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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Arizona Tribune, July 24, 1959 ALIY Pictorial Weekly EDWARD BANKS, Publisher and Editor ELOISE BANKS, Assistant Editor Established July 10, 1958. Published every Thursday in Phoenix, Arizona. 2137 E. Broadway BR 6-2301 Subscription rates h yr. $1.50, 1 yr. $2.50, 2 yrs. $3.50 Vol 2, No. 1 "ALL THAT IS NEEDED TO REMEDY THE EVILS OF OUR TIMES IS TO DO JUSTICE AND GIVE FREEDOM” FIRST YEAR COMPLETED This past- year has been full of experiences for my wife and me as we worked hard to bring the Arizona Tribune to our readers. The time and effort expended seemed almost un believable for only two people, but we were determined • to produce the best, not the worst. Any new business has a rough time during the first year and a newspaper probably has many more bridges td cross. Itmust have advertising and readers. It must appeal to maiyy different individuals with varying taste. It must grow from nothing to something. A year ago seems a long time. We were welcomed into many homes. We wish to thank every supporter who gave us a pat on the back. Some knocked the Arizona Tribune and said it would fold in two months. Others were more liberal, they gave it six months. Twelve months have passed and our paper is growing by leaps and bounds. We promised the People of Arizona an in telligent and worthwhile publication. We have tried in every way to keep this promise. Looking backward, we can see some faults and some er rors. Looking forward, we can see a bright future as the Arizona Tribune continues to grow with the great state of Arizona. We of Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company take this opportunity to thank all our policyowners and friends for their loyalty, | confidence and encouragement, t I which have been so vital the progress of our Company. July 23rd is the 34th Anniversary of Golden State Mutual and this month also marks the 10th Anniversary of GSM’s Home Office. / GSM will celebrate both these occasions with an Open House at the Home Office commencing Sunday, July 26,1-7 p.m. Activities will continue through Monday and Thesday, July 27 and 28 during the hours of 5-8 p.m. If you are visiting in the Los Angeles area during this period, we cordially invite yoii to help us celebrate this dual occasion. Guided tours of the Home Office are conducted the year round for visitors to GSM. GOLDEN STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY « 1999 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles 54, California Wanted Readers! Subscribe Now! j ; Please enter my .subscription: i year-$U 50 | year-s2* 50 2 year®- 1 s3* 50 ' ? ;Name [ Address ! ; City -State- : send*check or monjsy order to- Arizona Tribune ’ . • 2137 E. Broadway, Phoenix page 2 SIGHTS AND SOUNDS by Eloise Banks The most frequent sight in front of my little old brown peepers is a light green ma chine with a four tiered key board. I sit in front of it daily and oftentimes nightly. I pound it mercilessly and al most endlessly. It rocks, it reels, it clicks, it clacks. Metal keys play a rhythm on the ebony ribbon and letters appear on the white paper. Letters become words and 1 words transform into sen tences. Before you know it a paragraph is completed. Then, a column is finished. , One year of typing would involve many finger move ments and thousands of sheets of paper plus yards of ribbon. One year of typing includes a million thoughts - the bright and the dull ones combined. One ’ year of typing has not my love of reading writing or talking. In fact, I think it has increased my a bility to listen to the tele- J vision. Now, I can type, j talk and listen to the radio ] or TV simultaneously. . Words alone are detached, 4 lifeless characters. A mere j invention of man who used j his brain to develop a group J of sounds that would be un- j derstood by a certain tribe, j Single words are useless. A j sentence means more because J the mo/e words draw a clearer j picture. How would you like \ to read your next paper writ- J ten in pictures? The Chinese J and Japanese language have J thousands of symbols—this * probably accounts for their supposed Oriental calmness. ; They could hardly become : excited easily when they have j such long sentences to ex press a thought or two. ; Duchess Beauty Shop 2351 E. Broadway BR 6-0849 or BR 6-0419 j CAREER GIRLS!! Open evenings, I All day Saturday I i Mattie Morgan i BR 6-0213 _ Olivia Bryant - prop. i Hare you SI2OO to invest in a 2 bedroom home, paved street, street j lights? I I ** CALL** ! CLOVIS POLK Licensed salesman WILLIAMS & JONES CONSTRUCTION & REALTY CO. 343? S. Central , Call BR 6-2401 or BR 6-2402 |j jCacfuFCorsi £ We Carry our own Contracts | EASY TERMS See Don For a Deal I we trade t for anything of valve j So. 24 St. Phone BR 6-3877 i Clean ’56 Volkswagen 1 1 owner j Nice '49 Chev. - 2 door 1 Good '49 Plymouth . 1 | t See '4B Plymouth Best Wishes THE ARIZONA TRIBUNE IS AN ASSET TO OUR COMMUNITY! ! Remember the pen is mightier than the sword! jj ! 11 John Fitt Myron Nusbaum f \ J Home Os J jU Fine Trophies J 11 WEST ADAMS AL 2-8320 J \lUe Dicߣflolfg'wm | INVITE YOU TO DINE AT \2fsjj % 4 MAC'S KITCHEN j Fine home cooked food. Pleasant service. Reasonable rates. 4 2419 E. Broadway 11 a.m.-3 a.m. | Come and dine with us! Iji ; SUMMER HAIR TROUBLES? E— 3 NULOXSHEEN HBFRGAMOTH Bergamot Hair & Scalp Condi tioner. Water repellent. hair and scalp I >■ . ASK YOUR^ BEAUTICIAN | $25.00 Free in saving stamps { J FOR ALL WHO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT THE BEST J 1 TO HEAR OF OUR SERVICES! ) —. ft. { [VflllCy L 1 PAY LESS j ! Food L——. { \ Services \ [ 3012 NORTH 16th STREET CR. 9-2701 CR 9-5111 'i r •' ( | Ask for Lester Crockett (salesman) J