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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, SEPT. U, 1962, ELKS CORNER M'm iif |m I I i: Dr. David Solomon's mother, : Mrs. Elizabeth Mudge, is in Memorial Hospital, Wing K, North, Room 9. No visitors, , please. She underwent surgery Monday, Sept. 10. Next regular Temple meeting, Sept. 21. Next regular Lodge meeting Sept. 25. Bro. Homer (Tige) Kennedy is recuperating at home, 104 No. 12 Street. Dates to remember Nov. 9--Ways and Means Com mittee buffet dinner dance. Dec. 28—Purple and white an niversary ball. Your reporter, Charlesette McClammy BIKE CLUB TO BE FORMED Got a yen to ride a bike? Join the Phoenix Bicycle Tours spon sored by the city parks and rec reation department. Pedal your way through the grand outdoors and exercise at the same time. Trips are planned throughout the coming winter months. The group will be affiliated later with • the International Organization of American Youth Hostels, Inc. The program is planned for adults, too. Interested persons are invited to attend the organ izational meeting Thurs., Sept. 20, 8 pm at the parks department office, 2700 North 15 Ave. Call Pat Jackson, recreation supervisor, AL 8-7313, Ext. 511, for further information. DAVIS LEAVES 3 MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON, D.C. Ernie \ Davis, Cleveland Browns’ half- | back, was discharged from the National Institute of Health after undergoing treatments for a blood ailment. Hospital officials said he is responding well and doesn’t need the intensive care now. Davis, a 215 pound star, a 1961 All-America player and winner of the Heisman Trophy withdrew from the College All Star game in August because of his ailment. I He was the first choice of the 1 Washington Redskins who imme- ,| diately traded him to the Cleve- I land team. WORLD'S POPULATION | GROWS PAST 3 BILLIONJ UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - I World population has passed the ] 3,000,000,000 mark and is rush- I lng ahead at an annual rate of j increase of 1.8 per cent. Two new United Nations stud- I ies found that the highest growth j rate was reported in the regions of Central America and South- : | west Asia. The lowest rate was reported in Northern and Western J Europe. j United Nations statisticians I also discovered that in all parts I of the world married men and I women lived longer than unmar- j ried people. JACKSON HEADS BAPTIST AGAIN Dr. Joseph H. Jackson, pastor I of Olivet Baptist Church, was I unanimously re-elected to a 10th I term as president of the National I Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., I held last Thursday afternoon, -I following delivery of the presi- J dent’s annual address in the Chi- I cago Coliseum. P.12 [1235 S. CENTRAL'W Store Hours 10 A.M. to 8 PJR. Jpßtj STEWING HENS I APPLES [ Tender - Plump Crisp, Juicy Jonathans IE .. | TOMATO SOUP CRACKERS It Campbell’s 10 1/2oz. can Oven Fresh Saltines 1 lb. box I QUAKER OATS SHORTENING II Vegetal 3 lb. can I MAYONNAISE FACIAL TISSUE C.H.B. Brand -24 oz. jar Powder Room 400 Count I g s 8188 BB ■; | V 1 | I Wk || JMk I I EBIIB j B B I