111.1. Jjil.ll.JJ.B..!.Wqi.MM L.«ll»III.! ■ —'■■ MMUImM s#p» B™ w ; Weekly Guide Saturday, Sept. l 6 j j 1 ;UO 6 Big Pictur. i 1.30 5 Your TV Jheitre 5 Interpool Calling 2:00 12 Tennis 5 Zero 1960 2:30 6 international Detective io Shock Movie 8 ;00 6 1 Led Three Live* ; ♦ ;SV 6 Bowling 3 Cifie'matiiiic 12 LA Tardeada j 345 10 Mystery 430 12 Abbott & Costel- 1 1° : 5 “Phantom From 10,000 Leagues” i 4:45 10 Dan Smoot ! & uo 8 Cartoons 12 On The Town 10 Olympics : 0 ;30 12 Bonanza 3 Know the Truth j JO i 6.46 10 Search for Health ; i 600 3 High Road u News-W •nr Up. . 6.00 10 Robin Hood I 6 »u 12 Man and tb* Challenge 6 30 5 Californians 8 Leave It Tu Beaver 10 Wanted Dead or or Alive "7:f f S Welk Show ! 10 Olympic 12 The Deputy i 700 5 Divorce Court 730 12 World Wide’ 60 10 Have Gun Will Travel < 800 S Jubilee D.S.A.' 800 5 “Little; Women” in Gunsmoke I 830 12 Man From In terpol 10 Sea Hunt 0 :0G 12 Wagon Train 10 Shotgun Slade- j 8 Dick Clark Show; 0 ;»0 10 Perry Mason 3 D a le Carnegie 10:00 12 “My Forbidden Past” 5 News-Wthr-Sp. 3 Haller aft Thea tre 10:25 5 'National Velvet’ 10 30 1C "Olympics” 3 “Top Sergeant” 11:00 10 '“Quick Sand” 1145 12 “Born to Kill” i of heart on an issue, the news ■ papers invariably follow that i lead. Incoming industries, almost i without exception, follow such a ■ "local pattern.” 9. To be pitied and if pos- I sible, educated rather than 1 scorned. 10. Recent records tend to dis : prove this assumption. A story in ; the SUN (June 23, 1960) showed that desegregated lunch counters : in Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas : and San Antonio, Tex.; Sunday, Sept. 11 1:00 3 College News 3 Pro Football 146 10 10th Inning 200 12 Tennis 5 "The Cnamp” 1U Ariz. TV News 230 10 Mecham Melody ; 3.00 10 Olympics - * ,«• 2 Christian Science 6 High Koad To Danger 12 Sports f iff 8 American* at Work 12 Dale Dance Time 4 ;00 6 Patti Page 12 TBA 4 ;16 6 Living Word 4 -SO 6 Your TV Theatre; 111 20th / c.eulli' 3 Gen. Pershing Story 12 Edwin Newman I Reporting 500 5 Bishop Sheen 8 Mattie* f unnies 10 Lassie 12 Cameo Theatre e ;80 3 Lone Ranger 6 Wade Church i (Political) 10 Dentils Lb* Menace I 545 5 SP&tts . 6 00 3 Broken Arrow 10 Ed Sulliyau 12 Music on Ice 6 3-Star New# f iff 8 Maverick 6 Men of Annapolis 7 iOO 12 Mystery Show £ I Search Fur Adventure 10 GE Theatre •7 80 10 Charles Farrfli 8 Lawman £ The WoHd at. Large 8:06 12 Loretta Young 8 The Rebel 10 Lucy in Connecticut 8 -84 8 The Alaskane 10 What’s My Line 12 Tombstone Territory 9:00 10 S.F. Beat 6 Ariz. Roundtable 12 Overland Trail S:80 10 Alfred Hitchcock 3 Johnny Stacattc 6 Grand Jury l0:0f 10 News, Sp.-Wtbr. 6 TortiorroW’a Headlines 8 Barrows Theatre Monday, Sept. 12 1 ift tv Millionaire 8 Day in Court 12 Young Dr. Malone 6 1 Married Juan 1 iff 8 Gale Storm & Aiternoon New* 10 Veroict Is Your* 12 From Thee* Hoot* 1:45 5 ’'Woman And The Hunter” 1 1 iff 8 beat The clock 12 Comedy Theatre j 10 Brighter Day I If 10 Secret Storm 5 :ff 8 Who Du You I rust 12 Buck Skin 1(1 Edge of ivigbi i : 6 Uo 8 American Bandstand 10 Topper 12 Movie Matinee ; 8:16 6 Pint Sized : Philosopher ! tiff 6 My Little M»rv<. | 10 Capt. Kangaroo I t «« 6 It’s Wallao ; 4-15 10 Freddie 4:30 3 Phx. Marquee 12 Pogo & 3 Stooges i 4'45 10 Movie 6 .00 6 Roy Rogers 12 New» 3 Phoenix Mar quee 6:16 i 2 Huntley- Brinkley ; Report 6:80 6 Lite of Riley 3 Capt. Gallant 12 Riverhne -5:55 10 Newsreel i «,#* 8 News 6 News-Weather 10 News-Wt’nr.-Bp, | 6:16 3 Sports Wire 1 6:20 3 Wrestling Interviews Bißt 6 Pefs On Parade 12 Wells Fargo 10 Fattier Know* Best 8 Cheyenne 7 ;4io 6 Danger Zone 10 Talent Scout 12 Peter Gunn ; 7 !»U 3 Bourbon St. Beat 6 Bold Journev 12 Goodyear The atre 10 Spike Jones i 6 :00 6 Sports Highlights 10 Nixon Campaign Openning 12 Not So Long Age 1 8 :80 6 Man Without Gun A Gun 3 Adv. in Paradise; 10 1960 Political 9:80 10 Home Run Derby j 6 Pony Express 12 Rescue 8 9 ;80 10 The Texan 6 Highway Patrol 8 Ted Mack Amateur Hour 12 News-Wth.- Sports 10 00 10 Mr. Adams-Evci 3 Dale Carnegie 12 Jack Parr fi News, Wtb» Sp ’ 10:25 5 “Cass Timber lane” 10:80 10 News-Wthr-Sp. 3 “Commandos Strike At Dawn” 10:66 10 Kool Editorial 11.-00 12 News 10 Summer Olympics 11:05 12 “Decision of Christopher Blake" 11:30 10 “Wreck of The Hesperus” 12 :00 8 News 12 "Best of the Blues’ • 10:25 5 “Heaven Can Wait" 10:30 10 “Clipper Ship” 11 .4 6 12 Public Defender * . Phoenix' Lowest Price RECAPS 7.50 E, ! NASSAU TIRE COMPANY 2809 West Buckeye Rd, ‘ Ronnie Bookbinders HUTT LIQUORS fjiHWPMJ 24th St. &E. Washington -BR 5-4871 LIQUOR - BEER - WINE i “ ICE COLD KEG BEER Dave Bryant, Mgr, —Discount on Large Party Orders— I Formerly . with our 7-11 Liquors at 24th St. & E. RAM To 1 A M. Broadway. Personally in- Wpen O M, 10 l /%> j vtfes you. ’ • ' (general) n j MbST ' Need Tires? .. . See “Pete” at ; rly Redburn General Tire Co. i '■;[*■* gWp-*- 712 Grand Ave, - Phoenix s if-♦ AL 8-6895 s Isaac “Pete’ James __ A Complete Line of Tires— AP 8-7627 WANTED! ♦ Country Music Lovers • Sheldon Gibbs |(ci p rM DIAL 95LM C Hfcfct ■ ™ 18,000 watts COUNTRY MUSIC 24 HOURS A DAY A World of Hi Fi Sound for Country Music Lovers FOR FULL INFORATIQN . . i Caii Alpine 3*5255 THURSDAY. SEPT. 8. 1960 Tuesday, Sept. 13 1:8* io The Millionaire 12 Young Dr. Malone 8 Duy in Court 6 1 Married Joan , t :80 12 From These Roots 8 Gale Storm & Afternoon N*w# i 10 The Verdict T*» Yours ! 1:45 5 ’The Wild Heart' ; . ,*v 12 Comedy lliriin k Beat the Clock If Brighter Day t;18 10 Secret Storm ■i SO 10 Edge of N4<’ln 8 Who Do You Trust 12 Buckskin I »:f 8 3 Amer. naiidetaiM j 12 Movie Matin** 10 Topper 8:16 6 Pint Sized Philosopher 8:88 6 My Lillie M*rwt« 10 Capt. Kangaroo .| 4:00 6 It’s Wallace I 4:15 10 Freddie t 4:30 3 Mari Gil Show 12 Pogo & 3 Stooger j 445 10 Early Movie n ull c Woody Woodpecker 12 Newa-Wthr. 8 Phoenix Marque# i 8:1ft 12 Huntley Brinkley l 6:BU 6 Life of Riley 1 2 Laramie 8 Rocky £ Ht* Friends I 555 10 Newsreel I cOO 10 News - Sports ! 5 News - Wth. - Sports 3 News 6:16 8 Sports Wire 6:2u 3 Big Playback 6:30 5 Peoples Choice I 3 Sugarfoot 12 NBC Play house ! 10 Doby Gilllv 7:00 6 Flash Gordon i 10 Tightrope 12 Thriller ! 7:80 8 Wyatt Earp l| 10 The Comedy Spot 6 Four Just Men j 8:0f 8 Rifleman 12 M-Squad 10 Diagnosis . I Unknown 6 Screen Director’s Playhouse - i 8:88 £ How to Marry A M ilHonair* 8 Colt .46 , 12 Panic I 9:09 6 Sheriff of Cochise 10 You Are Thera 3 Alcoa Presents 12 Sweet Success ; 9:30 12 News-Wth.-Sp. 6 State Trooper 8 Death Valley Days 10 TV Hour of Stars {lßiff 6 News, Weather 8 28 Men 12 Jack Parr 10 25 5 "Big City” 10:80 10 News-Wthr-Sp. 3 “Apache Chief” 10:56 10 Kool Editorial 11:00 10 "Tiger Shark” 12 News 11:05 12 “The Letter” 11:30 10 'Target Earth” I r i. . r ' . ...- .. , ! _ t * ‘-V 1 I Wednesday, Sept. 14 1:00 10 The Millionaire 8 Day Ju iiouri 12 Young Dr. Malone 6 I Married Joan 1:f 0 8 Gale Storm 6 Afternoon Newt 12 From These Roots - 10 Verdlst 1> Yone* 1:45 3 "Mr. Moto'B Last Warning" 2 00 12 Comedy Tbemtr* 16 Brighter Day ft Heat The *Moc* 2:16 10 Secret Storm 2 30 10 Edge oi Night 1 Who In * u.. TV|>»• 12 Buckskin | 8:00 10 Topper » Amer. banderand 12 Movie Matin** B,:* 6 “’Pint Sired Philosopher" 8:80 ft My Little Margie 10 Capt. Kangaroo 4:00 6 It’s Wallace 7 4:15 10 Freddie * 4-30 3 Phx. Marqilee 12 Pogo * 8 Stooges 4:45 10 Movie ft :oo 6 Jeff’s Collie 12 News-Wthr ft :Ift 12 Hunt ley-Brinkley 6 :30 12 William Teli 6 Life of Riley 8 Flicks 5:55 10 Newsreel j e .uo ft 8 -Star News, Wthr.; Sports 12 Charlie Aaron 10 News - Sports | 6:16 8 Sportsutir* 6:26 8 Big Playback 6:86 6 Huckleberry Hound • 10 Aquanauts 12 Price Is Right , £ You Asked For It I I 7 ;80 ft Ivanhoa 12 Happy 8 Fights 7:80 6 Highway Patrol ! 10 I’ve Got a Seers'. 12 Tate 7 :e6 8 Srothgbt 8:06 12 This Is Tour Life 10 Circle Theatre A Tales of th« Vikings 6:80 ft TV Deader* Digest 12 This Man Daw son 8 Nelson Family 9:00 10 Men Into Space 8 Hawaiian Eye 6 V. 9. Marebeli 12 Bat Masterson. 9:30 5 Interpol Calling 12 'News-Wth.-Sp. 10 Susie 10 06 6 News-Wthr. Sp. 8 Meet McGraw 10 June Ally«on 12 Jack Parr 10 25 5 "Calling North side 777” ’ 10:30 3 “Adventures in Manhattan” 10 News-Sp.-Wth. 10:55 10 Kool Editorial II 00 12 News 10 “Court Intrigue 11:05 12 “Sing You;Sin- j | -• —1 *TT~ir—