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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
CHICAGO NAACP BACKS DOCTORS The Chicago Branch, NAACP announced its endorsement of the suit filed by 9 physicians in Federal District Court charging 56 Chicago area hospitals and 5 paramedical institutions for denying Negro physicians staff appointments and thereby re stricting Negro patients access to these facilities. Elect g|i Betsy Carson FREDERICKSON DEMOCRAT Superior Court Judge DIVISION 13 Hi § jw§H Now you can pay your electric bills in equal monthly instalments! ill It’s next to impossible for homemakers to budget exactly for every ' ; OSjr basic living expense. To help you take some of the guesswork out of V, : = llllpflln gM/yyt : jBll If: budgeting, the Salt River Project has developed a new, convenient ; I* wMAfI/ I: |||l J bill-payiiig service called The Electric Living Payment Plan. The Plan v M lets you pay the same amount each month every month •• ’ 'W without seasonal variations. You know in advance exactly how much your bill will be. s mmtmm # w^°can use ■* ||| IOTP The Electric Living Payment Plan is designed for the convenience |H of Salt River Project residential customers who have either electric . | refrigeration or electric heating, or both. This new, convenient payment |!|11 plan is entirely optional to use or not as you prefer. IllllVinV p* • How it works ( Based on the amount of electricity you used last year, your cost for |||! the next twelve months will be divided into equal monthly instalments. | If you have not lived in your present home for a full year, your annual V costs will be estimated and your monthly payments will be based on ill this estimate. If you use more or less electricity than estimated, ||; our budget P a y ments w ® be adjusted, up or down. Deadline: Ocfober 1 \ j If you would like to take advantage of the Electric Living Payment Plan, ill 00 i \ Vy/ please let us know before October 1. For further information, telephone s' ' SjC ' jfi/ 273-5241, or visit our office nearest you. XTI / m Sait River Project ! C f 5 p. a Box • ■§?s££. Phoenix 1, Arizona ■ ■ Please send me more information about the ■ 1 m Electric living Payment Plan. • jj.; | 5 ) * (Ffoow Print) «R YOU LIVE BETTER - ELECTRICALLY g —— ~|g" • ' >,'.' ; J§s IN THE AREA SERVED BY THE J Address... ” ' ' ~~~ ■ SALT RIVER PROJECT 5 ci,y ■ : ~ —«• ■ 21 NEGRO PUPILS ENROLL IN FLORIDA PENSACOLA, Florida - Nine Escambia County schools allowed 21 Negro pupils to enroll for the first time. Only one minor in cident occurred. A bomb threat at Pensacola High School, where four Negro students were admitted was evac uated. The call was a hoaz and classes were resumed quickly. PEACE CORPS NEEDS ATHLETES WASHINGTON, D. C. - The Peace Corps is urgently looking for men and women who have participated in college sports, for projects in newly independent Af rican nations. Sports listed are boxing, judo, wrestling, swimming, basketball and track. The athletes need not be college graduates. The pro jects will be conducted in Mo rocco, Senegal and the Ivory Coast. The African governments have invited Americans to coach and assist in the training of regional and national teams. Training of the Peace Corps workers selected will begin in a U, S, university about mid- October. Therefore a person should submit applications im mediately to Peace Corps, Wash ington 25, D.C. ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, AUG. 31, 1962, A BROTHER AND MANY OF HERMAN'S FRIENDS ENJOY PARTY V *■* fif v W * Friends and neighbors joined in the birthday festivities honoring Herman Mathews, Jr„ held at his parents home, 1702 W, Mohave Street. Shown above are a few of the 30 youngsters who attended. Photo-Bobby Heard P.3