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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA TRIBUNE, Friday. December 26, 1958 Page 4 leROY'S Shot Repair L -Do-It Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1614 E. Broadway 8R &-0893 AL 2-1539 CLOVIS POLK ♦ I Real Estate Salesman * $ Williams & Jones * t Realty Co. t BR 6-2401 Wishing you a Prosperous NEW YEAR! (g BLACK & SON IS Masonry Cont. rA SIMPLICITY i; Beauty Salon ii •! fcajesssss I; ; Bring us all your beauty!l problems* Specialties— j; Streaks, tints, dyes jj as ! [ | 11 No. 16th Street ; Flora Lee Ruffin, Prop* !; 717 E. Jefferson \ \ j Mr. & Mrs. A. Henderson * Proprietors 1 : I*********.************* r I !■«'. ■ • ' ■■■ ■ SOUTH PHOENIX BAPTIST CHURCH 20th St. and & Broadway ; I ■ -- Aev. Mill B* smith, Pastor Sijnd&y School 10 a*Rb Worship Service 11:30 a*«w 4 7:30 p*m* * EVERYONE WELCOME! j— —»—#»»»##»+—» TO ALL! i! : i; HAMMONS j: , fuel ca ;l U2t E. Jefferson i; : AL 8-4674 !| 1 Z^u/£oc^f We hope it will be a very happy New Year I for you .. . that it will be a year of joyous good health for you and for all those you love. NUTTALL'S DEPT. STORE i mwu 4390 S. Central Avenae ,www^^_ru-; - COMING AND GOING Mrs. Burley Rideau. Sr., i spent Xmas with her parents in Louisiana. Capt. and Mrs. Emeal Tip ton. Luke Air Base, journeyed to Alabama. Mrs. Effie O. Keys just re turned from a nine-day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O’Kelley, Sr., of Tucson. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Farthing motored to Fresno, Calif. Mrs. Howard Shumate sojourn ed to Mississippi for the holi days. Mrs. Clementine of Los An geles is visiting with the Fred Scotfs. Paint Your Car for the New Year SEE WILLIAMSON 1929 S. Central AL 4-0307 ij #>########<| > ARMY ii SURPLUS ,ii STORE jj ;i Used Shoes, Boots jj! j! and Clothing jjj jj. 510 E. Jefferson St. i| KRIZ KIDS pr*s*at h . m The CaU Letters of The Stars! KRIZ Dial 1230 24 Hours a Day! w ADAMS AT PIRtT STRUT • l. Miller after-ehristmas m. ft '' suede ff §25/ Brown calf Blue calf Gray Gun metal Novelties _ Hi-heels W;-u; | fBK ■ Pum P* Mid-heels JBSm * Slings Flats SAVINGS Vs TO 50% I. MILLER were to 32.95 .. 16.90 t# 19.90 JOHN MARINO .asoo 19.90 MADEMOISELLE SV" 12.90 to 14.90 A splendid selection, but net every size in every style. I. MILLER REPTILE SPECIAL ALLIGATORS and UZAGATORS were to 55.00 NOW 10.90 to 25.00 HANDBAGS reductions to 50% Black calf • Brown calf • Black suede • Broadcloth • Reptiles Adams at First Street DOWNTOWN AND SCOTTSDALE