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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, OCT, 28, 1960, ~ See the -> —HOT NEW NUMBER in the low priced field F-85 OLDS MjfNlfgW v- IMAfiiUVTEU oidsmobile 530 E. McDowell • 302 S. Scottsdale Road TOWN TALK FAMOUS A 0| os** dinners «. SAUCE 1154 E. WASHINGTON AL 2 0796 Closed Tuesday D r nrHT A MAN WHO HAS PROVEN KL' tLt b I WORTHY OF YOUR TRUST! ill REPUBLICAN o loader of integrity and dedication who inspires action and accomplishment! HE'LL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! • PROVIDE equal opportunities for all Arizona C IT izens • MAINTAIN LOWERED TAXES STATE PROPERTY TAX RATE REDUCED 38{C • CONTINUE SUPPORT OF EDUCATION ss3 MILLIONS GRANTED TO STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS m ATTRACT MORE INDUSTRIES TO LOCATE IN OUR STATE W CREATE more jobs and EMPHASIZE equal JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL P.4 FURNITURE BARGAIN BELOW RETAIL Pay Bal. due on houseful of fur niture which includes complete set bunk beds, master bedroom outfit, big living room ensemble, kitchen outfit. No down pay ment. Just take over balance at $24.50 per mo. DAMAGED FREIGHT WAREHOUSE 1850 W. Jackson JUDGE Laurens L HENDERSON A Judge With Experience and Ability WANTED: RELIABLE PARTY to take 5 rooms of furniture and appliances. Group includes elect, refrig., w/cross-top free zer, O’Keefe range, Hamilton washer, complete living room, 2 bedrooms, 7-pc .dining room, now only $398.37. $lB delivers. Pay $3.50 wk. Save S3OO. DAMAGED FREIGHT WAREHOUSE 1850 W. Jackson AROUND THE TOWN FAMOUS TWELVE will have a pre-Halloween party, Satur day, Oct. 29 at 1324 W. Grant, hours 7pm to ? Donation s Of. Rev. E. R. James of Chand ler attended die Salt River Val ley Assn. Everyone was glad to see him after his recent ill ness. The congregation gave him a special friendship dona tion. Mrs. Ethel White returned from a wonderful vacation in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. SUNCERAY SOCIAL CLUB will hold a social, Sunday, Oct. 30, at the home of Mrs. Girlie Clark, 902 S. 21 Place, 2-6 pjn. The public is invited. Services for Doc F. Benson, 67, former publisher of die Ari zona Sun, were held Thursday, Oct. 27, in Ragsdale Mortuary. Mr. Benson died Saturday at his home, 1337 E. Monroe. He was one of the co-founders of die Arizona Sun which began operations in 1942. Mr. Benson Retired in December 1958 because of ill health. A resident of Arizona since 1933, he was active in die W. H. Patterson Elks Lodge, having served as exalted ruler for two terms. He was elected to the legisla ture from District 8, Maricopa County in 1952. He was a member of the Boy Scouts and the NAACP. Mr. Benson was (me of die founders of the Wesley Method ist Church. Survivors include his wife, Fredonia; a daughter, Mrs. Em ma Crosby, Phoenix; a son, Sgt. Robert F. Benson, stationed in Germany; two sisters, Mrs. Lou Anna Lewis and Mrs. Jessie Hoi - leman, both in Texas; two grand children. • U. Os A. LAW GRADUATE • PRACTICING ATTORNEY • CITY ATTORNEY fipHt 'Ssfgl • COUNTY ATTORNEY • LEGISLATOR A V (World War ? ~ • JUDGE, SUPERIOR COURT Jmsjm • JUSTICE, ARIZONA SUPREAAE COURT Vote to JUSTICE JESSE A. ■MUM UDALL ARIZONA SUPREME COURT Memorial Hospital Gift Shop - J#ißß i JmH i i • J I J ■■nfl 1 a- A ) 11 |HH jh B* • >*Jjfi » ; H (iv %&■- j r W&B ■ I i 'll ** j?. •sj-'Tr vzPL'vV •’^ 1 j 1 v 'Tm9H‘ : ; . ■■ * ■K M m 4|H|« wtk " T I||? 4 ' v *agp Lionel Hampton has made musical history since his first big break with Benny Goodman nearly 25 years ago. He has won all kinds of awards from coast to coast. A dynamic artist, equally skill ful at the drums, piano, or vibes, Hamp electrifies the audience with his spirit and driving beat. Hampton and his famous or chestra will appear at Fite’s Riverside Ballroom, 1975 S.Cen tral, Halloween night, Monday, Oct. 31. Dancing from 9to 1. OUT MY WAY MARY C. CARR Several girls attended die Girls* League meeting in Tuc son. New officers were elected and new high school fashions were shown. Bobbie Tate gave a swinging teenage party last Saturday. Some of her guests were Ella Albert, June Asher, Barbara Colbert, Vera Robinson, Norma Owens, Pat Wilson, Gwen and Ester Campbell, Fred Jones, Donald Walton, James Campbell, Charles Reagan, Donald Mosely, Robert Strickland, Roosevelt Dy er, and Edward and Charles Hall.