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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOV, 10, 1961, LOCAL MUSICIAN APPEARS WITH IT IS WRITTEN EVANGELISM TEAM m ’MI f wJ I Ml Miss Carol Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C, Hamilton, 1534 W, Buckeye Rd., serves as an organist with the evangelistic series sponsored by the It Is Written Evangelism team. She received a bachelors degree from Arizona State University, and she is studying there for a masters in music. LEONTYNE PRICE CANCELS CONCERTS NEW YORK - Soprano Le ontyne Price has canceled ap pearances in Los Angeles with the San Francisco Opera and in New York with the Metro politan Opera for the next two weeks because of a lingering virus infection. The Negro star’s agent an nounced that Miss Price’s physician ordered her to can cel engagements. * • * Uncle Sam tells the farmer what not to do, then pays him for not doin’ it. /V) i ft A l 2441 E. BROADWAY Jflawine s Beauty J look B _ _ MAUDINE SCOTT, OWNER " ■> LATEST HAIR STYLINGS—TINTS FACIALS and EFFICIENT SERVICE ft WEBBER’S / i, Eastlake Plan 1 id M’JB REQUIRE THAT SINCERITY AND AJEPn HONESTY GUIDE OUR SERVICE (Wwlf TO THE PUBLIC. JOHN H. WEBBER, MGR. ROSE E. WEBBER, ASST. SATURDAY, NOV. IS —Si 1:30 P.M. f > PHX. UNION HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM U The Season's Most Spectacular the Beautiful DOROTHY DANDRIDGE | ff in het Intimate Review Sr "Going Continental" * Most Exciting Attraction I JET Presented by PHX. C & C.C. Assn. Bt and AKA Sorority Prices 3.50 • 3.75 - 2.00 on sale ■' LINDE BOX OFFICE at Hannv's, fML Ist St. & Adams. AL 4-2979 WKtr W $ P.4 CHURCH GROUP EXITS CAPE TOWN, South Africa The Synod of Cape Province Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, a branch oL the Dutch Reformed Church, voted by an overwhelming majority to re sign from the World Council of Churches. The break was attributed mainly to the world council’s condemnation of the South Af rican government’s racial segregation as practiced by the church here. The church is the largest of the three Dutch Reformed branches in South Africa. It has 1,700,000 members. CARRIER OF THE WEEK In ... * iMik i f&iiPJB N 1 i '. : / Kenneth Kilgore, 14 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kilgore, 1914 E, Mobile Lane, is one of the new members of die ever growing Arizona Tribune carrier team. An eighth grader at Percy L. Julian School, Kenneth plays foot ball in his spare time. He uses earnings from his paper route for buying school supplies and lunches. Kenneth would like to be a jet plane pilot when he finishes college. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSEFUL Repossessed but real nice, 1961 ref rig. with 5 year warranty. Range, tree lamp, washer & dryr. Large 7 piece inlay dinette set. Carpet wih pad. Maple twin beds. Large deep freeze, dish washer. Desk, TV, radio, record player, sewing machine, two end tables, cocktail table, 8 piece honey walnut bdrm set. Large lamps, mirror, bookcase, wall pictures. 17 pieces for living room with bed divan. Cost $2385. Bal. due S6BB, slodown, $6.80 pr. week. SOUTH PHOENIX FURNITURE 4101 S. Central - BR 6-4101 SAMUEL WOOLRIDGE LICENSED-BONDED Electrical Contractor REMODELING—REPAIRING HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY AL 3-1347 1110 W. PIMA VFW Club 1633 E. JACKSON PAUL GRIFFIN, COMM. EDDIE BELLFIELOr MGR. HAGLER’S BARBER SHOP 8/6 pin Tuaa. - F»i. 8/7 pm Sot. 345 E. Jefferson St. A. J. SHOE SHOP 1404 W. Buckeye 'e jl 4' p.m. Saturday B. R. Spears Evangelist 1 j V- . jjr Sun., Nov. 12, The Short Bed With The Narrow Cover 7 p.m. itithe Ah EAST WASHINGTON at 14th STREET PHOENIX, ARIZONA TUESDAY-NOV. 14 "BAPTISM” SPRINKLING POURING "3 IMMERSION WHICH • FRIDA Y-NOV. 17 "THE 7 PILLARS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH” Everyone Welcome Free Admission SOUTHSIDE BAKERY BR 6-2302 5037 S. Central Ave. BOSTON CREAM PIE . 49 /tupr? GLAZED DONUTS DZ. .49 4- SPECIAI FRIDAY and SAT. Useful Books Thousands of Arizona farmers and ranchers write their own success stories in them every day. So do their wives, sons and daughters. One is a checkbook, the other a y - savincs book. Birth are from the \ alley Bank ... are easy to obtain at any nearby Valley Bank. stop in noxt ,imc rc in u>wn - .49 .49