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Social Vote iwm IBy i Cloves Campbell ■WPw- |9 * INsI « ilH™ l i About Town |fp T '- ' '' ,S UN ABOUT TOWN JROWN BAG A fellow walked into 7th Ave. ,iquor store with a brown bag nd a gun and asked for all the noney. However on making his et-away, he made his second mis ake in turning his back, and was aught in the rear by some flying ead. • The first mistake was rob bing the store. CLASSIFIED 10MES. Have some 3 BR. homes vith FHA financing. S3OO dn. and ip. SOUTH MOUNTAIN REALTY 1400 S. Central ave. Br 6- 4258 RENT, 2 Room Furnished \pt. SIO.OO week, 314 E. Roeser, Jtilities furnished. Phone 967-2557. 3EAUTICIAN WANTED. AL 3-2497 ROOMS FOR RENT. AL 3-2497. THE BING CROSBY SHOW Bing-a*ding-ding! Bing’s back with guest stars Rosemary Clooney, Carol Lawrence The Three Crosbys SUNDAY, 9:00 P Ji CHANNEL 3 AMAZING! I can get all that in one place! Letterpress, Offset, Silk Screen, Die Cutting, Photo and Linotype Typesetting* Rubber Stamps and Book Matches Top Quality Printing for Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Invitations, Books, Programs, Tickets, Brochures . . . WHATEVER YOU MAY NEED. All available at. .. SAGUARO PRINTERS A1 Thomas, Manager 613 South Central Avenue Phone: 254-2823 KRIZ ARIZONA’S MOST LISTENED-T 0 STATION 12)0 ON YOUR DIAL NAME OF THE WEEK Just in case someone keeps call ing Arm-Strong and you know that was not your name, well they are letting you know that soap and water could reduce the under arm odor. . * * 1 JOLLY JIM A FIRST When Jim Titos was M. C. on Channel 5, for Shearator Park Homes, he could have set the stage for Negros in TV. At least we like to think. However, what stood out was that Jim appeared to have everything under control, and a veteran couldn’t have done better. * * * , SHORT NOTES The Jollyettes will have a night | of fun on Sept. 8. Get your ticket now. . .The Masons brought in 38 new members. . .How about drop ping a letter to Channel 5, asking for more of Jim Titus. . .Remem ber Sept. 11. Be sure and vote, and vote for Cloves Campbell. That’s me! NEGRO DOCTORS ADDED TO ATLANTA STAFF Two Negro doctors have been added to the staff of Grady Mem orial Hospital in Atlanta; they are Dr. James Dibble, specializing in internal medicine and Dr. William W. Stewart, whose specialty is obstetrics and gynecology. The staff began to integrate last April and these last two additions brings the total of Negro visiting physi cians up to six or possibly eight. i'^SNOWDEhP( Barber Shop ) Choice Haircuts & Facials! 2104 EAST BROADWAY / OPEN 8 AM to 8 PM \ ■PRW H* - ' yisl® 1 ■ ■ 1 THE BING CROSBY SHOW Three top guest stars, three Crosby boys, plus three Bings via electronic magic, add up to three cheers for TV Movies KTVK (3) - KPHO-TV (5) FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1962 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“The Fuller Brush Girl”, Lucille Ball, Eddie Albert. . 12:00—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Thanks a Million” Dick Powell, Ann Dvorak. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 19C2 10:30 —KPHO (s)—Movietime—“They Were Expendable”, John Wayne, Robert Montgomery. 12:00—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Voodoo Tiger”, Johnny Weissmuller, Jean Bryan. SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1962 10:00—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Three Secrets”, Ruth Roman, Eleanor Parker. 10;30— KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Lady From Louisiana”, John Wayne, Ona Munsin. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1962 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“All Ashore”, Mickey Rooney, Dick Haymes, Peggy Ryan. 10:45—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“Tripple Threat”, Tom Hannon, Sammy Baugh. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1962 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“The Flying Missile”, Glenn Ford, Viveca Lindfors. 10:45—KTVK (3)—'Theatre After Dark—“ Gun Brothers”, Buster Crabbe, Neville Brand. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1962 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“The Nevadan”, Randolph Scott, Dorothy Malone. 10:45—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“To Mary with Love”, Myrna Loy, Claire Trevor. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1962 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Magnificent Dope”, Henry Fonda, Don Ameche, Lynn Bari. 10:45—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“ Eighteen and Anxious”, Martha Scott, Jim Backus. BLOOM’S MEN SHOP For Fine Fashions —Presents— Today’s Weather —with— KEN WARREN 10:15 P. M'SUNDAY —on — KPHO TV Ch.s Bing’s show. Watch . . . CHANNEL 3 - KTVK Sunday at 9:00 p. m. NAACP Maps Plans To Speed Up The Baltimore Desegration BALTIMORE. The NAACP, in a pace setting move, will apply its proven arsenal of northern school integration tactics to this border city. The decision was made in an emergency meeting of the Asso ciation’s state conference officials with Miss June Shagaloff, NAACP special assistant for education. The program starts immediately. Mrs. Juanita Jackson Mitchell, secretary of the Association’s legal redress committee here, said that a six-point program is under way: —documentation of the extent of de facto segregation; —examination ot the quality of education given Negro children plus guidance, curricula, teacher assignment and physical facilities; —educating community to find ings; —recommendations to Board of Education; —mass community demonstra tions, in event negotiations with the Board fail; and —legal redress, in the event that all else fails. Ironically, Baltimore was among the first southern cities to deseg regate after the May 17, 1954, Su preme Court school integration ruling. Nevertheless, the State Board of Education recently re ported that 70 per cent of the state’s Negro children still attend all-colored schools. The Association also organized an NAACP Teachers Committee in Baltimore to work exclusively on the crucial problem of Negro teacher employment. This followed reports from the Association’s 17 Maryland branches documenting the fact that the ma jority of the counties refuse to hire qualified teachers to meet the state’s teacher* shortage. Meanwhile, plans are under way for a coordinated state-wide pro gram along the same pattern as being formulated by the Associa tion. RACE RELATIONS TO BE IM PROVED There have been frequent clashes between the police and Negroes in the past year in LOs Angeles. Because of this the Los Angeles Police Department plans to begin an very extensive program o I training, human relations and ori entation which they hope will add much to the improvement of race relations. SUPPORT NAACP TV We Radio Service U| All Makes p| and Models Capital Radio & TV 80G E. Jefferson St. 264-2795 JFK’S Equal Job Body Acts On NAACP Bias Compfainfslir ta. WASHINGTON. Responding to NAACP complaints, the Presi dent’s Committee on Equal Job Op portunity secured job break throughs for Negro workers in four major oil refineries in Lake Charles, La. Violence Marks NAACP Spartanburg Sit-In SPARTANBURG, S. C. - Vio lence flared in this southern city when 40 high school students, members of three NAACP Youth Councils, staged sit-in demonstra tions at Woolworth’s and Kress stores on Monday, July 23. They were deneid service at both stores. One of the students, all of whom carried with them copies,of “Fight for Freedom,” Langston Hughes’ volume on the story of the NAACP, was assaulted by a white bystand er at Woolworth’s. Following this disturbance, the group left the store to join their fellow members at S. H. Kress. About 1:00 p.m. a mob of over 250 whites gathered at the Kress store to protest the demonstra tion. The store management roped off the lunch counter, forcing the youths to leave. At the Kress store, police ar rested an 81-year-old white man, S. M. Sisk of Spartanburg, for carrying a knife and two other white men, Charles H. Bullman and Elbert Gunter, for disorderly conduct. Rev. Harold Joseph Cox, pastor of Garrison Chapel Baptist Church, was also arrested and held 20 hours for “investigation.” An at tempt by NAACP Field Secretary I. DeQuincey Newman to have Mr. Cox released on bail was denied. The clergyman was placed on trial the following morning charged with disorderly conduct. On mo tion of defense counsel Attorney Edgar Thompson, who had been retained by the local NAACP, the case was continued until Friday, July 27. At the conclusion of the hearing SIOO cash bail was given by an NAACP representative. NO CREDIT NEEDED AT SARWARK'S “NO CREDIT NEEDED” Are you new in Phoenix? COMB* IN & SEE US Have you ever been bankrupt? COME IN & SEE US Dave yon had a repossession? COME IN & SEE US Have others turned you down? COME IN & SEE US WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE As Low As 10 o/o Down Buys any car on the lot with approved credit. Full Price 'SO Nash Club Sedan $29 Runs real good. Full price. '52 Nash $79 Sedan. Full price. '52 Ford V-8 $99 '54 Chevrolet $195 Bel-Air Sedan, radio, heater, powerglide. '54 OldsmobHe Convertible . $199 '54 Cadillac Convertible .... $299 Radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, elec tric window lifts, power- seats. Full price this week only. '55 Thunderbird $1295 Hardtop equipped with standard trans., overdrive, lecertic window lifts. Beautiful local car. '55 Buick $199 Riviera Coupe, radio, heater, auto matic trans., power steering. '55 Ford $149 Country 6-passenger Sedan. SARWARK MOTOR SALES 1610 E. Van Buren St. 316 North 16th St. AL 8-6071 Disclosure of the breakthroughs was made by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in an address delivered in Los Angeles, July 26. Herbert Hill, the Association’s labor secretary, filed complaints on Dec. 1, 1961, charging that Negro workers were discriminat ed against by Continental Oil Com pany, Cities Service Company, Cit- Con Oil Corporation and Petroleum hemical.s Inc. The Lake Charles refineries fol low a pattern common in the Guif Coast oil industry limiting Ne groes to job categories as service workers and laborers. To date, the Association has filed over 500 complaints with the Presi dent’s employment committee. Kansas City NAACP Youth To PeHHon City Council KANSAS CITY, Mo. The NA* ACP Youth Council launched a city wide drive to- secure 25,000 signature on petition calling for admendment of a municipal ordinance to include ending of discrimination in theatres, parks, stadiums and all places of amuse ment. The present ordiance forbids ra cial discrimination in any Kansas City hotel, motel or restaurant which serves food or offers lodging to the public. Mrs. Daisy L. Brown, advisor to the local NAACP youth, said that the petitions will be present ed to the city council on August 23rd. The youngsters have sought assistance from the local human relations commission. The Kansas City NAACP youth council is one the most effective in the nation and received the As sociation’s coveted Ike Smalls a ward for two consecutive years. Last year it maintained pro test demonstrations which forced integration of a local restaurant chain; staged a two-day sit-in in the Mayor’s office to evoke an anti - discrimination policy state ment. It also attacked the problem oi police brutality and won wide newspaper editorial support for its entire program. NO red tape NO side notes NO salary loans NO credit needed NO furniture loans NO co-signers needed NO collateral needed We handle your contract. “Easiest place in the city to buy a car.” Full Price '55 Ford Converible SM9 '55 Chevrolet $299 2-door stick shift. '55 Oldsmobile $399 4-dodr Sedhfi. '55 Chevrolet $695 V-8 Station Wagon. Beautiful blue and white finish. '56 Buicfc Convertible $399 Runs real good. '56 Mercury $199 Hardtop Coupe. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. '57 Chevrolet V-8 $699 Sedan with factory refrigeration. '57 Chevrolet Bel-Air ....... $799 V-8 Convertible. Real nice local car. '57 Buicfc $599 Fully equipped including factory re frigeration ’SB Ford 4-door Sedan. 'SB Ford 4-door Sedan $695 PAGE 5 S^rizona THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1962 Good Trout Fishing In State Streams This week’s fishing reports show good trout fishing in a number of areas, but only fair warm water angling in most cases. In the White Mountain coun try, Big Lake is rated very good for trout, with all other lakes and streams listed as fair to good. All lakes and streams in the north central area are rated good trout fishing. On the Colorado River, Mead is good for catfish and bluegills, but only fair for bass. Mohave is good for bass in the upper end, and good for trout in the Willow Beach area. Havasu is rated fair to good for bass and catfish, and the lower areas of the river have recovered from their slump of the past few weeks and fishing for bass and catfish is listed as good for the entire southern portion. The Salt River lakes are listed poor this week for most species, although there has been so little activity by fishermen that an ac curate report is difficult to achieve. CATCHABLE SIZE RAINBOW TROUT PLANTED: Christoper Creek, 1,200; Woods i Canyon Lake, 1,800; Cold Springs Creek, 400; Washington Park East Verde, 400; Horton Creek, 600; Haig ler Creek, 400; Gordon Canyon Creek, 300; Tonto Creek, 3,600; I Fry Mesa Reservoir, 1,000; Riggs Flat, 3,250; East Clear Creek, i 1,000; Kaibab Lake, 1,000; Rose i Rose Canyon Lake, 3,000; Beaver Creek, 800; Oak Creek, 8,000 Ly man Lake, 8,000; Little Colorado, 2800; Sheep Crossing, 800; Thomp i son Ranch, 350 Boneyard, 306; • West Fork Black River, 1,000; East Fork Black River, 2,200.