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Page Four i!L $ B. Htipjp % *■« ~ A ~ • • J? •**> j^HHM^^BHMjL^Jßß|ks3§B|pß|||* ;^j^|?p||^R THE OLD RANGER tells a true story about the West in the thrilling DEATH VALLEY DAYS SUPPORT NAACP 1 1 « 4341 E. THOMAS ROAD TV HOME Service Calls Free TV Loaners are avail able if estimated shop repair « is necessary CR 4-7825 AM 4-2547 For the finest in entertainment .... VISIT THE ELKS CLUB 1007 S. 7th Ave. DANCING every Wed. Sat., Sun. Most Popular Spot In Phoenix j. D. HOLMES Exalted Ruler KRIZ Arizona's Most Listened-To Station! Bob Scott drama. “Sam - Kee & Uncle Sam,” Tuesday, August 8 at 9:30 p. m. Channel 3. HENRY LEE MOON RETURNS TO NAACP New York Roy Wilkins, ex ecutive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, has announced the return of Henry Lee Moon to the Association as director of pub lic relations. Mr. Moon had served the NAA CP in that capacity from 1948 un til last October when he resigned to become deputy director of pub lic information for the New York City Housing and Redevelopment Board. Announcement of his re turn to his former position was made by Mr. Wilkins to the NAA- Wednesday, Aug.. 9 PHOENIX KYAR - Channel 12 - 8 PM TUCSON KVOA-TV Channel 4 -8 PM YUMA KIVA-TV Channel 11-10 PM WATCH A REAL JtJMPiN ’ SHOW W LIVING COI - OR ! tel jifclfel TlK \JimniyDuranf,e Sh°vv_ Miar* TV/ AI IC'l IQT Q SPONSOREO BV UNITED STATES IMDU-IV MUVJUOI y brewers association, me. ARIZONA DIVISION e PHOENIX Jim Titus Hoar Them Daily •• • 1230 on Your Dial .• • KRIZ CP Board of Directors and staff during the Association’s 52nd an nual convention in Philadelphia, July 10-16. Mr. Moon resumed, his i former position on July 9.~ Employee Wins Suit I Edward M. Joseph, a redcap for the Pennsylvania Railroad for 32 : years was discharged under the ; claim that he did not satisfactorily perform his duties. He has re ; cently won a $15,000 damage suit • on his claim of wrongful discharge. -•Jp , Sonny Knight TV Movies KTVK (3) - KPHO-TV (5) -, i —, ) - .. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“The Grapes of Wrath,’’ Henry Fon da, Jane Darwell. 12:00—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Submarine D”, Pat O’Brien. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Ambush at Cimarron Pass”, Scott Brady, Mala Powers. 11:30—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Robinson Crusoe”, Dan O- Hearily. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Dinner at Eight”, Wallace Berry Lionel Barrymore, Marie Dressier. 11:00—KTVK (3)—All Star Theatre—“Journey by Moonlight” Louis Jourdan, Janis Page. MONDAY, AUGUST 7 10:30—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“lt Happened in Paris”, Evelyn Keyes, Hfcnri Vidal. 10:30—KPHO (s)—Play of the Week—“ Girls in 509”, Nancy Walker, Margale Gillmiore. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 10:30—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Steele Cage”, John Ireland, Maureen O’Sullivan. 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“One in a Million”, Sonja Heinie, John Payne. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 10:30—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“lntrigue”, George Raft, Ginger Rogers. 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Dancing Years”, Dennis Price, Gi selle Preville. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 10:30—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Tarzan’s Secret Treasure”, Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O’Sullivan. 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Moon Over Miami”, Betty Grable Don Ameche. Howard Professor Sees, Increased Negro Vote Philadelphia Negro interest in voting is “expected to grow” as colored citizens “improve their economic and educational stand ing,” Dr. Emmet E. Dorsey, chair man, department of political sci ence, Howard University, declared at an NAACP convention session here last week. Dr. Dorsey addressed the NA ACP’s 52nd annual convention which closed on July 16. He was a participant in a panel on “The Negro Voter,” along, with Theo dore M. Berry, former vice-may or of Cincinnati and Clarence M. Mitchell, director of the Associa tion’s Washington Bureau. Along with this new Negro growth should come “an expanded experienced leadership,” Dr. Dor sey said. “If the trend toward urbaniza tion continues, more Negroes can be expected to vote in cities, which are generally more permis sive to Negroes seeking the fran chise,” he said. Reaffirming the Association’s policy on political action, delegates called on Negroes to “file com plaints when denied the right to register and vote.” They commended the U. S. De partment of Justice “for finally bringing action against the voting registrars in Clark and Forest counties in Mississippi.” The NAACP delegates noted that Negroes “are watching with inter est the cases (vote denial) pending in other parts of the South.” Starting TONIGHT Charlie Case Tire Co. Presents "TODAY'S SPORTS" with ART BROCK THURS. & FRI. 10:20 P. M. ON Michael D’Arcy ” THE ARIZONA SUN Don Lincoln NAACP ANNOUNCES NATIONAL BOARD NOMINATING BODY Washington, D. C. Announce ment of the seven-man nominating committee for the NAACP Board of Directors, was made here this week by Bishop Stephen Gill Spottswood, chairman of the Board. Mrs. Daisy Lampkin of Pitts burgh, Dr. H. Claude Hudson of Los Angeles, and Dr. U. S. Wig gins, Camden, N. J., all National Board members, were named to the committee from that body. Delegates attending the Associa tion’s recent 52nd annual conven tion in Philadelphia elected L. Jo seph Overton, New York City; William Hardy, Indianapolis: J. H. Calhoun, Atlanta; and Robert D. Robertson, Norfolk, Va. The committee will select 16 can didates for election to the 48-mem ber Board of Directors for three year terms. The committee’s no minees will be submitted to the branches for election. The names of candidates nominated inde pendently by petition will be sub mitted to the branches along with the committee’s selections. Mt hfMtl on i tub* -■ * ■ i* i Ravel - Rahapsodie Estagnole BEST OF BROADWAY Samuel Barber - Sym. No. i Complete Broadway Shastakovitch - Piano Concerto - Productions - Original Cast No. 2 A Truly Enjoyable Hour Mendelssohn - Midsummer ■■■■ Night’s Dream MUSIC FOR DINING . . . T . v.» tt_ i_. Entertaining Mutual News fvery Hour ~SS ’ "-W Barrow’s Furniture Daily 6:00 to 7:00 P. M. KII 7 RADIO 1310 AJL IM.7FM ■r U mm The Valley's Fine Music Station jjflEP :JipjpP®'-r ir ' '' ; JRMpf.-' Irnmmmmlm HJW '***'' - & n/f*- ,j. H %. " IHr. i ■ • r * * Mk v- -i m 0m.., \> ■■.*. jpg Ht 1-■ ART BROCK, Director of Sports for KPHO RA DIO, 910 kc, and KPHO-TV, Channel 5. Brock can be seen on KKPHO-TV, Monday through Freedom Riders Defended President Kennedy stated at a Washington press conference what his stand is on the Freedom t Riders. “I think,” he said, “the Attorney General has made it £ 4- clear that we believe that every- one who travels for whatever rea- q son they travel should enjoy the j full Constitutional protections giv- \ en to them by the law and by the ' DEATH I VALLEY DAYS presents "Sam & Uncle Sam ” The true story of how a Chinese prevented an en tire garrison from desert- TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 9:30 p. m. CHANNEL 3 KTVK Friday, on THREE STAR SPORTS (the Emmy award winning show) at 6:25 p. m., and on TO DAY’S SPORTS, Monday through Friday at 10:20 p. m. 3,529 Registered In Four Weeks Memphis, Tenn. Five women NAACP volunteers registered 3,- 529 persons in a four-week period, part of an overall campaign now underway here. W. C. Patton, NAACP voter re gistration specialist, announced this week that the current drive seeks 15,000 registered voters by September 6. He is being assisted by Frank Kilpatrick, an award - winning voter registration worker, who is coordinating the drive. ARIZONA T.V. SERVICE Guaranteed Service on ALL MAKES using only Authorized Parts $2 m service calls 5 2 50 "Just Service Since 1948" CALL BR 5-0313 Hours: 8:30 A. M. To 6:00 P. M. ASK FOR DON Thursday, Aug. 3, 1961 |Y We’re _ >• Service Radio c , ~ Specialists Phono- AII graph _au model* Capitol Radio & TV 4505 S. 19th St. BR 6-3773