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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Arizn'tt^&tbun^ SECOND YEAR, NO. 22 New Elks Ruler I J. D. HOLMES was elected exalted ruier of the William H. Patterson Elks Lodge IBPOEW, Tuesday, Dec. Bth. Other officers include S.L. Carr, esteemed leading knight, George Evans, esteemed loyal knight, J.D. Shanns, esteemed lecturing knight; Kermit Cagle, secretary; Jake Burns, treas urer; Edward Moore, tyler; Howard Dasher, esquire; Jimmy Mol den, inner guard; Milton Lewis, James McElroy, John Webber, Edward Banks, and William Otis, trustees. Photo -Ed Banks Druggist Robbed Two masked gunmen got about SSOO in an armed rob bery at Norman’s Pharmacy at 1402 E. Washington, police were told. Norman Mendelsohn, of 73 E. Ashland, the proprietor, said he was robbed by the dark skinned gunmen who used white handkerchiefs to cover the lower part of their faces. HuH ALL-AMERICA CITY 'miir 951 'ON >IUJ J«d 'Sfjy ‘xfmoikj OlVd aovxsod # srn ♦ I axvmrvw 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1959 Youths Go To Jail Two 17-year old youths who didn’t like being locked up in the county juvenile home will get to try the county jail for the next year. Superior Judge Francis J. Donofrio passed sentence after John Henry Wiley, 1103 W. Hadley and Leßoy Bran don, 4807 S. 20th St., plead ed guilty to a misdemeanor charge of obstructing justice. A companion, Carl Furch, also 17, is scheduled to be tried later on a charge of felonious assault. The trio broke out of the detention home southwest of Phoenix Aug. 28 after asking for an aspirin and attacking two guards when it was given them. One of the guards, Duane Esterday, was severely beat en with a metal chair. : Pictorial Weekly The Girl and The Wine ■ H • Y /V ■ Uhl. Si ■ * „*s »**,, | J m A/btf taste the difference - PREMIUM GALLO WINE -■*j i-’li \ M 9 H 19 w ~ jjSp f ANN TOTRESS of Mesa introduces a new member of the Gallo wine family. Dressed in brilliant orange, she presents Orange Label Tokay to patrons at Reddy’s Corner, 16th and E. Jefferson. Earl Ray Johnson, sales representative, of Los Angeles, will visit many Valley stores and bars within the next few week. Miss Totress and Mr. Johnson are the first Negroes to be hired by a distributing company in the state. Arizona sales of Gallo wines are handled by Q and V Distributors, 1106 W. Lincoln. Photo - Ed Banks Coming «*•»««««* Doc. 23 '’Special Xmas Issue” PHOENIX, ARIZONA 10 CENTS