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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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FEDERAL JUDGE DISMISSES SUIT FILED AGAINST NAACP FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.-- Circuit Court Judge Theodore Cabot dismissed a suit filed by the city against the NAACP branch and its officers for its efforts to integrate a segregated public beach. He rejected the city’s conten tion that the association used the beach to create a public disturb ance thus endangering “the right of all to peaceful and equal use jUUERON BALUIOOI FRIDAY, JULY 27th 9 p.M. to 1 a.m. KE t UNA TURNER % “™ .* Hear these favorites-- ' ‘Letter from Tina” “The Way You Love Me” “Fool In Love” “I Idolize You” if r ‘ V ' cJJ*® the^ e - e JJ s “Gong Gong So % *« I’m Blue e Co /S£: . and their KINGS OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA You are invited to the ★ MEMORIAL GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY * HOSPITAL 430 W. Southern music by bob site & k i P|IN A I " HIS WESTERN PLAYBOYS f ll | 111 A\ I Sun., July 29, 7:30 p.m. --freewatermelons ; f m ■: ¥ W • -—■ / fadS3*!/|sj*' ' : Sl^iil^?' : J&itS^* *V «r , ’- *" *ih<M " ' J * \f * »«oUj£!b?.-^\' gOF «&,. **Ps*!P* wf memorial hospital has served MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER WILL PROVIDE .... SOUTH PHOENIX FOR 18 YEARS . . . MODERN OFFICE SPACE FOR 20 DOCTORS PLUS EXPANSION ROOM J » « [ FOR 20 MORE ]< + A STAFF OF 600 ATTENDING PHYSICIANS *[ . AN ULTRA— MOD£RN OBSTETRICAL SUITE, INCLUDING LABOR AND . I ' + the LARGEST EMERGENCY SUITE IN ! DELIVERY ROOMS CONVERTIBLE AS AN UNDERGROUND ( i PHOENIX. . .OPEN 24 HOURS Jj BOMB SHELTER • +lO HOUSE DOCTORS. .MEDICAL INTERNS 'l _ COMPLETE X—RAY SERVICE, LABORATORY SERVICE AND OPTICAL ]• ON DUTY ROUND THE CLOCK ]l DISPENSING OFFICE > + A PANEL OF 100 SPECIALISTS TO HANDLE ’• ...FAMILY DOCTORS, PEDIATRICIANS, INTERNISTS, OBSTETRICIANS, ANY EMERGENCY ![ OPTHALMOLOGI STS , PATHOLOS ITS AND RADIOLOGISTS i l_ nj^u^u'u'uxAAAJ , tiV , V*»l*W‘V‘V‘«*« , * , i^i , * , i^i A AA -** A^^*******4 ***** *** MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER ARE OWNED BY A TRULY COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT CORPORATION WHICH HAS BEEN OPERATING FOR 20 YEARS. IT IS COMPOSED OF WELL-KNOWN AND LONG-TIME RESIDENTS OF THIS STATE. 4T of the public beach.” Simultaneously the magistrate issued an injunction against two white men, members of the Flor ida States Rights, Inc., a seg regationist group, restraining f their use of the beach. NAACP officials named in the suit were Mrs. Eula Johnson, Dr. Von Mizell, Callas Brown and Robert W. Saunders, NAACP. field secretary. USAF COLONEL IS HONORED AT LAWN PARTY HOSTED BY ATTY. AND MRS. DANIELS , ' <», Mss>. I 3 \ a |TM ? ** # 4 *«<» ■■*' V T W* f : ys^'i^^H®|illl§^ J JMM UNPUBLISHED WORKS OF FATS WALLER FOUND IN BASEMENTS Thomas (Fats) Waller, famous Negro pianist-organist died in 1943 practically penniless. He made music for millions from 1928 until his death. The 285 pound musician was noted for sel’ing a song for a few dollars. Two New York music publish ing firms recently discovered 69 unpublished Wal'er tunes in their dust-gathering files. John Hammond, staff producer of Columbia Records hopes to issue the recordings of these new tunes next spring. He said al though none of the songs equal Fats’ “Honeysuckleßose,”there are four excellent blues numbers. ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1962, Phoenicians attending the party honoring Col. Vance Marchbanks, Jr., USAF, were entertained as well as informed. They viewed color slides taken while he was attached with the NASA Project Mercury operation in Kano, Nigeria. First photo-left. A group of local doctors and one visitor ex tend greetings to the honored. From left are John Fitt, DDS: Clarence R. Laing, M. D.: Col. Marchbanks, Jr.; Charles W. Thomas, Ph. D. of Cleveland; and Oscar A. Hardin, MJD. Second photo-top right-This trio of ladies welcomed Col. March banks, Jr., to the city. Seated from left are Mesdames Ernest Bartlett, J. Ford Smith and Irma Bowen. Bottom photo-left-More members of the distaff side attending the party hosted by Atty. and Mrs. Hayzel B. Daniels honoring Col. Marchbanks, Jr., included Mesdames John A. Davis, of Roch elle, New York; David N. Wormley, McFraddie Martin. Standing-Mesdames Lowell C. Wormley, Bea Grevenberg, and Thomas Tang. Second photo-right-These ladies have reasons to smile, they are preparing to sample some of the delicious morsels. From left are Mesdames Daisy Lipscomb, Tucson, Fred Williams, William Bennett and Miss Shirley Monteilh. Photo-Bobby Heard P.7