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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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JACK AND JILL FALL CALENDAR OPENS ft ‘S I 9F The first fall meeting of the Jack and Jill Club of America, Phoenix Chapter, will be held Sunday, Oct: 18, 5 p.m. in the Roundup Room of the YMCA Left to right Yvonne Smith Sharon Brooks Edward Jones delegate Mrs R B Phillips, su prvisor, Dr. Joel Lewis Bar bara Kendrick rep , and Patricia Grant delegate pause between meetings during the regional convention held at Oakland, Calif, this summer. Mrs. William Warren president, will present a report of the Los Angeles regional conference. A workshop on teenage ac tivities will be conducted by Mesdames Warren and Phillips. A man walked into a coffee shop during the lunch hour rush, ordered a cup of coffee, gulped it down, left 10<t on the counter and walked out. Quickly the waitress scooped up the coin, put it in fier pocket and turned to the DOWNTOWN PHOENIX DAYS Hanny's I. Miller Salon does it again! EVERY NEW, EXCITING SHOE and matching accessory in our I. MILLER SALON 20^ I, Miller and Mademoiselle shoes pfoysftoes • hose • handbags « ™ second noo« or fashion I next customer-- only to catch the cold eye of the owner staring at her. She hesitated a moment, then shook her head sadly. ‘What a screwball,’ she con fided. ‘Leaves a 10<t tip -- then walks out without pay ing.’ CHILD DRINKS KEROSENE Siegferd Graves, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Graves, 2560 E. Mobile, was in critical condition at county hospital last week after drink ing kerosene. Sheriff's deputies said the Graves family was visiting relatives in Laveen when the child found a small glass jar of kerosene and drank some of it DELTAS SPONSOR CLUB TOPS began because young people wanted to express themselves and learn about their problems, careers and community services. At the close of the last school year, two members of TOPS. Bon nie Morrison and Ernesto Fernandez addressed a junior high assembly at Percy Julian School concerning high school problems and activities. This project represents Delta Sigma Theta’s concern for social, academic and cultural enrichment of Phoe nix youth. Career .project committee members are: Mrs. H.F. Ed wards, chairman; Miss Arlena Seneca, Miss Gwendolyn Smith, Mrs Carl Mason and Mrs Lincoln Ragsdale. COMING AND GOING Mr. and Mrs. Odis Christo pher, Mesdames James Hill and T.R. O’Neil, Sr. motored to Los Angeles two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Odie Davis and the Clyde W. Ormes of Los Angeles spent the week end with the James Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis mixed business and pleasure in a trip to Prescott. Mrs. Tommie Jewell has begun her vacation in Los Angeles, Calif. Her husband will join her in Berkeley and they will journey eastward to New York. CHURCH NEWS Members of the First Insti tutional Baptist Church, 1141 E. Jefferson are observing the fifth anniversary of the Rev. Artis G. Kendrick from Oct. 14-18. The 39th annual session of the Paradise Baptist State Convention will be held Oct. 21-25 at the First Institution al Baptist Church. £bone e BEAUTY CENTER WANTED Experienced Operator .Maple Lee Pratt - pfop. 1205 W. Buckeye AL 2-2642 AL-4-2787 lIMI^ ————■——■ „ inn<r ./ mnnl DRAPERY FABRIC Heavy 100% all wool BANK OF DOUGLAS FINANCING HOURS: 10:30 TO 5 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 004 c nil i Qinu ni ky k (Eost on 2nd Stroot to Ball Pork Plazo 234 S» BALL PARK PLAZA on right. Now building H block soutlv) SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA WH 5-3211 Arizona Tribune Friday, October 16, 1959 Have Fun With The ] Debonair* HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY Saturday, October 31 8 - ? 1730 E. Jefferson 7tlt Qoe House ojj Tflusic f 622 S 7th Avenue « 0 ij Specializing in JAZZ & SPIRITUALS js Special order for hard to get albums © KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER 1 SALES Cr SERVICE, INC. New and Used Kirbys and all Other Makes | 4310 S. Central || 3R 6-3421 ELKS CLUB Come out and enjoy yourself ! , p r * sent * & his organ . . . I ELOIS DELANEY SINGS * 1 EVERY WEEKEND ' J 1007 S. 7th Avenue AL 4-0072 page 4