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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORKER FETED BY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AT RECEPTION HELD LAST SATURDAY NIGHT BI \ i J - nl ■ 1/ if •'* ! v 1 jHB ' . ittH| mBP 1 a & ifmm, * m * i mKm j||| | f | ' Wgam' Showing western hospitality are members of the Jones-Bennett families who gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett, 5022 S. 21 Way, Saturday night. Seated—Misses Dene Bennett, Margierene Scott of New York and Linda Bennett. Back row includes Mrs. William Bennett, Mrs. J. S. Jones, J. S. Jones, Mrs. J, Bennett, Messrs. William Bennett Lee and Mrs. Jones and Mr T and Mrs. A, D, Hart. Second photo shows a group of Phoenix ladies who attended the reception honoring Miss Scott of New York. From left are Mesdames J. Ford Smith, L, E. Wilburn, D. W. Williams, Geraldine P. Solomon and Odessa Reed. Third photo—Mrs. Frank Huff of Scottsdale, Mrs. Bennett, Miss Scott, Mr. Bennett and Mrs. A. H. Shaw pause at the reception for a breather. (Photos—Bobby Heard) NEED CLOSET SPACE? Store Those Winter Clothes Moth Proofing, Insurance ejBAE And Storage -r— Your entire wardrobe sßj Plus Cleaning & Pressing ■ OD CLEANERS SINCE 1924 Plant: 1220 S. Central Brandi: South Plaza QUALITY SERVICE COURTESY SISTERS GRADUATE FROM ■ I — 1 o Vml S*)IITH moH The home of these two sisters has been buzzing for weeks with preparations for their graduations. Dene, left, 13 years old, graduated from Julian School’s eighth grade, Monday night. Linda, 17, receives her sheepskin Thursday night at South Moun tain High School. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett, 5022 So. 21 Way. Another thing shared between the sisters is the desire to become a doctor. Dene and Linda will host poolside parties for members of their respective graduating classes. On Saturday they will visit their grandparents in Nogales, Arizona. Next week they will leave with their mother for a vacation in New York. (Photo Bobby Heard) FAREWELLS AT GRADUATION - : ••• .Kil Ji -1 JBiBIF4 isfP 1 ■■ Sr” '' fir - - iRI ft am' ift ft BMWr jm iwl mmmm j H Saying farewell is a difficult task, but everyone knows life is just really starting when you reach high school. Shown above from left are Rosemary Contreras, Bth grade gradu ate; Mrs. E. Knox, retired B. T. Washington teacher; Dr. Morrison F. Warren, principal and Cecelia S. Saucedo, Bth grade graduate. • * * The first Webster's Diction ary was published in 1828. VFW Club 1633 E. JACKSON PAUL. GRIFFIN, COMM. EDDIE BELLFIELD,. MGR. SAMUEL WOOLRIDGE LICENSED—BONDED Electrical Contractor REMODELING—REPAIRING HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY AL 3-1347 1110 W,' PIMA FAST SERVICE 2 DRIVEIN WINDOWS ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1962, CALL-BR. 6-9083 Goldy's Beauty Salon OPERATORS 2821 E. Broadway ZELIA BROOKS CLARA COUNTS MRS. TINY BISHOP CHRISTINE STEPHENS OWNER AND OPERATOR furniture PHOENIXES LARGEST SELECTION OF BUDGET 6c MEDIUM QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS Lowest Prices - Reliable Service "growing with phoenix for over a decade" ‘SEE US AND SAVE” T & S Furniture Warehouse 2240 W. Buckeye Road CORNER SO. BLACK CANYON HIGHWAY AL 2-2977 AL 2-1261 OPEN DAILY 9—6 SUN. 11—5 MON.& THURS. 9—9 DUNHAM SEEKS DEMOCRAT POSITION Harry J. Dunham, 60 West Moreland, has announced his can didacy for the State Senate, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. Dunham, who is in die field of public relations, has lived in Arizona over 30 years. After graduating from Phoenix Union High School, he served overseas with the U. S. Army Eighth In fantry Division, where he re ceived among other decorations the Combat Infantry Badge, the Purple Heart, and Bronze Star Medal. He is a graduate of Ari zona State University, and at tended Phoenix College and the University of Arizona. His decision to seek this posi tion is based primarily upon his recognition of the need for the rank-and-file of the citizenry to be represented in die State Sen ate. He believes it should not be a stumbling-block preventing the passage of progressive and needed legislation. The main problem in Arizona Maricopa County in particular, Dunham says, is its fantastically rapid growth rate. Dunham pledg es himself to expend every ef fort to assure aid and assistance t o orderly and progressive growth of the State and its in stitutions. PEACE CORPS TESTS ON JUNE 9 Peace Corps placement tests will be given at 8:30 a.m. June 9, in die downtown Federal Build ing. Those taking the tests will be considered for projects in Af rica, Asia and Latin America, in the fields of teaching, nurs ing, engineering, plumbing, car pentry, agriculture, medicine, home economics, architecture, city planning, geology and phy sical education. Applicants must be 18 and American citizens. Tests also will be given the same day in Flagstaff, Thcson, Yuma, Globe, Kingman and Safford. KING WARNS NEGROES ARE ARMING BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., told an audience of the American Bap tist Convention there are more arms being obtained by Negroes in Birmingham than any place in the nation. He said Birmingham faced die biggest race relations crisis of any in the United States. His church, the Ebenezer Bap tist Church of Atlanta was rec ently admitted to die nearly all white American Baptist Conven tion. P.5