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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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SIGHTS-con t t, During this past week known as Advertising Recognition Week, 1 gave a bit of thought to our buying habits. We call ourselves sane consumers, but we could hardly remain objective when analyzing our spending patterns. My allergies are the sentinels of many buying sprees. Regard, less of the wonders of certain cleaners, detergents or facial preparations, I am unable to use them because of Irritants. Once I succumbed to the sooth ing idea of sleeping on satiny smooth drip dry sheets. We bought four and the very first time we put a pair on our bed— I really woke up—with an itch. . I was a mass of weals. My poor husband was staggering sleepily while I changed to the plain percale ones. Armed with a consumer guide and an unflinching armor against advertising psychology—we have bought just as many things as we've wanted--but how can we tell if we truly wanted them— or we were just happy victims of that old devil—advertising. 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L \? nc p|.2 g 3 * 8 | ’ n -< 1 8 3 o jfliT 3 1 t 5; It “l.| 1 1 8 I 00® £ *®S q. =o’cr =5l s- l/t ? ! ll ! a ;■? §3.; 4§lsa | JC ;=s ,f S §* B°-o 8 °-o I— 5 « I "I 90 J 5; ‘“a-S o- 8.2.5;; v i | y S - I i.® sg-= 3 s xS’SoiS’ £ I 1 ' Z ?1 as. - - 0 A k® o n> _. O o o x S i B 1= s l il Si 1 I 1 0 I'S a-5 ills fa. f 3 - K 0 n • 3 a —^— 1 ™ LINES TO AD HATERS '‘Clothes come cleaner with Fab, Whisk or Duz Ed's Sunbeam whittles his beard to a fuzz, Our dishes sparkle thanks to Lux, Joy or Calgon My teeth glisten from deem, not Crest, So stop all the chatter, banter and buzr Those darn ads can't be all wrong Somethings they tout are better than the rest. You've tried most—now go out and buy the best. (Do it today) CATHOLICS GROW IN NEGRO RACE CHICAGO - The commission for Catholic missions among the colored people reported that there ' are now 664,230 Negro Catholics In the United States. It said Negroes represented 9 per cent of all adult converts to the Catholic Church during 1961. Despite Catholic gains In rec ent years, the overwhelming ma jority of American Negroes, well over 90 per cent, are Protes tants. TRAILER PARKS CHARGED WITH BIAS SAN DlEGO—Odessa Rhoades, a Negro, has filed suit In the San Diego County Superior Court against three mobile home park owners in the San Diego area, charging them with racial dis crimination and asking damages totaling $12,450, Trailer Times reported last month. The suit claims that Rhoades applied for space August 9 at Rose Arbor Mobile Lodge In Chula Vista and was refused be cause he is a Negro. The suit alleges he was refused for the same reason at the Bison Trailer Court in Chula Vista on July 31 and at the Deluxe Trailer in Pacific Beach on August 1, Each defendant Ts sued for $3,000 for "humiliation, discom fort and distress," SI,OOO for "fraud and malice" and $l5O for difficulties Rhoades said he had in finding another space. Action is being taken under the provisions of the State Civil Code which guarantees to all persons, "full and equal" ser vices from any business estab lishment. ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, MAR. 9,1962, WANTS EMANCIPATION CELEBRATION IN 1963 KANSAS CITY—The National Council of Churches called for an Interfaith meeting on inter racial justice In observance of the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was approved by the coun cil’s general board in session here. The anniversary will be Jan, 1, The board also asked member churches to observe the anniver sary as 'an occasion for deep penitence that our society and our churches observe toward the goals of human dignity and hu man rights.’ SIT IN BECAUSE MAN REFUSED HOUSE MONTEREY PARK, Calif. - Nine Negro end white men and women staged a sit-in demon stration In a model home at a housing tract which they s*ld refused to sell a house to a Negro physicist. Officials of the Los Angeles chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality, which organized the effort, said It was the first sit in in California. NEW ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stricklin, 3918 S. 25 Street Increased the population with a wee girl, born Mar. 4 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fields, 1845 E. Adams welcomed a little son Into their family on Mar. 3 at Maryvale Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, John Williams, 1134 W, Apache, are the proud parents of a baby girl born Mar. 3 at Maryvale Community Hos pital. NEGRO CHURCH JOINS WHITE BAPTIST ASSN. Greater St. John Baptist church at 4821 S. Michigan, with one of the largest congregations In Ill inois, was accepted by the Chi cago Baptist Assn, as a member. Rev. William A, Johnson an nounced the church would re main in the National Baptist Con vention, USA, Inc., even though the membership In the Chicago Baptist Assn, will automatically affiliate St. John with the Amer ican Baptist convention. P.3