Arizona Tribune, Friday SeP l - 5 » 1958 SAMUEL M. WO(W-R!PG| I Licensed and Bonde» 1 ;► •ELECTRICAI CONTRACT OR Remodeling S repair, i.'B"jj house wiring a specl. ;; :: al mo w.p % ELECT | & CLYDE C«* § j p OTTINGER f ? A county school I I SUPERINTENDENT K Dollar Count $f » A , 20 Years In Maricopa County H -$ , B & Mrt i. Wagner «j —k JEFFERSON DINETTE :j ’LMtjL-,, W 13th Si • & Jefferson J> Mozel Wagner and Neil Moore, Pf ' ops * ■ I itfj. ft /.It :. ;\\) jf, Hilliard T. Brooke k W&LWf-rt STATE SENATOR flip// • —WBE&ii W@mm Primary - September \V < 1958 Elect a Business Man to t H e PIODEI .S OPEN 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY 1 1 ~ m "« : large lots i| ; COMPLETELY J ,■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■ll ■■•■■■■■■■■■■■»•»■■■■■■*»■■■■■■ vB st STREET ano’ EAST ROESER ROAD M :amily room closing costs— Jr PAYIirNT 11 m ■M I nflul I as low as... WW W tig Developed by M WILLIAMS l JOttES CONST. CO. 3432 SO. CENTRAL BR 6-240\l PHOENIX, ARIZONA Judge 'Dad’ Thurman an nounced for election to Div. 7, Superior Court. Thurman has been a parcticing attorney , for mer Superior Court Judge, Santa Cruz County Attorney and As sistant U.S. District Attorney. COMING AND GOING The THOMAS J. PRATTS and ARTHUR BLACKSHEAR motored to San Diego and Los Angeles for the Labor Day weekend; with them was a cousin of Mrs. Black shears from Chicago. The Stewardess Board No. 2 , of the Tanner Chapel A.M.E. Church was highly entertained by Mrs. Vinita Brown with a Chicken Dinner at the Golden Drumstick, 2736 No. Central, Friday, Aug. 27, 1958. Guests were: Rev. and Mrs. C. K. Hayer; Lois Jackson Pres.; Rosa Dishroom; Martha Johnson; Alice Wheeler; Suzie Oby; Katy Larrimore; Tiny O’ Quinn and Gusta Leach. THE GAY LADIES Social & Charity Club met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Pullman at 905 W. Buckeye Rd., to discuss plans for their fashion show Legusta Moss a new member was ac cepted into the club. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Billie Brown at 1734 W. Mohave. The GAY LADIES are proud to have their secre tary, Doris J.Brown, back after a short illness. r HANK'S “1 UNION SERVICE f tires-batteries I j: & ACCESSORIES i; pick UP and Delivery |i i: We Give S&H £&£'•; Green Stamps ]> □ilMh St. and Henshpwi; ’HONE AL 3-9824 <; lford "Hank" Hankins <; 1 HKXXXQXIfIHH ■ m I COUNTY \ I ATTORNEY J I \ of the leading <| an. Mrs* Brown <; I worth of insur- <| Plan All Page 3