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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1960, B if L <W ;•<:%, JS \| I Ferris wheels, candy cotton, balloons and children make a fair enjoyable but tiring for the parents. Pictured above are the children of Dr. and Mrs. Harden posing with Diane Wormley, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 1. c. wormley. Left to right—Diane, Milton and Angela Harden. Big brother Oscar holds wee Andrea Harden. Race Relations Diary HARTFORD, Conn. Vice President Richard M, Nixon said he would appoint the best men to he would appoint the best men to his cabinet if elected to the presidency. He stated that race, or creed would not be the qual ifications. n r ri rnT A man who has proven Kt' L LlO I WORTHY OF YOUR TRUST! BL Wi/w m* Fa mum i'}% * 4*sßHl |Hh[s ****** m j k m wm | PAUL FANNIN REPUBLICAN a leader of integrity and dedication who inspires action and accomplishment! HE'LL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! O PROVIDE EQUAL. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL. ARIZONA C IT IZENS • MAINTAIN LOWERED TAXES STATE PROPERTY TAX RATE REDUCED 38£ • CONTINUE SUPPORT OF EDUCATION ss3 MILLIONS GRANTED TO STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ATTRACT MORE INDUSTRIES TO LOCATE IN OUR STATE CREATE MORE JOBS AND EMPHASIZE EQUAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL P.8 CHICAGO, 111 The National Association of Social Workers unanimously endorsed sit-ins as a step toward obtaining racial equality. The group passes resolutions! to urge the U. S. attorney gener al to use legal means to attain equal educational opportunities for all. ‘ ; ■ ... -V Republican headquarters for Southwest Phoenix was opened Thursday at 530 S. Central. B. Clarence Marsell, Republican chairman, District 8 was in charge. When eggs are 600 a dozen then it’s nice to have a country cousin. * * * Some folks would ruther sim mer in the Summer than to fold in the cold. • * * Mrs. Archer Linde tops the en tertainment world in Arizona by booking two stellar attractions for the area. The Belafonte Sing ers will appear Thursday, Oct. 28 and Johnny Mathis will appear Nov. 3. *** 50 PICKUPS *** ’SO to *6O Models Largest Selection in Ariz. PICKUPS PANELS SEDAN DELIVERIES STAKE TRUCKS *55 CHEV 1/2 ton $695 *53 CHEV .Carryall 4 spLike new *55 INTL.Travellall 4 speed $795 *6O FORD 1/2 ton $1395 10 Cheap Pickups From $195 ** FRANK CLIFTON** Truck City - AL 8-4282 1212 E, Van Buren cTw BAR B 0 2725 E. BROADWAY RD. 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 A. M. TO 2 A.M. A I Coir & Willi. Wo I ton « FIRST DATE??? AK-SoSB FIRST flowers LAST TOO!! Florence Reed’s Flowers 1419 E JEFFERSON ST. AL 3-5653 MAC'S KITCHEN 2419 E. Broadway Rd. irk-kif ♦ THE BEST FRIED CHICKEN J £ IN THE WIDE WEST * **** BRE AK FAST-LUNCH- DINNER OLIVIA- prop. & mgr. CLOSED SUNDAYS Give once for many theIINITEDwav Want Ads REPOSSESSION Finance co. loss is your gain. 4 compl .rooms of furniture and appliances; 9~pc. liv.rm. set en semble, complete Din. Rm. set beautiful 7-pc. BR group, with quality box springs and mattress. Large deluxe Coldspot refr. and 36 in .Gaffers & Sattler range. Original sale price over $750. Sale for $448.91 or assume bal. at $22.40 mo. No cash required. Will separate for quick sale. Damaged Freight Warehouse, 1850 W. Jackson. New But Slightly DAMAGED MATTRESSES as low as $14.50 ea. SB9 Ortho pedic health rest (extra firm) for $38.50. $1 dn. delivers. Damaged Frt.Warehouse,lßso W. Jackson. Damaged Freight FURNITURE REPOSSESSED by finance com pany, 5 rooms deluxe. Orig.price SI6OO. Save 1/2 for quick sale. Pay $6.48 weekly.s773. Damaged Frt. Warehouse,lßso W.Jackson. FURNITURE LOSS FACTORY SECONDS Slightly imperfect, but new 5-pc. bedroom set, complete with box* springs & mattress, $129.95. 5-pc. lv. rm. set including 3 tables, 2 lamps for $139.95. 3-Room groups complete $149.95. Damaged Freight Warehouse, 1850 W. Jackson. ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS! This Week Only Some pieces slightly damaged, but are in excellent condition. Save 60% on Brand New Furniture. Also new and used Bargains! 21” RCA TM TV $69.95 17” GE Port .TV $149.95 21” Sylvania c0n501e....5139.95 21” Westinghouse TM..459.95 Bendix auto.washer $99.95 Kelvinator aut0.wa5h....5109.95 Maytag auto.washer .$79.95 Coldspot refrig $59.95 Norge refrig $39.95 2 pc.Liv.Rm.Set $69.95 2 Pc.Liv. Rm. Set $99.95 5 Room outfit $197.00 Range or Refrig 467.00 SS # DOWN DELIVERS The Workingman's Friend DAMAGED FREIGHT WAREHOUSE 1850 West Jackson Open til 9 - Sat. til 6 Sunday 12 to 6