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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Arizona Tribune Friday, Sept. 25, 1959 CHURCH QUEEN CONTESTANTS Bid jA fefifl . . & IK BESfIoP • I I >:^dbHlib Hi W 1 Mr/tlbtl 1 - ? m mM Bk ~ Bl i wl. m 1 I n One of these four girls will be ‘Miss First Institiiional Bap tist Church'. The contest ends on Oct. 11 and each girl is put ting. forth her best efforts. The winner will enter the state finals which will be held during the state convention of the Paradise State District. Contest proceeds will help defray con vention expenses. Pictured left to right are Dorothy, Echoles, Barbara Kendrick Linda Bennett, and Billie Jean Johnson. (photo McConnell) THELMA \ ft (l) ** i- *» r * --And When We Heot Children. And They Hem Children, I’ll Be Married To A Grandmother Ham About TkalT PARK SOUTH Unit N0.4&5 Enter beautiful Park South subdivision 2oth Street &E. Broadway | I 2 Both HOMES I MAKE S REGULAR^PAYMENTS UNTIL DOWN PAYMENT IS I SOWN PAYMENTS ulow ** $250 payments less than rent 1 *s€* MODEL HOME OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY •fr J I i I BUILDERS SALES BY I WILLIAMS & JONES CONST. CO. CLYDE WEBB REALTY CO. I BR 6-2401 3432 S. Central BR 6-9111 M «•» page 8 “ They're Too Bathlul To Speak, But They Have The Culett Whittle—" ELECTRONICS REPAIR SHOP OPENS Wyatt Coleman . has seen electronics develop from the crystal set radio to the stereophonic sound. He was one ofthe first Negroes to complete the Philco ra dio repair course in 1934. Mr. Coleman kept abreast of the modern techniques and he was employed by the U.S. government as an inspector, technician and an electronic specialist. He went to the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands. He operated a television re pair store in Las Vegas before moving to Phoenix. Mr. Coleman’s shop is located at 533 E. Jefferson. Sun Yalley Bakery |g) Tjps»w«i» Sytca »« Vtumta— MAIN #Flf| 1301 GRAND AVE PHONS AL 14001 Visit our Bakery in Moe's Food Fair, 19th Avo. & Westward Blvd. KOZY KOTTAGE BEAUTY SHOP Lena McGri/f. prop. Cdlie Moore ‘ Beauty Prcblems air specialty \ 1510 W. Sherman AL. 8-0206 Stone's Pharmacy 4327 South Central drugs at downtown prices Prescriptions and Sick Room Needs Friendly, courteous service WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS Liquor Store by featuring rntyjr Name Brands | g*w« This Week's Special |^^pT SEAGRAMS GOLDEN GIN 94 proof l