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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, SEPT. S, 19«1, VISITOR FROM HOUSTON HONORED AT SPANISH SUPPER PARTY ON SOUTHSIDE* Mrs. Georgia Harris, of Houston, Texas, spent several days in the tfity last week visiting relatives. She was guest of honor at a Spanish dinner held at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford Smith, 5025 S. 21 Way. Pictured above are members of the party, seated on front-from left, Mrs. Edward Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Ananias Mason. Back row, Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, J. Ford Smith, Miss Harris, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Samuel Potter. AGRICULTURE DEPT. HAS NEGRO WRITER WASHINGTON, D. C. - Sher man Briscoe, 52, an information specialist for the U. S. Agricul ture Department, does a special job. He devotes his time to lo cating and releasing news about Negro farmers. A Negro, Briscoe was born and reared on a Mississippi sharecropper farm. He received an AB degree from Southern Uni versity, and a MA from Amer ican University. He served as city editor for the Chicago De fender. Briscoe joined the de partment in 1941. He sends items to 160 Negro newspapers and magazines. He likes to send feature stories about successful achievements of Negro farmers. His outstand ing work has won him a super ior service award. Oscar Peterson, famed pian ist, lost 55 pounds by sticking to a steak diet. SIMPLICITY beauty salon r T y 15 N. 16TH STREET PHONE 253-9520 NEED A PRETTY HAIR-oo STOP SEARCHING- STOP HERE JOHNNIE WARD-MAXINE SPIGNER, OPS. FLORA RUFFIN, OWNER OPERATOR WANTED SHOP IS COOLED BY REFRIGERATION HAVE YOUR TV I REPAIRED HOW! I NOTHING DOWN—UP TO ONE YEAR TO PAY vJXT CALL BR 6-6292 M If your repairs should be S2O or over... take v /ylifV.B advantage of our budget plant Requirements w/' giVV two good credit references. ’■!/ 4426 S. CENTRAL %BARATTA if RADIO-TV SAL.ES-SERVICE V P.4 PATTERSON MAY BE DETHRONED HERSHEY, PENN. - Nation al Boxing Association executive committee members tabled fur ther action against Floyd Patter son until Sept. 13. Under NBA rules Patterson, the heavyweight champion of the world could be stripped of his title for failure to defend it with the six months period. MORE SCHOOLS INETGRATED LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Five more city schools were quietly integrated Tuesday as the new school year began. All three white high schools and all but one junior high school have Negro pupils. There are 46 Negro students attending integrated classes in Little Rock. Two others had been assigned but they requested transfers to all Negro schools. URGE RELEASE OF RIDERS JAILED Detroit - Release of impris oned “freedom riders" in Jack son, Miss., is sought by the Na tional Conference for Interracial Justice in an appeal to President Kennedy. In a convention resolution Aug. 28 the conference argued that the riders should be freed be cause “they are unjustly con fined and have acted entirely within their constitutional I rights." The conference also asked I President Kennedy in another I resolution to issue a presiden- I tial executive order banning dis- I crimination in all housing which I receives federal aid or mortgage I guarantees. It urged governors I in states without fair housing I practice laws to initiate such 1 legislation, and asked the AFL- j CIO to end racial segregation in local unions and to stop dis crimination in union-controlled apprenticeship programs. Bishop Victor J. Reed of Okla homa City and Tulsa said that a Christian can take only one attitude toward racial injustice - condemnation. Speaking at mass, he said that a policy of silence is indefensible. "Our country is today the world’s leader," he said; “Her failure affects others than her self. . . Her public image is being maliciously distorted by her enemies as a result of racial segregation difficulties. . . With secularism trying to seize lead ership and seeking to interpret life on every side, the church cannot delay. Her mission in the world is not to follow but to lead. . . CORE URGES JAIL FOR RIDERS WASHINGTON, D. C. - The Congress of Racial Equality held a four day convention in the nation's capital. Resolutions in cluded urging all Freedom Rid ers who appealed convictions in Mississippi to return to Jackson and serve sentences. An all out drive was announced to end discriminatory hiring practices in national retail chain stores with special emphasis on Sears and Roebuck. CORE will step up its cam paign to register Negro voters and its fight to end discrimina tory housing. GHANA CHAMPION DEFEATS AUSSIE MELBOURNE, Australia Ghana bantamweight champion Dennis Adjei knocked out Aus tralian champion Johnny Jarrett in the second round of a 12-round bout here last Friday. Lena Horne is readying her act for a nationwide tour with a musical revue. VFW Club 1633 E. JACKSON PAUL GRIFFIN, COMM. EDDIE BELLFIEUQ,. MGR. Arizona's NO WAITINO 2 WINDOWS OPEN Snowden Barber Shop 21 04 E. BROADWAY Open 'til 8 p.m. MRS. GARCIA AND CHILDREN ARE WINNING TEAM AT BERNEY ■f mP - ’ w \ 1 A baby contest was one of the closing events held at Berney Park. Tiny tots caught the judges eyes and won their hearts and prizes. From left are pictured Carver Barnes, park director and judge, Mrs. Helen Mason, Eastlake recreation director and judge, Mrs. Mary Garcia holding wee Leon, 3 wks. old, Dorothy Garcia and Miss Libby Diaz, Berney Park leader holding Loretta Garcia. Together Again §Bon NG fillips g|: ■ SJF^PI Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee are teamed for the eighth time in Columbia Pictures’ “A Raisin in the Sun ” . They first appeared together in a play for the Ameri can Negro Theatre several years ago and, subsequently, in “Anna Lucasta” on the stage and “No Way Out,” “Edge of the City,” “Go, Man, Go” and “The Virgin Island” on the screen. Poitier and Miss Dee also headlined the New York Drama Critics Circle Award winning Broadway version of “A Raisin in the Sun,” along with Claudia McNeil who also appears with them in the emotion-packed screen version of the play. CONGO TRIBESMEN CHARGED WITH EAT ING TWO WHITE MEN LONDON, ENGLAND - A Brit ish newspaper. The People re " ported that two Baluba tribesmen killed and ate a South African officer and a British private who was on duty with the Ka tanga army. On the 4** Beam! nn CLEANING WORKS %0 SINCK 1924 BRANCH STORK - SOUTH PLAZA M OFF TO SCHOOL AGAIN WITH DELUXE CLEANING BY OD. . DRIVE-IN SERVICE PICK-UP & DEL.—NO EXTRA CHARQZ 1220 S.CENTRAL AL 3-6869 POOR VISION HARMS GRADES SOUTH BRIDGE, Mass. —lt’s ironic that in the world's wealthi est nation, almost nine million of the 33 million students have difficulty seeing. Youngsters or even teen agers may believe that the blurred letters and figures they see on the schoolroom black board look that way to everyone f It’s unfortunate that a child can not always tell a parent about his problem because he doesn’t know a problem exists. Leading pediatricians and child psychologists advise periodic eye examinations to discover seeing difficulties so these problems can be detected and treated early. AFRICANS WANT FREEDOM ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Ex iled Southwest African national ist leader Sam Nujoma said force will be used if the United Na tions does not take steps to end South Africa’s mandate over Southwest Africa. Nujoma is president of the Southwest African People’s Or ganization. He stopped here en route to Cairo. "We stand for complete na tional independence under an Af rican government not later than 1963." Nujoma declared. WINS CLUB PRIZE Robert Fitzgerald, 2515E.Co rona was the lucky ticket holder of the prize drawing held at the summer festival sponsored by the Valley Tent ’Club. He won a donkey quilt.