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THIS SPARE time"® SHOE BUSINEp^J jfl m, It’* just like having an EXTRA payday every week ... just for showing friends, relatives and neighbors how they’ll “walk on air ” in Mason shoes! Many a man sells 2,3, 4or 6 pairs of Mason shoes on Saturday morning, alone—and makes as much as $5 to S2O or more extra for 2 or 3 hours of his time. You keep all of your profit / We furnish you a FREE selling outfit... carry the stock for you Jtaid ship the shoes—your profit is clear! And think what you'll save on your own shoes, too! Here’s why you'll make money! You’ll take orders for over 230 different shoe styles for dress, sport or work—far more than any store could stock. And you can fit anyone! You’ll draw from our 250,000 pair stock with sizes ranging from 2Vi to 14, widths AAAA to EEEE! You’ll feature exclusive Velvet-eez shoes with foamy-soft air-cushion innersoles that let you “walk on air.” Everyone wears shoes—and because Mason shoes are never sold through stores, folks must buy from you! Rush the coupon for your FREE selling outfit... have an EXTRA payday next Saturday! I MAIL THE COUPON NOwl I Gsf started making BIG PROFITS § !""Xt. NU> MASON I ■ OoptG7T 6 *•»•<> She* Mfg- Company • Chippewa Falls, WUcentin { Dear Nadi ll«o» ruth FREE and postpaid my Starting J I Shoo Sutinan Outfit with EVERYTHING I naad to I | start making antra cash Saturday mornings. I I ■ Name I I Address | I | CHy Zona j I State I l___— —I * SEE tiny print BIG » SEE faraway CLEAR with quality READING or BIFOCAL glasses. For folks over 40, with no astigmatism or eye disease Many becoming frames low priced Send NO MONEY 30-day TRIAL SATISfSCTION CUSIANTtIO • 100 000 SATISMO CVSIOMftS SINCE !S3« ADVANCE SPECTACLE CO., Inc., Dept. T-13 537 S. DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO 5, 111. TAfITUAPUr Guaranteed. Ask lUUInHUIIC for new fast act- If you can’t get to the ing jelly called dentist, the best thing ODA.JPI® for you is ORA-JEL. Pain JCB " vanishes^n THE MUSIC WHIRL four new albums for '6l “Make Everybody Happy” is the title of the MJT + 3 album re- iyr tpjiio cently released by Vee-Jay, and the title is appropriate. Jazz lovers will “flip” over this swinging offering and even those not generally included in the “jazz camp”will get a few kicks 1 from the tongue-in-cheek approach I - | : % of these talented young conser- ■ vatives. The title song has all of the basic ingredients of a swing- r---.x If ing time - - the walking bass and tempo, the “churchy” sound and | ■' a lot of musicianship. Another big plus on the album is the inventive approach given to “The Trol ley Song.” This often overplayed ditty takes on a new depth and meaning as the MJT + 3 puts in their personalized touch. The 81U65,, as it was meant to been brought to the public with the blessings of the Chess Record Company. It is an on-the-spot recording of the last performance at the ili-fated Newport Jazz Fes tival of '6O, where riot took over and music seemed secondary. The recording has one unusual feature which will probably go far in mak ing it a collector’s item. The last tune, “Goodbye Newport Blues” was composed on the spot by Langston Hughes, famed Bard of Har lem, and set to music by Muddy as you listen in. The Mercury people are start- n4Uinr „ ROLL ing off the new year with a new . nmnnoprui approach to percussion. David LATIN PERCUSSION Carroll’s Orchestra, a long-time A* & favorite with hi-fi and stereo fans, Mh ~ has assembled an album full of imaginative sounds inspired by M M the Middle East. There is a uni- M versal appeal as Carroll uses pH musical imagery to depict the 1 IT splendor and sensuality of the 4 • \ | Arabian Nights. There are hi-fi antics ’aplenty in such songs as I “Caravan,” “Harem Dance,” and —■ —r"" “Scheherazade Themes.” This album brings the music of the great composers into the realm of the popular music listener. “An Evening with Mike Nichols and Elaine May” can be a thor mike nichols oughly enjoyable time... as you Will discover after listening to —-s their album with the above title. This Mercury recording seems to be designed for that gathering of friends around the coffee table on a wintry evening when conversa tion has gotten a little stale and the old familiar problem of “what to crops up. Here are four comic sketches, tastefully geared for an adult audience and full of commentary on our troubled times, where little things become big problems and big things are forgotten. The keen wit of this lively young couple is a refreshing treat. "miiM Hb RATES 25* PER WORD, MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT TEN WORDS. FULL PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. MARCH ISSUE CLOSES FEBRUARY 3RD. FORWARD ORDERS TO: TONE PUBLICATIONS, INC., 702 EAST 63RD ST., CHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS ... PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITIES Over 350,000 families with a tre mendous range of variety in needs, desires and interests are awaiting your message. TONE Magazine Section Is carried as a supplement to 49 newspapers throughout the United States. Think what this can q?ean to you in terms of coverage and penetration of this vast market and also in terms of dollars saved by using this form of low-cost ad vertising ... only 25{ per word. Give your ad a fair test! Run it for FOUR MONTHS and pay for only THREE INSERTIONS. Remember, four insertions in TONE will cost only 75f per word complete. There is NO LIMIT to the number of words you may use. WORD COUNT: Zone number free. Figure as one word: Name of state (North Carolina), Name of city (Win ston-Salem), sets of characters as in key (14-D); also abbreviations such as 35mm, 9x 12, DC, AC, COD, P. 0., etc. Don't forget to include your name and address as part of the advertisement too! PROOFS: Advance proofs are not submitted but TONE guarantees cor rect insertion provided copy is sub mitted legibly and clearly. TONE will make immediate refund in any instance where the right to refuse an advertisement is exercised. Here are some sample categories of ads with national appeal: Business Opportunities, Advertising & Busi ness Services, Agents Wanted, Situ ations Wanted, Personals, and a host of others. So pick your category ~ or start one of your own. But act now! Closing dates are six weeks before the first day of the month of Insertion. Mail your check or money order to: TONE Publications, Inc., 702 E. 63rd St., Chicago 37, Illinois. ... MISCELLANEOUS HOLY EARTH FROM NAZARETH! Surround yourself with the blessings of the Holy Land. TERRA SANCTA (Holy Earth) is shipped in white em broidered silk bag. St. Christopher medal key-chain filled with genuine Jordan water, a traveler's item. $1.95 ea. postpaid. BROWN CO., Box 5342, Chicago 80, Illinois. Shop for the entire family direct from overseas. Send for free catalogue. BROWN'S Imports, Box 5342, Chi cago 80, Illinois. 7 / v / / BB This girdle hides a mighty sec / A”-- 7 | Bj -Si ret. Removable foam rubber / I JB pads give you that rounded / jf) a~ JBk*. look . . . special inch-wide / / f'' ' UmT/ / powernet, non-roll band cre / i / ates curved line at waist. Cut ' %sI9HA\ / high up from thigh to prevent / ! / n showing under ihe shortest of k —U suits or Black. Fr«c Fashion catalog with purchase or enclose 50c $699 month subscription. ifHlLOTraSw 1430 N. CAHUENGA dept. n 0.90011 Si 'h mPQBgSP HOLLYWOOD 21, CAUf V) I J tmr ••’* —rrunm,. ... - mmrt ■ I __ § □ I ENCLOSE PAYMENT (Add 35c Portogu) \ *■ #321. HIP ENHANCER I □ SEND C O D -( f, ° C O.D. without SI.OO deposit on each Item) | No need for “too-slim-hips" in | u*uc this hidden foam rubber padded ■ ■ powerflex panty girdle. Rounds ■ ADDRESS you out, helps mask too-heavy I I thighs. Black, White. Sizes I CITY 70HF STATE ■ 22-30 inch waist. S6.M *imi • Hollywood mail order aMolißaiHUaltMaUaidlMHiiSMdßSiiaCUttMfl . .. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The import division of Ahmad Jamal Enterprises, Inc., offers to retailers a new dimension in African Art... Send 10f to cover handling for our descriptive brochure. Ahmad Jamal Enterprises, Inc., 1525 E. 53rd St., Chicago 15, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED! Ambitious men and women wanted to sell exclusive French, Italian perfumes, cosmetics, high-class preparations for men, novelties, etc. Must have $25.00 to finance own start. We guarantee 100%return. IMPORT Opportunities, Box 5342, Chicago 80, Illinois. SHED YOUR DARK, COARSEO^|B SKiirf^ Amazing new Bleach & Glow Cream lightens, brightens skin for the most glamourous complexion you’ve ever seen! Amazing new Bleach & Glow Cream goes to fork at once to bring you a soft, smooth, glowing skin. In just 10 days see a lovely new, fascinating you! See ugly spots, blemishes, tiny lines disappear. Specially medicated to dry up blackheads, bumps, pimples, blemishes. Use as night cream or as ordinary foundation cream. Only SI.OO on money back guarantee. Make haste! Order Bleach & Glow, Box 2026, Memphis, - —| Tennessee. Dept. BG-G-7 BLEACH and GLOW 1^77"-L ■ BLEACH A GLOW. Dept. BG-G-7 I I P. O. Box 2026. Memphis. Tenn. | Rush me Bleach St Glow on money back guarantee! | | Q X enclose fI.OO (Includes tax and postage.) □ Send C.O.D. I will pay postman 91.00 on I delivery, plus postage and C.O.D. charges. ■ (No C.O.D.*s outside Continental U. S. ■ IMPORTANT! You save C.O.D. and postal charges by sending full amount with order.) I ADDRESS....... 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