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j Social f]ote Cloves Campbell About Town Good Film If you watched T.V. last week and caught the show “WALK IN MY SHOES,” it probably gave you a chance to evaluate your own opinions differ as to whether the discussing the show it seems that opinions differ as to whether the show was considered well put to gether or not. War Hero Dies Last week a young(3o) war hero died. Ben McGee hero in the Korean war died at the age most men get started in life. It was sad news to this department, Ben was an old school chum. Club Activities If you are worrying about hav ing no place to go, then you had better check around. It seems every club in town is about to put on some type of program. BISHOP COLLEGE IS OPENING A new era in the history of small colleges will get underway on Sep tember 16 when the New Bishop College opens its doors in Dallas after 80 years of service in Mar shall, Texas. The opening will be marked by a three day welcome celebration by the citizens of Dal las September 15-17. Freshman ori entation will begin on September 18. Upper classmen will register on September 21 and classes will begin on September 25, according to an announcement by Dr. Milton K. Curry, Jr., president. The New $2 million plant in Dal las. situated on a 103 acre site in fashionable Highland Hills with a commanding view of downtown Dallas, stands in marked contrast to the historic but time worn Mar shall campus which has a market value of less than $200,000. Over a million dollars was raised for the college by Dallas business industrial and foundation giants SHOES FOR WOMEN - AIR STEP PENALJO PEACOCK PARAMOUNT KIMEL LIFE STRIDE SELBY ARCH PRESERVER EDITH HENRY COBBLERS GLAMOUR DESS KEDETTES OOMPHIES DANIEL GREEN Sizes 4Va to 11, AAAA to B SHOES FOR MEN - ROBLEE PEDWIN EVANS SLIPPERS U. S. BOOSTERS & KEDS Sizes 6 to 14, AAA to E SHOES FOR CHILDREN - BUSTER BROWN OFFICIAL SCOUT SHOES DOWNTOWN 28 N. FIRST ST. AL 8*8273 PARK CENTRAL 32 PARK CENTRAL CR 7-5451 Full New Tread RECAPS JmO $750 Nassau Tire Company 2809 WEST BUCKEYE ROAD SPEARS IS COMING! OCTOBER Ist. It seems we to often knock each other instead of helping. Some people are saying that the new beauty salon on Valley Life Build ing is charging outrageous prices, it’s not true. Josie, hair stylist from Berekely, did not appear be cause of illness. New Look The typewriter at Valley Life Building Insurance Company i s really something to see. It types three forms of type. It has the old stand by color, RED. Short Notes A large Negro Church organi zation will sign a big advertizing contract soon for a hour long radio program. Billy Johnson won a new car at bingo last week. Man about town, Gene Walker matchmaker. under the leadership of Dallas in surance executive philanthropist, Carr P. Collins. An additional S4OO, 000 is being raised by Negroes under the leadership of Dr. Ernest C. Estell, Sr., president of the Baptist Missionary and Educational convention of Texas. SIOO,OOO to purchase land for the new campus was donated by the Karl Hoblitzelle Foundation of Dal las. An additional SIOO,OOO was rais ed for the new college by the American Baptist convention through CHEC (Christian Higher Education Challenge) under the leadership of Dr. Roland Wells. Six new buildings, an all pur pose building (administration, classrooms, library), a dormitory for men and one for women, a social - dining hall, a gymnasium -1 auditorium, a faculty apartment building, plus the renovated music building will be ready for occu pancy when classes begin on Sep tember 25. A library and a stadi im are in the planning stages and ! will probably be the next facilities added. Other small colleges struggling for existence in small, economy stricken communities, may soon find the end to many of their fi nancial woes by following the ex ample of Bishop College, by mov ing from run down agrarian areas to thriving forward looking indust rial areas. Since World War I, the East Texas so called “black belt” of which Marshall is the center, has been declining both in relative im portance to Texas and its rate of population growth. During this same period, Dallas, Houston. Fort Worth and serveal of the cities of central and southwest Texas have grown significantly both in indust rial importance and in population. As far back as 1927, an educa tional study by the Rockerfeller Foundation pointed out that one or more of the five colleges in the East Texas area should move to Dallas, Fort Worth or to Houston. The report also suggested that two or more schools merge in the new location to form a uni versity of the southwest. (The Atlanta University system and the Huston-Tilliston merger grew outi of the same report.) Plans to move the college have j been postponed in two seperate ' * ._a - m m AI J 2 J a IT a«4L am<l T\/W»tr> BIRTHDAY FOR TED Helping to celebrate Mr. Theodore Edwards’s 21st plus birthday are (1. to r.), Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Theodore Edwards, Mrs. Robert Phillips, Mr. Theodore _ CLASSIFIED HOUSE FOR SALE—3 BR. 1 bath masonry construction. BR 5-0459. BAR in kitchen. Good home cooked food daily, coldest beer in town. We are having a band every Friday. Under new management. 1645 East Jackson. WANTS GOOD HOME for two 4'A month old male kittens. Contact Mrs. C. W. Mason at 2306 West Jefferson. REPOSSESSED Deep freezer, cost $429.00, bal. due $93.00. Easy spin dryer, cost $278.00, bal. due $29.00 Full length mirror, $3.95, Dealer. 4101 S. Cent ral. BR 6-4101. WANTED—Beautician, Call AL 3- 2497. REPOSSESSED $576.00 buys $1,535.00 of furniture. Large refrig., dinette set, table top range. Lord Gilbert Divan & club chair. Bookcase, wall picture, reclining chair, tables & lamps. 12 pc. living room group. 8 pc. blonde Br. set with relaxaire matt. 6 box springs. Repossessed but real nice. Bal. dn. $5.90 per week. SOUTH PHOE NIX FURNITURE. 4101 S. Central. BR 6-4101. MADAM LUCY Psalmist Read ings. Answers all questions and solves all problems in life. She has a God-given Power to heal the ail ing and sick. No matter how dark the way may seem there is help for those who come to Madam Lucy. • There is no Pity for those who don’t come to see her. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday included. 2001 W. Main Mesa, Tempe-Mesa Highway. FOR SALE Boosey Hawkes Stratford model B (flat) clarinet. Almost new. Excellent condition. New case. $75 (New $165). AL 3- 9189. REPOSSESSED 7 pc. MAH. dining room set, cost $469.00. Bal. due $97.00. Hide-a bed, Bal. due $69. Bendix auto, washer. $29.00. TV $29.00. Elect, range, cost $429.00, bal. due S4B 00. SOUTH PHOENIX FURNITURE 4101 S Central. BR 6-4101. BABY SITTER, live in, in ex change for board and room. Race of no concern. AP 8-1275 days, BR 5-1461 evenings. tfc $89.95 Chair f0r”£49.95. A1 Epp’s Radio & TV. 20 E. Broadway. decades, once by the Depression in the early thirties and again in the forties by World War II emergency. Bishop was in direct competi tion with five institutions of higher learning in Texas and one in Loui siana for students living in the East Texas area. In Dallas Bishop will be the only college of this type within a radius of 90 miles. 150,000 students, one sixth of the I population of Texas schools for I Negroes, live in the seven coun ties which make up the Dallas trade area. Here the college will meet the needs of hundreds of high school graduates instead of scores. The saga of Bishop College will be followed with interest by other small independent colleges as they try to meet the challenge of pro viding quality education for the space age. The time may soon come when many more colleges will follow the great wave of Americans who have migrated from the farms, villages and small towns in search of a better life in the industrial metro politan areas. Direct Dialing Adopted by Firm Direct inward dialing, the new, telephone system being adopted by large Phoenix companies, went into effect today at the Salt River Project’s administration building, 1521 Project Dr.. Tempe. Under the new system, calls from outside will no longer have to go through the switchboard to reach extensions within the build ing. Instead, extension numbers can be dialed directly. SAVE MORE AT MOE’S FOO D FAIR OSCAR MAYER 111 CA IQC CANNED HAMS 3- - *2" "" " vniiiihv iiniiNv v *» COAC miss Arizona OOe PALACE CUlld MED. GRADE A Doz SLICED BACON 53 c SHORTEHIHG 3 L „ .. 49 c chunk BOLOGNA ».25‘ COFFEE ~ 49' INSTANT FOLGERS PURE 2 LBS 39c AACt EC 6 oz. jar 69c LARD 4 LBS 75c 10 ° z - Jar Wc FRESH LEAN CAIAIIAII JEWEL AQC GROUND BEEF 3 99* SflLftP 011 49 DOG FOOD “s“™, 13 Fr s 1“ GROUND STEAK 69° salmon £££".“ »». »«=....»- 79* ECONOMY wni-Hiwii ■ CHUCK STEAK 49" CHUNK TUNA StST- 4,, M°° FROZEN ROSARITA TAif av 4 a* Cocktail Tacos 12 oz. pkg 2 for 89c TOKAY GRIPES Lb 1Z 3 pkgs SI.OO Combination Plate errni wp^D h nrp l oc MEX,CAN STYLE DINNERI6 0L ■ • •••••• s ®c SEEPLESS GRAPES Lb 1Z C ENCHILADA DINNER .... 3• 12 oz. pkgs. SI.OO REFRIED BEANS, Rosarita 4-21 cans SI.OO lUIYIAIUCd Lb IU MaklAßlfl . instant - just add m MAA CRISP FANCY JONATHAN PANCAKE MIX WATKR * GOLDEN AFI EDV II nm rc * WiivniiL I?* i a crown -1 lb. pkg. " For 1 vELERY APPLES cvdiid staifys Tiqc •|f| c lAc nUIbHIiC vTKUI 24 OZ. JAR, Reg. 53c 09 ,0. ■ STALKIM IU PEANUT BDnER Knv 39° LARGE YAMS >5 C instant MILK STAR LAG—I 2 Quart*. ’. ’. ’.. 69c FROZEN HI" AT Mr!* CHET’S 8 OZ.BEEF, »■ |||| V FOREMOST A SIOO IvltA I Pits TURKEY ’ CHICKEN 3 For | IfllLH TALL CAN (Limit 8) O For ■ DOUBLE I ■ MORTON HOUSE, 27 OZ. CAN rs — t —rt ~: —iPORK. BEANS 4 r „ *1“ MOjiS I II ■ | j 3 Pkgs. m OCT, 1 I or Brlish Sunday 9 9°to 9 6 19th Avenue at West Buckeye Road HB ***k Edwards, Mrs. Lucille Factor, Mrs. Aldridge Keith and Mrs. William Hooks. (Sun Photo - Cloves Campbell New telephone number of the I building is 273-5900. Each exten sion has its own number, which ■ contains a variation of the last four digits of the building number. R. J. McMullin, SRP general i manager, said the change-over will speed up communications with » the building, which houses the bulk of the project’s administrative and ; engineering divisions. He pointed out that the change affects only the administration building and certain nearby installations. NEW & USED TBH Furniture I*l Bargains L -U FURNITURE Hwy. Wrhouse Outlet "Selling for less over a decade” 2240 W. BUCKEYE 1 AL 2-2977 Scoreboard On Rebel Opponents Next weeks opponent, West High will be one to watch since it’s good showing over Carl Hayden. Here’s how opponents of South fared in games last week: West 26, Hayden 0. MESA 40, Tucson 0. PUEBLO 12, Yuma 0. CAMELBACK 0, Scottsdale 15. NORTH PHOENIX 20, Phoenix Union 6. OPERA SINGER IS FIRED FOR BIAS The Norwegian Opera fired Op era singer Eddy Ruhl after he would not share a dressing room with the Negro singer, Charles Holland, according to reports. Hol land is singing the title role in Gounod’s Faust. } HODGE’S FAMOUS | BAR -R-Q Quick Service Good Food 1015 East Washington St I OPEN 11 AM to 1 AM Open Mondays Parking in Rear Page 6 DL THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1961 The U. S. Bureau of Land Man agement manages more than 160 million acres of public forest and woodland on the National Land Reserve. Dental Plates 1 REPAIRS While You Wait DR. LUGLAN Dentist 137 S. Central AL 4-2416 Open 8 to b —Mon. thru Sat. FREE PARKING