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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Arizona Tribune, Friday, May 27, 1960 We Had Fun Left to right: Mrs. David McClammy, Mrs. Cal Eppinger, Jim Hunter and Cal Eppinger listen attentively to Judge Jennings speech during the appreciation program honoring J.D. Holmes, exalted ruler, IBPOEW W.H. Patterson Lodge 477 and Mrs, Maple L. Pratt, daughter ruler, Grand Canyon Temple 437. Tribune photo - Ed Banks Patronize Tribune Advertisers Auto Glass CONTINENTAL glass CO. Steel. Sash Glazino - Store Fronts - Patio Doors Table Tors - Shower Doors - Mirrors QUICK SERVICE E. Nolen scnooaiN 4-406 S. Central BR 6-1410 PHOENIX. ARIZONA 0 SUMMER ON ICES Lggggjgg. THE ICE CAPAPES SMG TAB HUNTER GISELE MACKENZIE CRAIG STEVENS THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. CHANNEL 12 • PHOENIX CHANNEL 4 • TUCSON NBC-TV UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION ® page 4 PATRICIA MOORE and CORNELL WASHINGTON execute an intricate dance routine at Dunbar School Spring Festival last Thursday night, May 19. Irimary and kindergarten students presented a program of song and dance. Tribune photo - Fred Banks SOUBLET BEAUTY SHOP 2014 E. Broadway BR 6-3964 f&k Idella Soublet, prop, Velma McGee, Doris Bilton, o perators McGasUy & OnAMAattce. 1150 E. Washington St. AL 4-3076 THIS WEEK’S FEATURES West Capitol nearly new, custom built, red brick home." Only SSOO down, SB4OO total.. *** * * Lovely 3 bedroom, beautiful landscape, near school and shopping center. Reasonable terms. OUR 36th YEAR Gavel Notebook DESERT MASHIE CLUB an nounces new officers: Frank Huff, president; William Dick ey, vice pres.; Mrs. William Bennett, treasurer; Mrs. Ger aldine Solomon, sec’y.; Rob ert Banks, asst, sec’y.; Mrs. George Brown, asst, treas.; Mrs. Frank Huff, auxiliary chairman and William Ben nett and George Brown tour nament chairmen. LOOK! BARGAINS! We have selected 10 Refrig to go Make us an offer * 2 door auto, defrost * All popular makes * 36 mos. to pay * We Trade We Deliver Best Deal in Town 'Out our way, we deal Your way* Refrig, as low as $69.50 $5 dn. - $5 a Mo. DAMAGED FRT. WAREHOUSE 607 N. 19th Ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT <e®w Malts Mi I k Shakes Sundaes Popcorn Cones MILK BREAD E66S Open 10:30 - 9 p.m. 901 S. Seventh Avenue SUMMER WORK W HIGH SCHOOL GRADS & COLLEGE STUDENTS As interviewers and clerks. One-week training. Salary S2O to S6O weekly. Contact Mr. Hall 8:30 a.m. to noon RoGA&cUeA, 1144 E. WASHINGTON ST. j BITS OF THIS AND THAT Eartha Kitt’s housekeeper left with silver, dishes, jewelry, old coins and furs estimated at S3OOO. Margaret Belafonte, Harry’s ex will wed a Denver news paper publisher. Mahalia Jackson appeared on Dinah Shore’s hour long television show last week. Sammie Davis Jr. is very quiet since his engagement to the Canadian actress was broken. After earning several thou sands of Yankee dollars, Josephine Baker will return to France. During this trip she made no political state ments. One of the best husband wife teams was halved by the death of pianist-singer Mar tha Davis. She and her bass playing husband appeared frequently on the Garry Moore shows. Steve Allen presented the third Negro billboard girl of the week. Evidently his sponsors aren’t afraid of segregationists reactions. WANT ADS AUTOMATIC WASHER, WEST INGHOUSE, Vi paid. Just finish paying bal. $8.77 mo. DAMAGED FRT. WAREHOUSE 607 N. 19th Ave. YOUNG GIRL, baby sitter experienced, dependable. 50$ hour Call BR 6-5161 DAMAGED FRT. PRICES SLASHED Many items below cost. Refrig. New & Used (guar) $35 & up Gas or elec, ranges $25 & up Wringer washer $22.50 Window cooler refrigeration S9B. TVs $29.50. Beds complete $14.50 Bedroom sets $62.50. Rollaway bed sls. Baby bed complete sls L/R divan S4B. Dinettes $18.50 plus hundreds of other Bargains $5 dn. - $5 a Mo. DAMAGED FRT. WAREHOUSE 607 N. 19th Ave. & 1850 W. Jackson St. Cesspool pumping. Sewers cleaned electrically. BILL'S SEWER SERVICE BR 6-6312