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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Phoenix, Ariz* Artznttwiferbim^ TII M, 111 mi Mm I - 1t FIFTH YEAR, NO. 16 FRIDAY, NOV. 2. 1962 ARIZONA WEDDING CHAPEL SCENE OF LEE-STRICKLAND CEREMONY i ayajp Hr gyß -- ' ' : Iff®® Posing following the marriage ceremony performed at the Arizona Wedding Chapel on Oct* 27 are members of the wedding party. United in matrimony were the former Miss Joyce Lee and Robert Strickland. From left are Messrs. Nathaniel Lee, M. L. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Strickland, Misses Sharon Brooks, Dorothy Echoles, Gail Trotter and Johnetta Lee. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john Lee, 1811 W.Son ora. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Strickland, 1140 E. Yavapai. EPPINGER-HALL NUPTIALS PERFORMED HERE SATURDAY ?i|pp|§ , 1r ]|3ML YflL ■gW H 1 j / ■K i / M • jPEst Cupid's bow struck a true mark again in the Valley as marriage bells rang for another couple. Shown above are members of the Eppinger-Hall wedding party after the ceremony last Saturday. From left are Miss Loretta Eppinger, bridesmaid, Mrs. and Mr. Donald Hall, Mr. Gaylan Logan,.best man. The bride is the former Miss Margaret Eppinger, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eppinger, 1241 S. 12 Ave. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall, 946 W. Grant. Superior Court Judge Henry S. Stevens issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the City of Phoenix from imposing the two cent per gallon gasoline tax. This halts the tax until its le gality can be tested in the courts. Pictorial Weekly CITY GAS TAX HALTED UNTIL COURT TEST Action was requested by sta tion operators Sidney Popkin and Albert Kluendre; Blakely Oil Co., and Phoenix Fuel Co. Mayor Sam Mardian said he felt the tax would be found legal because it had been carefully re searched before the city council passed the ordinance. PHOENIX 40, ARIZONA BR . 6—2301 TEN CENTS TROUBLE AGAIN AT OLE MISS OXFORD, Miss. Trouble flared at the University of Mis sissippi as students shouted, “Yankees, go home.** Bottles, eggs and firecrackers were thrown several days during the last week. One of the federal guards rid ing in a car with James Mere dith was struck by flying glass and injured. LOUISE BEAVERS DIES IN NEW YORK Louise Beavers, famed Negro actress who starred in many films and radio and television programs, died last Friday in the hospital at New York. She had been suffering from diabetes. Miss Beavers' film career started in 1934 when she played a supporting role in "Imitation of Life." She is remembered as the lov able Beulah in the television series. A native of Cincinatti, Ohio, she and her family moved west in the early twenties. She started acting in high school. Her latest films were com pleted in 1960. People Not Parties When this nation was first formed by a small group of devoted men no political par ties were in control . The first attempt to draw men into certain groups according to political philosophy started after George Washington was in office for his first term . Probably these first two groups known as the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists were the best two named parties of our en tire political history , We must remember that parties do not operate our governments , either local or federal . Governments are instituted by men . Today there is too much at stake for us to be prejudiced by party politics . The merit of a candidate is the primary reason for voting for or against him . The following questions should be kept in mind before de ciding the person who will get your vote: 1. Is the person capable of fulfilling the position ? 2 . Has this man shoim any leadership \ qualities ? 3 . Is this person sincere and willing to serve ? 4 . Would he represent the district or area impartially and ably ? 5. Would this person be an asset or a liability in our government? PHOENIX COUPLE CELEBRATES 25TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mr.. Willie Berg*. MB Seulh Tenth Avenue, eelebrated their silver wedding anniversary. Sat., 0ct.27. They were feted by relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Barge were married twenty five years ago in Rich land, Texas. ACTORS REPORT ON HIRING BIAS NEW YORK—Sidney Poitier and Ossie Davis, well known actors told a congressional hear ing they were the only two Ne groes who were able to secure steady employment on Broadway and in U. S. films. Poitier, star of " Raisin in the Sun" and "The Defiant One," said he was quite unhappy to be the only member of his race to be hired steadily in an industry which hires 13,000 performers. Ossie Davis, the playwright and star of "Purlie Victorious," a recent Broadway hit agreed with Poitier. Both charged there is a bias against Negroes and Puerto Ricans in radio, stage, movies and television. "The motor car has become an indispensable Instrument in our political, social and indus trial life. There is begun a new era... " --Warren G. Harding KILLER TRIES TO GET PAID One of the four men convicted of hiring his services to kill re tired Sam Resnick is trying to collect payment, according to his lawyer. A tty. J. Frank Gibson said he is attempting to claim Res nick's jewelry for R.E Jackson. Jackson and four others testi fied that Re snick hired them to kill him in exchange for expen sive jewelry. Gibson sent a letter to Atty. Abbott Goldenkoff, who is pro bating the slain jeweler's will, notifying him of the claim. Several diamond rings valued at between $3,500 to $5,000 were allegedly offered. STUDENT HIT IN EYE AT SCHOOL Cornelius Wesley, 8 yr. old son of Mrs. Theodore Wesley, 5021 S. 20 St., is in Memorial Hospital. He was struck in die left eye with a rock while play ing at school. He is a third grade pupil at the Sheraton Park School, 4615 S. 22 St.