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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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| THE ARIZONA TRIBUNE »£■»«* -* kutmmiti* W ill I W' WeJM*w&§ 9j| il jpßMßfc^. * ' I ■ I B^Sfß!^^^ iml■ I I I With any Purchase K|__ of $69. 95 or More _ J —i~_ p^smpr' *••** / iMMkKaMIMMIaI We new accounts Special Limited Offer! ' ■ j^^fe'v ■ *j i^j ? -Kj*l m ■ ifil *] 11bilMHk^ ?■&:•: •. . .-. ; HBt Hi ■ IBB . i .-. .-.-v -:- s ■- V ■ ■■■'./,' . fitjms a^£, 5J9K9 Jgs&l® jHBPI Se».tSt i"r£?£ <■ MSB BH -a MBS Page 5 XMAS COULD COME TWICE Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith, 1831 E. Broadway hosted a young group of Jack and Jillers. These smiling faces prove that school\was not the topic. Lower - Young guests crowded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Adams, 1621 E. Jefferson. Look closely and you can see the Adamses among the resting dancers. TOP SPORT STORIES OF 'SB Rafer Johnson set a decathlon record in Moscow as American men were track and field win ners. Archie Moore, light heavyweight champ withstood Durelle’s floor ings to knockout the young Cana dian. Ernie Banks of the Chicago Cubs was named homer champ and most valuable player of the National League. Oscar Robertson, Cincinnati’s All-American basketball star a mazed fans and opponents with his accurate hoop shots. Althea Gibson won the U.S. and Wimbledon tennis crowns for the second straight year. Negroes won boxing crowns in all divisions except bamtam and flyweight. Floyd Patterson heavyweight; Archie Moore-light heavyweight; Ray Robinson-mid dleweight; Don Jordan -Welter weight; Joe Brown-lightweight. Roy Campanella’s baseball career ended by a crippling auto crash, but his miraculous spirit is helping to overcome his han dicap. Tax Book Available Relief from income tax head aches is available to readers of the Phoenix Gazette and Arizona Republic. Two government publications offer help to both individuals and small businesses. They contain the latest information on tax laws and specific examples and solu tions to many common tax prob lems. ‘Your Federal Income Tax’ is designed to help individuals. ‘Tax Guide for Small Businesses’ will prove an invaluable aid to the self-employed. • Either of these booklets is available for 35 cents a copy at the information dest in the main lobby of the Republic and Gazette Building. Requests by mail should be accompanied by 45 cents and addressed to: In come Tax Booklet,. The Phoenix Gazette, Box 2236. Phoenix. - ARIZONA TRIBUNE, F riday, January 9. 1959 WOMAN’S BODY FOUND The partly clothed body of 28 year old Betty Lee Jackson, 829 S. 10th Ave., a known narcotic *“ user, was found in a citrus grove near 26th Street and Western Canal. Her body was discovered 36 hours after police received a tip about , a woman dying at a heroin party. The victim reportedly purchased the narcotics from a man named Curtis. Held in custody before the location of the body was William E. (Little Nick) Harris, 44, 1138 E. Washington. A hotel em ployee, Harris admitted being an addict since his early teens. The party was held in his home. He told officers when he left for work at 9:30 Saturday a.m.,Mrs. Jackson was alive. She was dead when he returned at 3 p.m. Harris and Curtis waited for darkness and slipped her body into the car and drove to the citrus grove. The dope pusher and a woman companion are still sought by police. Mrs. Jackson was the daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Clement. She is survived by 2 small children, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I ‘ . I Paint Your Car for the New Year SEE WILLIAMSON 1929 So. Central AL 4-0307 i! Wishing you luck !: ij in ’59 jj i! WATKINS INN ij i: 601 West Watkins Rd.i; AL 2-0734 !i i: !; Mr. & Mrs. Lee Thompson, j! !| Clara S Juanita \\ >