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DOUBLE STORK-WATCHING SHOWER HELD ON WESTSIOE ' jm Jk JH j| BiMEBraS . ' v '* ' 1 ' - 'ML $ faffr ' - aiPSr H| ''' Jll! A double baby shower was held Sunday, Oct. 28 honoring two friends. From left are Mesdames Johnnie Biggers, Omega Chappell, Sam Simon, honoree, Mrs. Melvin Gray, honoree and Charles Williams. Both Mmes. Gray and Simon are stork-watching. They received many beautiful and useful gifts. Guests at the double stork-waiting party included Mesdames James Counts, Margaret Shannon, Charles Spicer, George Whit field, Eddie Mae Harris and Ernest Delco. INDIA GETS 17 M ILLIGNS IN AID WASHINGTON - The Agency for International Development an nounced a loan of $17.9 million to finance expansion of power gen erating facilities in the Bombay, India, area. KEEP SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 8 BUY NOW _ 3-BEDROOM ON || T~ MgrjL BURGESS LANE SOUTH OF SOUTHERN AVE. A Total Price $7,950 I HAP I CLYDE WEBB Only $195 dn. No qualifying...just a few left + Cement Block +Built—in Range & oven ASK FOR WEBB Broker I Webb, Williams & Berry 2017 East Broadway BR 6-5568 Call Evenings BR 6-3847 Mary Elizabeth Mothershed, 19, of Shrevepiort, La., is the first Negro ever elected home coming queen at the University of Colorado. The sociology ma jor defeated 5 white contestants. EBONY FASHION FAIR COMING SOON The Alpha Gamma Rho chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority presents the fifth annual Ebony Fashion Fair at North High audi torium, 1101 East Thomas Road, Nov. 29, 8 p.m. This benefit per formance of high fashions featur ing beautiful models promises' to be the highlight of this season. Everyone is urged to attend and support the Alpha Gamma Rho chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority in this worthy cause. Tickets are available from any •oror or call Mrs. Elois HUI AL 3-9989, or Mrs. Mary Brad ford BR 6-0165. PA. LAWYER NAMED TO TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON - Atty A. Leon Higginbothan, Jr., of Philadelphia, was sworn in as a member of the Federal Trade Commission, the first of his race to be ap pointed by any President to a Ui. regulatory agency. .The FTC chairman, Paul Rand Dixon, held the blble as the oath of office was read to the six-foot, 34-year-old appointee by Asso ciate Justice Byron R. White. He said he considers the Fed eral Trade Commission the watch dog of this country’s free enter prise system and that he would do his utmost in carrying out its mission. UOTt FOR THE MAN OF THE PEOPLE i> Dr. Donald R. VAN PETTEN FOR— SUPERVISOR DISTRICT m T REMEMBER. ..DR. VAN PETTEN WILL. REPRESENT ALL OF THE PEOPLE, , NOT JUST A FAVOR-ED FEW. VOTE for VAN PETTEN - SUPERVISOR REPUBLICAN • ARIZONA TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOV. 2,1962, YOUNG SINGERS WIN TALENT SHOW AT BETHUNE SCHOOL WjM l (H If ■ I s ByPBBBI r Talent show winners were this quartet who stirred the audience of adults and youngsters at the Bethune School carnival last Friday night. From left are Jimmy Dunn, Don McFarland, Michael Me Gulte, Percy Moore. GOV. ROCKEFELLER AID ALBANY DRIVE ATLANTA, Georgia -- Gov. Nelson Rockefeller reportedly has donated $5,000 to the South ern Christian Leadership Con ference (SCLC). Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, one of the movement’s leaders aid he had received the personal contribution from the governor to help continue the drive in Albany. CHURCH NEWS SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH,9OI West Buckeye-The public is invited to a barbecue dinner from 10 am to 9 pm, Friday, Nov. 9, in the annex. Sun Valley Singing Union will hold its annual musical at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Sun., Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. Mr. Matthew Brown, pres. Mrs. Mary Hall, reporter P.9