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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1960, swr K p f Wi '&S wk Hrt | Rev. A. G. Kendrick completed his sixth year as pastor of the First Institutional Baptist Church, 1141 E. Jefferson. A week of special nightly services were held in his honor. Local ministers and churches joined in the celebration. Rev. Kendrick came to Phoenix in 1954 from Denver, Colorado. He has inspired his congregation by his spirit and determination. During the first two and one half years an indebtedness of $36,000 was paid off. At present the church has $53 in cash and assets on hand for the building program which has been delayed because of revised city zoning laws. Active memberships were increased by nearly 300 and several new organizations have been added to strengthen the church’s program. Some of these are Youth Sunday, singing groups, and brotherhood forums. A bus has been purchased to transport the aged to service and to provide transportations for picnics and choirs. A large off-street parking area was completed and ad ministrative offices were furnished. Mrs. Kendrick and his daughter, Barbara have used their musical talents to assist him in his pastorate. ~jflPSk SIMPLICITY beauty salon M WBR Specializing in Ever Perm, \v- Kfair Strafe & Lustra Silk. * Latest methods used only. Opmrmtor Sonora Oowborry lAOS 6. WASHINGTON AL 3-9520 FLORA RUFFIN, ownar ELKS Cllll 'THE five brothers’ EXCITING SOUNDS IN JAZZ Every Wed., Sat., & Sun. nite DANCING REFRESHMENTS BY RAMA FRIED CHICKEN - TACOS 1007 S. 7th. Avenue AL4— 0072 P.6 Race Relations Diary NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y.- Twenty-three Negroes held a sit down prayer demonstration in front of a modern elementary school in an exclusive white area. They protested the school dist rict boundary regulations which made 90 per cent of their chil dren attend the ramshackle 62- year old Lincoln School in a rundown area. ARLINGTON, Va Dr. G.E. Hopkins, secretary-general of the World Fellowship of Mus lims and Christians, returned from a 5-week African trip. He stated that Christianity is losing ground with the natives. He be lieved blame can be laid to the failure of Americans to practice Christianity at home while send ing missionaries abroad. • • • Tod Bolton says the Docs all wear a mask durln’ an opera tion so the patient won’t know ’em when they git the bill. • • * Since Grampa Hedges has started puttln gin in his drink in’ water he’s peppin* up. REV. CHARLEY GRANT Released by AP-Smlth Service 3-5-60 WARREN NAMED, BOY OF MONTH Morrison E. Warren, 17, a South Mt. High School senior was chosen “Optimist Boy of October” by members of the South Phoenix Optimist Club. Dick Rau, president announced the selection at a meeting held Tuesday night at Sky Cove res taurant. Morrison, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Morrison A. Warren, 2131 E. Violet Drive has an outstand ing high school record, scholas tically and athletically. He has represented the school at Boys State and he was a del egate to the national conven tion in Washington, DjC. His scholastic average is 1J and he is a member of the National Honor Society. A few of his awards include the Harvard Book Award, and Outstanding Student in general science, biology and chemistry.’ In addition, Morrison is a three year letterman participating in basketball, baseball, football and track. He is active in youth pro grams at Southminster Presby terian Church. He serves as vice president of the Youth Em ployment Service. I HODGES Bar B-Q Del Brown, prop. Delicious Sandwiches 1015 E. Washington St. DAMAGED FREIGHT WAREHOUSE FURNITURE 3 & 4 ROOM GROUPS “ LOW *284.00 1850 W. JACKSON | | Political fervor ran high in the city wth a round of coffees held in honor of John J. Rhodes, U. S. representative, Dist. 1. Members of the Southeast Phoenix Republican Women’s Club held a morning coffee Oct. 13 at the home of Mrs. Florence Reed, 1412 E. Jefferson (left). Others pictured are Miss Cordelia Montgomery, co-hostess. Rep. Rhodes, mrs. Rhoda B. Smith and Mrs. L. A. McCarty. Bill SMITH'S BAR B Q 1950 EAST BROADWAY RD. €S °p* n 7 d °y* ° wk * . 1 lam to 2am daily Johnny Mathis THfllE MATIOMTS SI IN! (ED INKS SEMSjATIOINI * ANDRE TAHON IT jn. "la COMPAGNIE t V DES MAROTTEs" I • hermesT pan DANCERS , * l ▼/ STAGED AND DIRECTED BV * F HERMES PAN * 4 * NOGA PRODUCTIONS, INC, THURS. NOV. 3-8.30 p. m. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL AUD. TICKETS-$1.50, 2.00, 3.00, and 4.00 LINDE BOX OFFICE-HANNY'S PHONE AL. 4-2979 OD CLEANING WORKS sinca 1924 I CHOOSE OUR CAREFUL CLEANING FOR YOUR FALL WARDROBE. DRIVE IN SERVICE [Pick Up & Del. No Extro Charge 1220 S.CENTRAL AL 3-6869 Westside Plumbing & Hardware 2514 EAST BROADWAY PHONE OR. 6-3379 CONTRACTING-REMODELING & INSTALLATIONS HARDWARE SALES/SERVICE & PAINTS REPUBLIC WATER HEATERS ELECTRICAL FIXTURES KOHLER BATHROOM FIXTURES