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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Arizona Tribune Friday, October 9, 1959 PARK SOUTH HOMES BEAUTIFY SOUTHSIDE. TERMS 0 . mu -..~~5rjz.4f.a3, jc " " ”S#-dta»wwcg ’ * .• . -■ i i ak -a I IP %h tiL WW | \ Pt^P^C;.- ■ ■ tZ’&Ba&r • t : Gals remember, if you look WEDDING BELLS good and cook good, you’re in. James Duckett and Ruby Money ain’t everything but Lee Greer will be married you can’t say it ain’t anything, soon.. » * * CALDERON ? ON SALE .4 CONING | j CALDERON'S BAR f October 2s Cal Tiaaer I REDDY’S CORNER \ ( page 6 The talents of three Phoe nix businessmen have been merged to produce one of the most beautiful hoi sing de velopments in the entire state. Clyde Webb, real estate broker, is in charge of sales at the Park South Homes subdivision. Travis Williams and D.W. Williams provide building services of the Williams and Jones Con struction Company. The homes are built to in dividual needs and plans. Each home is colorfully dec orated with personalized styling. Prices range from the economy type to the more luxurious $25,000 home. The fourth and fifth sub divisions have been opened and the area is filling rapfdly with lovely new homes. I Photos show the spacious tracts, the good craftmanship and the three energetic and progressive men who have made owning a home on the southside a pleasure. The Williams brothers pio neered in home building in South Phoenix several years ago. They can be proud of having foresight and will to cling to a dream of pro viding better housing and improving the standard of living for the entire commun ity. Park South subdivision is located between E. Broadway and Roeser Road near 20th St. Op UNTIL 1925/ CRIMINALS IN PERSIA WHO WERE CON SIDERED TOO CONTEMPTIBLE | TO BE EXECUTED IN ANY OTHER WAY, WERE BLOWN TO BITS BY BEING TIED TO THE MUZZLE OF A FIRING CANNON / FORMIDABLE FLEX In every mile of travel, the fabric “backbone” of a tire bends, or flexes, more than 700 times. Tire engineers rate nylon cord best in flex strength. “You Mean, Homer, You’re Eating Your Heart Out For Me — Oh Dear, That Too?” _ j j j-j-ij-ij-j nr i -- 1 ■ ■ 4* w uli K'irrrrr p a lm)A‘ invites You To A • FRIENDSHIP TEA Palmdale School Sun. Oct. 18 4-6 pm. 3100 E. Wier BR 6-3U02 ; ‘ Proceeds for School and Community Improvement For additional information: BR 6-6776 BR 6-2985 < I BR 6-3052 J --■■■ Simplicity.; beauty salon Try the newest hair condi- tioninj) miracle PRO CON \ Hair Strate Permanents x" Frosty Tints I 1608 E. Washington • Flora Ruffin owner AL 3-9520 OQCLEANING WORKS W since 1924 *» drive in service PICK UP & UKL.- r NO EXTRA CHARGE 1220 S.CENTRAL AL 3-686 f There's Something About A fireman that makes little boys change their minds about being cowboys when they grow up. We point with pride to Arizona’s firemen. We’re glad to know, too, that our tax dollars help to provide vital fire protection services in the communities we serve. ARIZONA vSjTJP ublic Service Citizen and Taxpayer Wherever We Serve