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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ocia / flole Cloves Campbell About Town SHORT NOTES Just found out that the Arizona Sun has quite a circulation in Cali fornia. Winston Tease re-enlist ed last month, looks like he will make it twenty. About the water fight in East Broadway one lady said “Men don’t have to worry too much, they don’t bathe as often as women.” Few people know it but Jene Walker is the only Negro in Ari- I zona with a promoters license for boxing. HAIR STYLE SHOW A big hair style show is set for Sept. 18 at Adrianne Beauty Salon in the Valley Life Building. One of the nation’s top hair stylist Josie of Berkeley will be on hand to demonstrate new styles. LAS VEGAS While other gents chose to stay around home or go hunting and fishing, Valley Life Executive Bill Dickey packed up a few suits and headed to Las Vegas over the • Labor Day weekend. Average Family Water Use Doubled Did you know that the average family uses 44,000 gallons of hot water each year? In a decade the hot water re quirements of the average U. S. family have almost doubled. Back c in 1950, according to the Gas Ap pliance Manufacturers Assn., a family of four needed 75 gallons daily; now the figure is 120. The reason? Living habits have changed. Homes are larger. There are more baths. Dishwashing and laundering have become mechaniz ed. Wash and wear and other man-made fibers have changed laundering routines. When you take a shower or give the kids a bath, the chances are that each of you will use 10 to 15 gallons in each cycle. A modern automatic dishwasher gulps 10 gal clothes washer takes another 25 to 30 gallons for each load. CARPETS CARPET HOUSE Good Used Rugs & Linoleum NEW CARPETS New and Used Linoleum 1516 E. Van Buren ALpine 8-2461 » r " — * '^onsoHa^Styles - ' ' - St of Distinction 1 ( BIGBEE'S ) ( Barber Shop \ ) 609 EAST JEFFERSON / } Blessings Healing ( Ladies and Gentlemen from the Land of Miracles, comes f Blessed Sister Rome, borned Spiritualist, Healer and Advisor i of all affairs of life. She is the ninth daughter from the I seventh generation and she says, she can help you In busi- I ness, marriages, love, business to come, settle lovers quarrels 1 and reunite the separated. Sister Rome says through the pow- 1 ers of God all things arc possible. She will bless thee with ' the blessing oil direct from Sainte Anna Du Boprais direct 1 from Canada, she will also give you a blessed charm to carry with you at all times. Sister Rome says there is no pity for 1 those who need help and will not seek it. She has devoted a 1 Hfe time in helping humanity. Whatever domestic problem 1 you have such as troubles, alcoholic, unsuccessful in anything you do I will solemnly swear to help you. See me today, to* , morrow may be too late. 2610 West Van Buren. Open daily , ' 9AM• SPM except Sun. 9AM - 2 PM. Limited Engagement 1 j Only. Appointments # Not Necessary | / ( V Make N YOUR Bank SERVES ALL ARIZONiv®P | -i Cl 8 MHimiHt §§ FRIENDLY OFFICES ONE OF THESE DAYS Every time a long week-end comes up, it is as if every one in town can be seen. Even quite a few out of towners. NEW DAILY PAPER When the new daily paper starts publishing, there just might be a first in Phoenix on the reporting end. So far Doyle Carr seems to have the inside track. BIG FISH Rev. M. Harrison, pastor of Lucy Phillip’s Methodist Church caught quite a fish on his vacation while in California. However when it dawned on him to call the news paper it seems that friends and relatives cut down the size of the fish. NAACP Firmly Against Benicia Arsenal Badges Designating "Race" San Francisco, California—Tarea Hall Pittman, Acting Regional Sec retary reported today that NAACP leadership have received com plaints from workers at Benicia Arsenal in connection with new security badges which carry the designation of “race.” The infor mation obtained brought out the fact that these new badges were issued pursuant to technical in structions 1300-6-60 dated June 6, 1960. It was also learned that approximately 4,000 of the new badges were purchased in March, 1961 and were received at Benicia Arsenal in May, 1961. The first of the new badges were issued on July 14, 1961. Negro workers protested the fact that behind the designation of the item of “race” was the word Negro, N, Filipino, P, Caucasian or white. Officers at Benicia Ar senal made it clear that they were simply carrying out instructions and had no authority to do other wise until ordered to do so by the Department of Army in Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Pittman said, “the protest of defense workers at Benicia Arsenal against the use of race on their identification badges is com pletely understandable in light of the Negro’s insistence that he be treated as an American and not set apart by racial designation. It is hard to understand how such an order could be issued by the Army and harder still to comprehend why it is being carried out at this date. The West Coast Region of fice today filed a complaint with the Secretary of Army and inform ed Clarence Mitchell, the Direct or of the NAACP Washington Bureau of the action taken. All workers at Benicia Arsenal will be supported in their right to pro tect this indignity.” ' ' ' f —' ' UFo3tli<r ag I j 5 *, " |Ei '% BABY SHOWER—A baby shower was given for Mrs. Juanita Campbell at the home of Mrs. Carol Hurd. Attending the shower are front row (1 to r): Mrs. Doris Harlins, Mrs. Lucy Mc- Cray, Mrs. Barbara James and Mrs. Jackie -y m wgi iMP ■ftf mm -m'lM ?i JmJ i. x? * '< S-+ - JiuJi' &&»< * ■ % I I HiPiP T .3 w- ... • 3 : l-v? i .4 .. ■ : ;J£ ■■ NIGHT OUT Enjoying a night with family and friends are Mrs. John Evans. Others are (1. to r.) Roland Simon, Jean Eppenger, sister -.l|£*W A. "L MRS. ODESSA McKINNEY VISITS PHOENIX— Mrs. Plummer M. Hill and Mrs. Jacqueline Arnold new arrivals to Phoenix entertained their house guest, Mrs. Odessa McKinney from Mt. Vernon, New York. Mrs. Odessa is employed JHfe Jet jUft . .-IMlii WnBjHWnSOBaMW^BgBaBM I Is JH TOK . |'". s , - ' :-•:; r . WLDDlNG—Married last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. David JMcFalls. The bride was formerly Miss Carol Copeland. The marriage was performed by Brother Paul i'oung. Miss Joyce Davis was maid of honor and Mr. Gaines McFalls was best man. Couple Mill reside in Phoenix. (Sun Photo—Cloves Camp bell). Rideau. Back row (1 to r): Mrs. Doris Campbell, Mrs. Lois Bilton, Mrs. Dolly Clark, Mrs. Jua nita Campbell, Mrs. Bessie Haley and Mrs. Bet ty Wilson. (SUN Photo—Cloves Campbell.) of Mrs. Evans Kermit Kagle Executive Sec. of Elks and Mrs. Evans’ brother, David Wil liams. (SUN Photo - Cloves Campbell) by the New York State Dept, of Labor. Mrs. Hill is the daughter of the late Dr. J. C. Wil liamson of Winston-Salem, N. C... Left to right, Jacqueline Arnold, Flanders Crowley, Plummer Hill and Odessa McKinney. SUPPORT NAACP is this “'cMp* your kitchen * hen |f|| >g|r (p the S|^M^ vin^V Relax! Add-a-kitchen-phone where you work the hardest, appreciate help the ££ "f, f 1 | most. You’ll be happily surprised at V • / I 1 the low cost. Just call our business Mi 1 office or ask a telephone serviceman. 1,, j your choice of color and style , (Q mountain I ill li li |ilmiii |B| nHr" *M J/K *p,< / W; 3- fe -I CASH AWARD— Winner of this quarterly osh award is Golden State Insurance Salesman Frand Huff accepting award from manager Charles Wilson. (Sun Phoco—Cloves Campbell). NO CREDIT NEEDED AT SARWARK'S “NO CREDIT NEEDED” Are you new in Phoenix? COME IN & SEE US Have you ever been bankrupt? COME IN & SEE US Have you had a repossession? COME IN & SEE US Have others turned you down? COME IN & SEE US ’59 Simca Sedan, real nice $ 695 ’59 Impala Hardtop $1799 ’59 Pontiac Sedan fully equip ped including ice cold factory refrigeration $1899 ’53 MG Sport Roadster. New top, real nice interior $ 699 CARS UNDER SIOO ALL CASH 1610 E. VAN BUREN AL 8-6071 ’SB Cadillaac Convertible, fully equipped including ice-cold factory air, beautiful ivory finish w/red leather interior, beautiful low mileage, local car $2599 ’SB Volvo 2-door (Choice .of 2), One equipped with refrigera tion - $1095 ’SB Chevrolet 4-door Station Wagon fully equipped in cluding chrome rack on top $1299 ’SB Ford Convertible, real nice .. $1195 ’SB Olds Sedan fully equipped including refrigeration $ 988 ’SB Porsche Speedster like new condition thruout .: SI9BB ’SB Buick Riviera 4 dr. H’top R & H, auto transmission & power steering $1195 SARWARK MOTOR SALES 1610 E. Van Buren St 316 North 16th St. AL 8-6071 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Page 5 OL Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1911 TAYLOR MEMORIAL Interracial Spiritualist Rev. Nellye Maye Taylor 1245 West Watkins Street Spirit is the light of the world Meetings Lyceum 10:30 a. m. (Sunday School) 2:30 p.m. Worship NO red tape NO side notes NO salary loans NO credit needed NO furniture loans NO co-signers needed NO collateral needed We handle your contract. “Easiest place in the city to buy a car.” ’57 Volvo 2-door $ 895 ’57 Corvette Sport Roadster .... $1399 ’57 Thunderbird Hardtop $1995 ’57 Mercury Montclair 4-door Sedan, radio, heater, auto matic transmission, power steering, power brakes and factory refrigeration $1095 ’57 Jaguar Coupe $1195 ’56 Olds Super 88 Holiday Coupe, radio, heater, auto matic transmission, power steering and equipped with ice-cold factory refrigeration $ 995 ’56 Austin Healey Rdstr $ 988 ’56 Rambler Sedan $ 795 ’56 Chevrolet Station Wagon. Real nice! * $ 795 ’56 Lincoln 4-door Sedan. Radio, heater, automatic transmis sion, power steering. Real nice local car that has been driven carefully for only a few 1000 miles. A real nice Lincoln $ 988 ’56 DeSoto Firedome hard top, fully equipped including power steering and ice cold refrigeration $ 799 ’54 Cadillac 60 special Fleetwood Sedan. A real nice local car $ 795