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CONTROVERSIAL RACE ISSUES ON SUPREME COURT DOCKET The U.S. Supreme Court will open its new term this week in Washington with several contro versial racial issues up for legal action. In one case, the Court agreed tcfrule whether Virginia law may bar a Negro from a white rest aurant operated by a private com pany in a Traiiways bus terminal in Richmond. The case was appeal by a Negro who was on an inter state bus trip fiom Washington to Selma. He refused to go to a section reserved for Negros custo ers, and as a result, was fined $lO in a Richmond olice court. After more iiiun a decade of a voiding a complex care of gerry mandering, the justices agree this year to decide whether Ala FINANCING FOR NEGRO BUILDERS WASHINGTON - An NAACP Delegation has called on Norman P. Mason, administrator, Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency here, to secure better mortgage financing con ditions for Negro business and real estate men. Jack E. Wood. NAACP special assistant for housing, who led the delegation, said FHA approval lends respectability to numerous private mortgage servicing firms practicing race bias. As a result, Mr. Wood continued, Negroes are being forced to pay exorbitant prices to secure regular financing and FHA insurance mort gages. Attending the conference here on September 8 were: Mrs. Mar jorie Lawson, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Carolina Moore, Trenton, New Jersey; Lloyd Dickens, New York City; William Harps, Wash ington, D. C.: Noel Harris, Brook lyn, New York: also Alvin Hudgins, New York City; William Hudgins, New York City; Donald Jenkins. Brooklyn, New York; Robert Mar tin, East Orange, New Jersey: Charles Warden, Brooklyn, New York; and Dr. George Snowden, Assistant to the Administrator for Intergroup Relations. First Institutional Baptists Observes Pastor's Anniversary The First . Institutional Baptist Church, 1141 E. Jefferson, will sponsor the Sixth Anniversary ob servance of its pastor, Rev. Ar tis Grant Kendrick, next week On Thursday night, the guest pastors will be 'Rei'. L. J. Dun bar. of St. John’s Baptist Church: Rev. H. Y. Stevenson, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church and Rev . C. H. Maddox, Friendship Bap tist Church. ■ On Friday night, the pastors guests will be Rev. N. E. Nichol son. Antioch Rantist rhip-ch- R«»v ■ 20th St ft MOTORS 10 20th St. & Broadwav JH| Nothing Down Up to S6OO fll Walter ®“ A PP poved CredU Rogers Venerable .CA VIF St $ $ J ° hnS ° n co-owner J A ? C co-owner * ooo *** 0 ~~ Northwest. Completely / ißOfe* furnished. 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths. Refrigeration. Large swimming pool. Practically new. Mo qualified. FOR SALE Another Northwest location home. 3 Bed rooms 2 baths. Large lot. Practically New. Priced right for quick sale. No qualified. GOOD INVESTMENT House in Capital Addition. 12 rooms: 9 Bed rooms 2 baths. Red brick construction. Suitable for rooming house. No qualified. WEBB. WILLIAMS S BERRY. INC 2017 East Broadway OTHER ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS JF* Call For Appointment ■3lspfssr-./ BR 6-9111 bama had the right to eliminate Negno neighborhoods from the city of Tuskegee. Negro’s of Tuskegee, home of the famous educational institution I charged wiai rue state had denied them the right to take part in city government and to benefit from city services. Also before the Court is a re quest that they review and over turn a decision that Louisiana may not require the National Associat ion for the Advancement of Color ed People to make public its mem bership lists as well as names of its contributors. The decision in favor of the NAACP. issued by a special three judge federal court in New Orleans, was appealed to the Supreme Court by Louisiana’s attorney gen eral. NAACP AIDS FAYETTE FOLK MEMPHIS - The 12 - member amily of L. T. Anderson, Fay ette County farmer persecuted for •egistering to vote, this week re ceived $705 in contributions so licited through the local NAACP. The family now resides on Tyler’s farm, Route 1, Bell, Tenn. W. C. Patton, field secretary at large, reports that contributions will be needed until the family is rehabilitated. CLEVELAND FIGHTS HOUSING BIAS ! YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO - The NAACP’s national housing divis ion has commended the Cleveland NAACP branch for its “prompt legal action to protect the housing rights” of a Negro family. CLEVELAND branch attorney Milus J. Graham, James B. Tay lor and Clarence Holmes are de fending the right of the family to purchase from a local developer an FHA-VA insured home. Jack E. Wood, the Association’s special assistant for housing, in an 'address before the Ohio State Con ference of Branches here, Septem ber 16, declared: “The right of Negroes and other American citizens to rent or purchase FHA-VA insured property •s clearly guaranteed by the Con stitution and has been secured by congressional law;” B. J. Stanton, St. Paul’s Baptist "hurch; and J. R. Miner, Bethlehem Baptist Church On Sunday, October 16, at v.m., the guest pastors will be Rev. C. N. Hall, Mt. Calvary Bap ist Church; Rev. W.M. Hardi ;on, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Mesa; Rev. W. M. Hardison. Wil nw cirove Baptist Church. Mt. Calvary Junior Won Mrs. Gladys Robinson, 2414 Westj Washington was hostess to 16 mem bers and 3 guests on Monday evening. Lesson was taught' by Mrs. Joanna Brown, president, who also conducted the business session. Lesson subject, “Our Ex tremity - God’s Opportunity.” Ex jdus 13: 17 through 22. Group unging and prayers were led by Mrs. F. Lucky and Mrs. E. Bald win. Rev. C. N. Hall closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious menu was served by the hostess The next meeting, October 10th, GOLDEN HARVEST OF SAVINGS! Featuring Meats For Home Freezers! Because of these low prices we anticipate many orders. Please place your orders early so that your orders will be processed promptly with that same old Safeway service. Remember. . . each order includes, FREE, __ # Cutting to your specifications. It's 0 Labelling of every package as to cut, your decision whether you want your number of pieces. steaks thick or thin. • Wrapping of meats for your freeser. • eheet for accurate record No charge for special materials. „ of the Safeway meats in your freezer. , j _ Beef Loins ss&faa ,fc -79« ■% I _ Round Steak, Rump Rqpst, Heel At Round * Rump s ' e,,infl B " f - lb oy« ■ ■ • ■ 4 All cuts in Beef Loin and Round BE Hindquarter s» I Chuck Roasts, Boneless Chucks, dB Square Chuck gx^gsjwr t >■ h ■■ m All cuts in Beef Chuck above, roreq ua rter lb - 3y« Side of Beef .. u. 49c Swift’s Premium Bacon 59* Swift's Cooked Butt. Ilf It mm NO Slices removed. (j> Ham Shanks b 33c Smoked Picnics “ ,,v k 39c lar-SHems 89c pnces efiectlve Thurs - thru Sun “ / Slab Bacon „ 45c U \\ ■■We reserve the right to limit quantities. Canned Picnics * 3-lb. 1.98 No sales to dealers. > » ill lllOOOolcl.»on<»MWp» ;| if 100 Gold Bond Stamps I fi 1! t TROPHY^HEK*TURKEY j£ 3 11*, JM REAL ROAST PEANUT BUTIB , | W This Coupon is Worth I H| This Coupon is Worth ‘!| g| il! -. lOOGold Bond StMipa >1 f| SO OoW Bond atomp* jg lik Hf 1 10-lb. BAG POOCH DRY DOG FOOD j § M 10-lb. Bag Russet Potatoes HI K • Limit—One Coupon per Bag Purchased i B c vtnrTec'rirT o 5 & j£ ej COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 9, 1960 j| g COUPON EXPIRES OyT. 9, 196 | ten’s Auxiliary , . will be in the home of Mrs. Helen Powell, 904 G South 7th Avenue. Mrs. Mattie McKinney will serve as hostess. Mrs. Dorothy Patter ion, publicity chairman. - : , .7 BAHA I QUOTES: If any differences arise amongst you, behold me standing before your face, and overlook the faults of one another for my name’s sake, and as a token of your love for my manifest and resplendent cause. Baha’u’llah VIOLA RIDGE, 29, dies funeral services for Mrs. Viola Ridge, 29, of 923 W. Tonto, who died Sunday, are pending. Arrange ments are being made by the Ragsdale Funeral home. (Cburrljra TAYLOR MEMORIAL INTERRACIAL SPIRITUALIST REV. NELLYE MAYE TAYLOR 1245 West Watkins Street Spirit is the light of the world. Meetings Lyceum 10:30 a. m. (Sunday School) p.m. Worship AUTOMATIC WASHING MA - CHINE, fully guaranteed, new $319. Take S4B or $6 monthly, 805 5. Central till 8 p.m. 1 o More Days of Exciting Values! Qolden Harvest Specials! Coffee “ 1 39 si 39 Margarine ~ 5 °SI Tiecno Zee Toilet - Colors Q 01 | IwvUv Package of 4 Rolls Tof | STOCK UP AND Pears 4f o rsl Cherries Krsr&a. 4forsl Peaches SSKg ,s s.®c2£» sf or st Spinach snsra. 7 for $ I Prune Juice 3 for SI Apple Juice irwr 3forsl Oranges House, n-oz .Can 4 fOT > I Cream Corn Bnffa. 6forsl Green Beans Ks e«n 4 for $ I Fruit Cocktail 4forsl Tomato Juice H cr 4 for $ 1 Fruit Juice JrMsr'3forsl Canned Peas w "o H 3°c"o 6 for $1 Pinfo Beans 3forsl Tomatoes n °- 3 ° 3 c°« o tor > i Rroad Skylark Power-packed 10p Dieda Protein M b . Loaf 1 Safeway's the place to buy... Bananas • ” 2*25* Grapes Flaming Red Tokays J 2-25- Broccoli Garden-fresh lb. 15c Self-confidence is the first req- uisite to great undertaking—Sam- uel Johnson. USED TIRES $1.95 3.95 5.95 9.95 14" OR 15" FULL TREAD RECAPS 7.95 EXCH. Any Size ARIZONA TIRE SUPPLY 3034 W. BUCKEYE RD. Let us run with patience flie race that is set before us. He brews XII. SEE THE YELLOW PAGES FOR YOUR NEAREST SAFEWAY SAVE MONEY! Sauerkraut Buffs, 7forsl Asparagus 4forsl D _ _ 1_ Town House Whole, Cut Q 1., f i Deers ° r siced n ° 303 con 0 for 1 Strawberries 4 for $ I Raspberries 4 for $ I I._ r,. _ „ Lucerne. All flovors. TO, ice tream Hoif-gouon pockoo* /y( Pet Milk .fcrs - 2 for29c Instant Milk 99c Long Grain Rice 3forsl Cookies SaWs.'SE*" 39 c Collage Cheese 49c Bread iib. ioar 19c Medium A Eggs 49c /■*__ J,, Imported English Soft Center landy D 0 (4-lb. Pkg. 1.4*) Shortening Guaranteed. 3-? b. Can 79c Liquid Cleaner 49(