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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Father Time |k - ’ *1 I \-'"' ""’ * ' f ' p I | t . JHHHIHV' ffIHRI I JOHN HENRY, president of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, welcomed guests to the annual Masquerade Ball held at the Prince Hall Temple last Saturday night. Oddly dressed revellers danced to the music of Clara Hall and her combo. Costumes ranged from Dutch girls to Chinese mandarins. Henry Jones photo Sea. Somds The national bureau of 'Jjn'mmM <v % STANDARDS HAS DEVELOPED, FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, A"Y£LOC/M£T£R" WHICH WILL -(jM —^ MEASURE THE SPEED OF SOUND M 7sjh UNDER WATER AT DEPTHS AS LOW AS 300 FEET/ JT WINTER VISITORS! Sunday, April 3rd, 11 a.m. You are invited to participate in a special program. F|RST INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH Contact Rev. A.6. Kendrick, pastor AL 3-9694 Peel Really Goods ' /l« CALDERON BALLROOM 16101. HENSHAW RD. AL 2-0094 AL 8-9092 Mar. 4 - Special Attraction *o *o *o Mar. 17 - The MIPNI6HTERS O *0 s|cO * fj GJtteA, H *104041 Postponed until a Later Date Read the latest Calderon presentations in the Arizona Tribune ADVANCE TICKETS Calderon Bar Reddy’s Corner I HAIM >| HAIR TONER I HAMER I HAIR-TONER CONDITIONER I CONDITIONER I CREME I SHAMPOO amber orchid gray hair dressing whipped cream These preparations are especially created for the BEST in hair grooming perfection. ★ Quality Cosmetics .v Box 728, Hollywood 28, California SUNDAY JAZZ CONCERT with DAVE COOK & Quintet Free Admission 4 to 8 pm. In Elkdom j 1 \ Preparations have started for our annual state oratorical contest. Any high school senior is eligible to enter. State winners will vie for the SI,OOO regional scholarship which can be used at any college. Contestants must prepare and present a ten minute oration on The Constitution of the United States. IBPOEW has presented more than 800 scholarships total ling 1 million dollars. There are 46 students attending schools in the U.S., Canada* and Mexico under our educa tional program. Seniors wishing to enter the oratorical contest should write to me at the Elks Lodge 1007 South Seventh Avenue, or telephone AL 2-9640. Be sure to give your name, age, school and desired subject. Don’t forget our civil liber ties legislation which is being held in the Arizona Legislature. Sign a petition for the Public Accommoda tions bill. We plan to begin a monthly religious program soon. All Brothers and Daughters will be asked to attend special services. If you are interested let me know immediately. J.D. HOLMES Exalted Ruler n. V «' When lies arc nailed down, rumors are spiked. * # * That dime in the collection plate ain’t goin’ to buy much of a place to live in heaven. Rev. Charley Grant HUMAN ERROR OR WE GOOFED Last Saturday several photo graphs were made at the Omegas’ Masquerade Ball. After developing the film, it was discovered that the wrong setting was used and no pictures were produced. This is the first time that an Arizona/ Tribune photo assignment was miffed. Bosibesi SUo-p 1930 E, Broadway Under New Management BOBBY TAYLOR BILLY COLLINS ITS® - C R EM £ Hotr dreuing A HAll CIOOMINC CtfATION G&m 'LL. houtwood Arizona Tribune, Friday, March 4, 1960 Omega Pledgees jjjX Jfe Jjyfl LAMPODA Club pledgees of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity include some top Valley athletes and scholars. Left to right, front row: Joel Simpson, Fred Burton, Charles Williams. Back row, left to right: Sylvester Mabrey, Webster Smith, Earl Oats, president; Rossie Turman, and Bunnie Smith. Virgil Turman is not pictured. Photo - Henry Jones <ssr% DANGER r L SIGNALS A V CAN BE You can do two things to guard yourself against cancer: Have an annual health checkup. Alert your self to the seven danger signals that could mean cancer: 1. Unusual bleeding or discharge. 2. A lump or thickening in the breast or else where. 3. A sore that does not heal. 4. Change in bowel or bladder hab its. 5. Hoarseness or cough. 6. Indi gestion or difficulty in swallowing* 7. Change in a wart or mole. If your signal lasts longer than two weeks, go to your physician. Give him the chance to give you the chance of a lifetime. P AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY^ OPENSHAW’S PHARMACY 1605 So. 16th Street • & • FREE \wßr GOLD BOND DELIVERY #«S STAMPS wjSSSSm * PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED NOTIONS - FILM & CAMERA SUPPLIES PACKAGED LIQUORS, TOO AL 2-4009 • AL 2-4000 used by ISdon't take chances— (3 YOUR POLIO SHOTS the entire FAMILY DAMAGED FREIGHT WAREHOUSE —2 Carload Sale— Sacrifice!! Must Sell, Will Sacrifice! »S 1 I T fcfU Everything Goes — Regardless of Cost or Loss NO reasonable offer gectional Living Room^Sjet $389.50 New automatic washer $138.50 1189 Rubber “insert” Mat tress $38.50 Bearrn set . Dinette set $58.50 4 pc. $28.50 Mattresses Only $14.95 3 Room Outfit $l9B 4 Rooms $298.50 85-Dn Delivers any Item or Group Damaged Freight Warehouse . 607 No. 19th Ave. & 1850 W. Jackson page 3